GeOps/Trafimage Station Names

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The coverage of the public transport map Trafimage of the Swiss Railway (SBB) will be extended to a large part of Europe. Outside of Switzerland, OpenStreetMap data will be used as a base for the map of the railway network. The companies geOps and evoq are involved in the implementation of this project.


In this acitivity, missing station names will be added. We will edit stations without name=*. The goal is to have as less stations without name as possible.

The term station will be used on this page for all objects with one of the following tags:


The activity will start on 14.05.2018 and takes approximately 1-2 weeks.


Mapping activities will happen in this area:



The data will be edited with JOSM. Overpass Turbo will be used to find possible errors.


Quality Assurance

Overpass Turbo will be used to find objects in the area with possible errors: Overpass query.

Manual Data Correction


Each object will be checked manually to analyse if and which corrections are necessary. The goal is a station tagging model in the image. Most common errors:

Name already mapped, but wrong tagging

If the name already exists in OSM, but is mapped wrong (e.g. Typo in name-Key), the tagging will be fixed.

Name missing due to duplicates

Sometimes names are missing due to duplicated mapping if additionally to the station point some more objects are tagged as station:

  • additionally to the railway=station node, the station building also has railway=station, but no name=*
  • there is a {{Tag|railway|station} on each track of a station instead of railway=stop and/or public_transport=stop_position

In these cases the duplicated objects will be removed or tagged correctly.

Name missing

If there is not any name mapped, we will try to find the correct name by using the data sources.

Data Sources

  • Esri imagery or local imagery with better quality for better orientation
  • Deutsche Bahn Open Data
  • Research, for example with timetables

Involved Users