User:SherbetS/TIGER tags

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An idea page for the future of TIGER tags. A revised version of Lectrician1's page.

Category Key Keep Delete
Names tiger:name_direction_prefix=*, tiger:name_base=*, tiger:name_type=*, tiger:name_direction_suffix=* The name=* has already been converted into it's full form referencing all of the components. There are insignificant geocoding uses for the keeping these 4 tags.
Addresses tiger:zip_left=*, tiger:zip_right=* If the values are complex enough, it may be more worth your time to leave the tags until you can untangle them effectively, splitting the way, semicolons, etc. Use the documented key: postal_code=* as a replacement for both tiger:zip_left=* and tiger:zip_right=*

Delete the zip code tags and map the the actual zip code boundaries using boundary=postal_code

TIGER-specific tiger:tlid, tiger:tzid, tiger:cfcc, tiger:upload_uuid, tiger:source, tiger:separated
  • All of the CFCC codes have already been converted into their respective equivalents, so why keep them?
  • These tags have little to no use for any OSM consumer, and should be removed to keep your roads clean.
tiger:reviewed=* You can keep the tag if you have no interest in cleaning the tags on your roads, or if you don't want to waste time clearing tags.
  • This tag is being removed at an extremely slow pace.
  • Those who even touch roads and their properties are likely to have local knowledge about them and revise their classification if needed.
  • Most major roads that most people use and therefore are the most significant in the U.S. have already been "reviewed", even if this tag still remains. Removing this from most roads in the dataset, which are rural, would have little impact on the quality of the overall OSM database.
  • Most new mappers don't even know what this tag means and sometimes just change the value to yes.
  • It is always the mapper's decision to remove this tag or not, but you can always remove the tag to track your own progress with your work.