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C’est l’doudou c’est l’mama
C’est l’poupée, poupée, poupée
C’est l’doudou, c’est l’mama
C’est l’poupée St Georg’ qui va

What is “Doudou“, you ask ? Well, learn about it on Wikipedia: Ducasse de Mons

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    OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
    Osm belgium logo OSMDoudou is part of the
    OpenStreetMap Belgium community.
    Mastodon user OSMDoudou toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon Logotype (Simple)
    Closed note marker.png OSMDoudou actively collaborates by resolving notes.
    JOSM OSMDoudou submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
    Maproulette logo.jpg OSMDoudou enjoys solving MapRoulette challenges.
    Wikidata logo OSMDoudou links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
    Go Map!! OSMDoudou submits data to OpenStreetMap using Go Map!!.
    Pole multi attachement.png OSMDoudou is interested in micromapping.