Template:Zh-hant:Map Features:waterway

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河道 (waterway)


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waterway river way 河流。對於許多窄的河是以顯示為線。對於大型的河,請改用waterway=riverbank
Finlay River emptying into the north end of Williston Lake.jpg
waterway stream way 溪流野溪。自然形成的水道,但太細而沒辦法分類為河。如果沿岸樹木不太多的話,一個行動自如的人可以跳著跨越過去。
waterway tidal_channel way A natural tidal waterway within the coastal marine environment with bi-directional flow of salty water which depends on the tides.
Tidal creek - geograph.org.uk - 952646.jpg
waterway flowline way Slow-moving flow through a water body.
Lake St Clair – USA and Canada.jpg


waterway canal way 運河。一人造且開放的水道,用於運輸、水利發電、或灌溉。
Grand Union Canal Walk by the canal - geograph.org.uk - 3135952.jpg
waterway pressurised way A waterway where water is flowing in a fully enclosed conduit and subject to pressure; this includes gravity-driven penstocks and siphons and pump-driven pipelines, for example.
Pipeline penstocks.jpg
waterway drain way 排水溝。一人造之水道用於導引雨水或工業排廢水。
Iron Cove Ck looking downstream from John St, Croydon.jpg
waterway ditch way 溝渠、水圳。一小型水溝到中型圳道用來導引水。
Forest ditch.JPG
waterway fairway way A navigable route in a lake or sea marked by buoys. The navigable area marked by the buoys can be mapped with seamark:type=fairway.
1109 Fairway Szczecin-Swinoujscie.jpg
waterway fish_pass way A  fish pass, also known as a fish ladder, a fishway or fish steps, is a structure on or around artificial barriers (such as dams and locks) to facilitate diadromous fishes natural migration.
Fischtreppe Isar bei Pullach.jpg
waterway canoe_pass way A canoe pass is a structure on or around artificial barriers (such as dams and locks) to enable whitewater praticants to go through those barriers


waterway dock node area 船塢。一個圍起來的水域用來造船或修船。
Base layer water.png
F-124 im Dock.jpg
waterway boatyard nodearea 造船場。造船、修船和停放船隻且離水的地方。
Boatyards, Rhyll.jpg


waterway dam way area 水壩。一牆面構造物跨越河流或溪流,通常不會有流過壩堤的頂端。
Dam node.svg
Amagase Dam.jpg
waterway weir node way A barrier built across a river to control speed and depth. Water can still flow over the top.
Weir node.svg
Alifakovac Miljacka.jpg
waterway waterfall node 瀑布,請同時標註 natural=cliff
Waterfall near Keldur.JPG
waterway rapids node way area relation A natural barrier, formed by a fast-flowing, often turbulent, section of the watercourse.
Karvionkoski rapids.jpg
waterway lock_gate node way 船閘門。在一般情況,用 lock=yes,但對於較大的船閘,這可能比較合適這個標籤來表達門的概念。
Lock gate node.svg
waterway sluice_gate node way area A sluice gate is a movable gate to control water flow.
Ss sluice2.jpg
waterway floodgate node way area Floodgate regulates the flow of water from a body of water by shutting out, admitting, or releasing water from a reservoir, river, stream, canal.
Floodgate Tokyo.jpg
waterway debris_screen node way Debris screen (or trash rack (US) prevents water-borne debris (such as logs, boats, etc.) from entering the intake of a water mill, pumping station or water conveyance.
waterway security_lock node way Flood barrier
Eidersperrwerk ty20060715r0012451.jpg
waterway check_dam node way Flood and debris barrier
Yatategi sabo dam.jpg


waterway turning_point node 迴頭灣。一個可以讓船調頭的地方,且該地船的長度應大於河流或運河的寬度。用maxlength=* 來標示船隻的可行的最大寬度。
waterway water_point node 河道或港口的吃水線。
Water point - Fradley Junction.JPG
waterway fuel node area 船隻加油站
Boat fuel station.jpg


intermittent yes way 水流是否在季節上會消失的可能。
Rendering-waterway river intermittent.png
seasonal yes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, wet_season, dry_season way Indicates that a waterway has a seasonal (yearly cyclic) flow.
Four seasons.jpg
destination name way Name of the body of water the linear feature flows into.
lock yes way (node) 船閘。可用於提供船隻來往二個不同等級的水道,可以用線(way)所詳細表達,也可以只用點(node)來簡單的描述。
mooring yes, private, no way 船停泊處。河岸較長之處可供船隻停靠下錨,以 maxstay=*描述可停靠時間。
Lamanage La Rochelle.jpg
usage See the key for details way Possible uses of the waterway. Use semicolons to separate.
tunnel culvert way (node) 涵洞。溪流流過道路底下時,用涵洞 tunnel=culvert在溪流與公路交叉處。(別用這項標籤開頂的涵洞或道所使用的涵洞,這樣的涵道比較像橋樑(bridge=culvert))
Grate on the culvert - geograph.org.uk - 1634830.jpg
tunnel flooded way A long (> 100 m) tunnel where flowing water or other fluid prevent humans from safely walking inside despite its appropriate diameter or size. Water inside can be pressurised or not, used in combination with any waterway=* linear value. waterway=*.
Waterway free flow tunnel.png
bridge aqueduct way A bridge which conveys an artificial waterway over a road, valley, or another waterway.
Pont du gard.jpg
waterway user defined node way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.
