2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami
2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami (Main Page) | Mapping coordination and data sources | Imageries |
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The 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami was a disaster which took place in 2011. See wikipedia:2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami for details. OpenStreetMap has good map data in this region, and the Humanitarian OSM Team worked to further improve the coverage, and update our maps with some post-disaster information. An OpenStreetMap-based disaster information sharing site sinsai.info was set up.
Disaster Overview
The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (東北地方太平洋沖地震 Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin) was an earthquake that stuck the coast of Pacific Ocean Sanriku at about 14:46 March 11, 2011.
- This page in Japanese ( 日本語 ): JA:2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami
- Wikipedia 2011 Tohoku Earthquake summary in Japanese: 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震
- Wikipedia 2011 Tohoku earthquake summary in English: 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
OpenStreetMap Resources for use by activities on the ground
Browse the OSM map of Northern Japan
- road damage status, obstacles - following tags are visualized:(impassable=yes, barrier=*, tsunami:damage)。
- POI Map for disasters - POIs shown as icons based on High priority emergency POIs
- Geofabrik downloads - daily updated extracts in .osm format, shapefile. Garmin coming soon.
- CloudMade downloads - weekly updated extracts in .osm format, various shapefile formats, and Garmin img files.
- Garmin IMG files with contours for Sendai (64Mb) and Honshu by Ralph Kleineisel
- Other Garmin img downloads are listed at OSM Map On Garmin/Download#Asia
- High Resolution PDF/PNG of latest OSM at http://eqjp.dbsgeo.com/prints/
- Map overlay (WMS, can be used with OpenLayers) showing the road status (passable/impassable).
- POI-Maps by Lübeck updated daily hopefully - wms-layer barrier and road-status added
- Short-URL: http://osm.tappenbeck.net/hot_japan and japanese localized version
- danger zone around the nuclare-factory Fukushima [1]
Realtime situational mapping
- sinsai.info Ushahidi Site - Current status/hazards/needs on a map. Various reporting channels including text messages (using OpenStreetMap!)
- ESRI's latest news map - Similar idea. Geoloacted YouTube movies, tweets, and photos on esri's platform.
Within Japan
The OSM Japan community is also coordinating through the OpenStreetMap Japan - Crisis Mapping Project.
Outside Japan
For help using OpenStreetMap, or other requests/information:
- Check the wikipage of HOT (the Humanitarian OSM Team), or send a email to the official HOT contact address: hotosm [AT] gmail.com
- HOT mailing list - for public discussion
- IRC chatrooms include a #osm-ja channel (logged) and a #hot channel (though the general #osm channel is always busier)
- See Contact for other OpenStreetMap channels
Ways to help mapping
Note:This is a brief overview. See mapping coordination and data sources for details.
Help mapping from afar
There are several ways you can help from a remote place. If there is anything you can do, please help. However, please note that OpenStreetMap is operated under an open data license, so you cannot incorporate data from incompatible licensing.
Tracing imagery
Satellite imagery are used as source data from which roads and buildings are traced (digitized, by clicking on the image) and incorporated into the digital map.
Importing data
Public data, and data provided for OpenStreetMap are imported into the OpenStreetMap database. This will import data for a vast area in a large batch, so this requires coordination among mappers and communication to discuss tagging.
Copying coordinate data
If there are data that comes with coordinate information, that can be written to OpenStreetMap. Make sure that the license scheme of the data source is compatible. Data sources confirmed to be compatible are follows:
- emergency shelter map by Miyagi Prefecture local government(Japanese). Incorporation work is coordinated with this spreadsheet(Japanese). See here for tagging information.
Mapping on the ground
To avoid confusion, at the time of this writing (Mar. 21, 2011), gathering data and mapping on the ground (e.g. moving around with a GPS device) by people other than rescue professionals or people living in the area, is not recommended.
What to map
Note:This is a brief overview. See mapping coordination and data sources for details.
Base map
- Base map information, such as road and buildings, has not been mapped sufficiently in the north-eastern area of Japan. Please consider helping data entry in the base map. Much traceable imagery is available.
- Importable (digital) data is also provided. Please consider helping with this activity if possible.
Post disaster map
- Damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami has to be mapped. If you have experience in crisis mapping, please help mapping things that should be mapped, based on your experience.
- However, situation is changing rapidly and the kind of information that is required must be considered with experts in the field. The japanese OpenStreetMap community is discussing with HOT to set up policies. Please wait for a while.
Other Ways to Help
We are currently recruiting translators. There are many documents that need translating. Even translating one of them would be a big contribution.
Mapping Applications
Developing means to utilize OpenStreetMap (such as creating applications, etc.) or localizing(translating) existing applications, are very helpful. Applications well thought for the use on the ground are especially appreciated. At this time, the following forms of applications are being created, or planned. For any other ideas, your imagination is the limit.
- Offline Maps (i.e. map data for use in Garmin)
- Paper Maps
- POI Maps
- Example:Sendai earthquake and tsunami
For beginners to OpenStreetMap (New to mapping?)
Thank you for showing your interest in helping the mapping activities of OpenStreetMap.
First step guide
Please read:
- About
- Beginners' guide. It explains about gathering data with a GPS device, but that might be less relevant in our case.
How to map
We're working to make things easier, but it may take a little while to learn the ropes. Take your time and feel free to Contact people to ask questions.
- (new) Video demonstrating tracing roads from aerial photography using JOSM (a desktop OSM editor).
(JA to EN translation ommited. It is for people who can read/write Japanese. If you're ok with Japanese, go to the japanese page.)
Recovery aiding activities by OpenStreetMap Japan
Shortly after the disaster, OpenStreetMap Japan has set up OpenStreetMap Japan - Crisis Mapping Project and has started the following activities:
- OpenStreetMap Japan - Crisis Mapping Project
- sinsai.info North-East Earthquate(sinsai) information site( An information portal for the damaged area )
Other links
The following links are OpenStreetMap related:
- Modis Terra Coastlines before and after the tsunami can be shown as layers.
The following links are not directly OpenStreetMap related:
- CrisisCommons wiki on Honshu Quake - A wiki page for crisis response in general. Please consider adding random links there instead
- Google Person Finder
- Modis Terra "before" and "after" layers show areas along the coast flooded by tsunami.
- Disasters Charter activation notice
- UN-SPIDER SpaceAid: space-based information for earthquake in Japan and tsunami in Pacific Region
- Daily reports from Major Disaster Management Headquarters (Content of reports in Japanese)
- Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd. 2011/03/12: Aerial photo images of the coastline of Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures (as of 12 March 2011)
- Territory of coastline by the city Kamaishi affected by tsunami at 12 March 2011 04:35 Moscow time, mapped by Scanex
- SERTIT Rapid Mapping Service: Damage assessment maps, rapid geographic reference maps...
- ABC News before and after aerial photos
- Spiegel.Online: Aerial Photos before and after Tsunami, (in German; select location on the left and pull the slider above the picture from left to right), added 14.03.2011
- Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency - Seismic Damage Information (As of 19:30 March 14, 2011)
- Crowdsourced radiation measurement spreadsheet (by Prefecture)
- 1:25k topo maps. Japanese 1:25k top sheets courtesy of Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. Use for disaster relief only (not suitable as a source for OSM). Hosted by MapAction.
- wikipedia:Japanese addressing system - useful background for those not familiar with the principles.
- Diddlefinger. Roman alphabet (english) namefinder for Japan. Proprietary data, but may be useful for orientation.
- Google Earth zeigt Folgen von Tsunami und Erdbeben in Japan Google Earth shows impact of tsunami and earthquake in Japan (in German; added March 17, 2011)
- RDTN.org tracks radiation levels in Japan.
Shorter link to this page: http://bit.ly/SendaiTsunamiOSM