User:Lectrician1/TIGER tags

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An idea page for the future of TIGER tags.

Category Key Keep Delete Mix
Names tiger:name_direction_prefix, tiger:name_base, tiger:name_type, tiger:name_direction_suffix Name components should be preserved to enable the OSM to be used as a geocoding dataset. The name=* has already been converted into it's full form referencing all of the components. There are insignificant geocoding uses for the keeping these 4 tags.
Addresses from_address_right, to_address_right, from_address_left, to_address_right, tiger:zip_left, tiger:zip_right These should be preserved to enable the OSM to be used as a geocoding dataset. Barely any ways use the *_address_* keys. They are extremely insignificant.


Delete the zip code tags and map the the actual zip code boundaries using boundary=postal_code.

These tags could be added to a Relation:street or currently Relation:associatedStreet.
  • The address tags could be kept in the Relation until the buildings are given actual addresses, or kept after too just for reference.
  • tiger:zip_left=* (shown) and tiger:zip_right=* are used often:

  • The zip code tags could be deleted and kept as one postal_code=* tag in the Relation if they are the same.
  • If a Street Relation has Street Ways with more than two zip_codes, then two or more different Street Relations under one Super Street Relation could be created (complicated).
TIGER-specific tiger:tlid, tiger:tzid, tiger:cfcc, tiger:upload_uuid, tiger:source, tiger:separated The Tiger Line ID (tlid) as well as the TIGER start and end zero-cell fields, and maybe the raw CFCC should be preserved, just for the hell of it. They can also be used to reference back to more current, up-to-date TIGER datasets.
  • In all regards, OSM will be more specific when it comes to road categorization than TIGER ever will be.
  • Street plans published by counties/cities and street/aerial level imagery will always be superior and more up-to-date.
  • All of the CFCC codes have already been converted into their respective equivalents, so why keep them?
  • TIGER data will likely never have to be referenced again.
  • Up-to-date sources should be tagged for reviewed roads rather than TIGER.
tiger:reviewed=* TIGER elements have a lot of inaccuracies, as noted in this article. Because so much significant data relies on this dataset, it makes sense to have a method of reviewing every element.
  • This tag is being removed at an extremely slow pace.
  • Those who even touch roads and their properties are likely to have local knowledge about them and revise their classification if needed.
  • Most major roads that most people use and therefore are the most significant in the U.S. have already been "reviewed", even if this tag still remains. Removing this from most roads in the dataset, which are rural, would have little impact on the quality of the overall OSM database.
  • Most new mappers don't even know what this tag means and sometimes just change the value to yes.
  • Most roads are already aligned by now and if they are not, they will be fixed noticeably when seeing a difference in aerial imagery, irregardless if a TIGER tag is present or not.
All tiger:reviewed=yes tags should be removed with a bot. tiger:reviewed=no tags should remain.