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Public-images-osm logo.svg religion = christian
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Grupa: religion
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Korisna kombinacija
Status:de facto

religion=christian označava objekte koji pripadaju kršćanskoj denominaciji. Takvi objekti mogu biti: crkva, katedrala, kapela, groblje, itd.

Kako mapirati

Sva mjesta štovanja dobivaju oznaku amenity=place_of_worship. Kako biste označili da je to kršćansko mjesto štovanja, koristite religion=christian.

Moguće je dodati dodatne pojedinosti.

Osim toga, moguće je označiti landuse=religious

Churches and rites in union with the Catholic Church
denomination=catholic Generic, ecumenical limited to Catholics, shared or exact value is unknown. Even though there are no denominations within the Catholic Church, please use denomination=roman_catholic, denomination=greek_catholic, denomination=roman_catholic, or other rite as appropriate, if known.
denomination=armenian_catholic  Armenian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=chaldean_catholic  Chaldean Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=coptic_catholic  Coptic Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=eritrean_catholic  Eritrean Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=ethiopian_catholic  Ethiopian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=greek_catholic Eastern Catholic Church — including many liturgical traditions, each one of having its own churches. They have the Byzantine Rite in common.}
denomination=hungarian_greek_catholic  Hungarian Greek Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=maronite  Maronite Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=polish_catholic  Polish Catholic Church
denomination=polish_national_catholic  Polish National Catholic Church
denomination=roman_catholic  Roman Catholic Church (predominant together with denomination=protestant in German-speaking countries
denomination=romanian_catholic  Romanian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=ukrainian_greek_catholic  Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
Orthodox denominations
denomination=armenian_apostolic  Armenian Apostolic Church
denomination=eritrean_orthodox  Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church
denomination=ethiopian_orthodox  Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
denomination=coptic_orthodox  Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
denomination=greek_orthodox  Greek Orthodox Church
denomination=old_believers Russian  Old Believers
denomination=romanian_orthodox  Romanian Orthodox Church
denomination=russian_orthodox  Russian Orthodox Church
denomination=serbian_orthodox  Serbian Orthodox Church
Protestant and reformed denominations
denomination=adventist  Seventh-day Adventist Church (not all Adventist Churches are Seventh-Day Adventist.
denomination=alliance  Christian and Missionary Alliance
denomination=anglican (Churches of the Anglican Communion in general should use this tag, including the Church of England, Church of Ireland, Episcopal Church in USA)
denomination=apostolic_faith  Apostolic Faith Church (Note that there are other denominations with very similar names.)
denomination=baptist  Baptists
denomination=catholic_apostolic  Catholic Apostolic Church
denomination=christian_community  The Christian Community originately from Switzerland
denomination=church_of_god_in_christ  Church of God in Christ
denomination=church_of_scotland  Church of Scotland
denomination=church_of_sweden  Church of Sweden
denomination=churches_of_christ  Churches of Christ
denomination=czechoslovak_hussite  Czechoslovak Hussite Church
denomination=disciples_of_christ  Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
denomination=dutch_reformed (including NGK and similar churches in South Africa)
denomination=episcopal (U.S. Episcopal church is basically the North American name of the Anglican church)
denomination=evangelical (note to German speakers: this is NOT the same as "evangelisch" in German, please use denomination=protestant for that one)
(evangelical to co innego niż polskie "ewangelicki". Do Kościoła ewangelicko-augsburskiego ( Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland) w Polsce pasuje denomination=lutheran)
denomination=evangelical_covenant  Evangelical Covenant Church
denomination=evangelical_free_church_of_america  Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA)
denomination=exclusive_brethren  Exclusive Brethren
denomination=kimbanguist  Kimbanguism
denomination=living_waters_church Living Waters Church
denomination=lutheran  Lutheranism
denomination=mission_covenant_church_of_sweden  Mission Covenant Church of Sweden
denomination=mennonite  Mennonite
denomination=methodist  Methodist (also see United Methodist below)
denomination=moravian Moravian Church na Wikipediji
denomination=mormon (Note that full name is preferable to mormon, lds or latter_day_saint (Wikipedia na Wikipediji and Style Guide), but tagging with the_church_of_jesus_christ_of_latter-day_saints is a lot of keystrokes. See the linked discussion.
denomination=nazarene Church of the Nazarene  Church of the Nazarene
denomination=new_frontiers  Newfrontiers
denomination=pentecostal  Pentecostalism
denomination=pkn  Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Dutch merger of reformed and lutheran churches
denomination=presbyterian  Presbyterianism
denomination=protestant Predominant together with denomination=roman_catholic in German-speaking countries
denomination=quaker  Quakers (important to show not a church but a "Friends Meeting House")
denomination=reformed Calvinism ( Reformed)
denomination=salvation_army  The Salvation Army
denomination=seventh_day_adventist Note that according to Wikipedia -  Seventh-day Adventist Church, not all Adventist Churches are Seventh-Day Adventist. Use this tag only for Churches that are clearly Seventh-Day Adventist.
denomination=unitarian  Unitarianism
denomination=united  United Church of Canada
denomination=united_free_church_of_scotland  United Free Church of Scotland
denomination=uniting  Uniting Church in Australia
denomination=united_methodist  United Methodist Church
denomination=united_church_of_christ  United Church of Christ
Unclassified christian denominations
denomination=assemblies_of_god Assemblies of God
denomination=assyrian  Assyrian Church of the East
denomination=bosnian_church  Bosnian Church
denomination=catholic_mariavite  Catholic Mariavite Church (non-ecumenical)
denomination=charismatic  Charismatic Movement
denomination=christ_scientist  Church of Christ, Scientist
denomination=foursquare The Foursquare Church
denomination=iglesia_ni_cristo  Iglesia ni Cristo
denomination=jehovahs_witness  Jehovah's Witnesses
denomination=liberal_catholic  Liberal Catholic Church
denomination=mariavite Old Catholic  Mariavite Church of Poland (ecumenical)
denomination=old_catholic  Old Catholic Church
denomination=messianic_jewish  Messianic Judaism
denomination=new_apostolic  New Apostolic Church
denomination=philippine_independent  Philippine Independent Church, also known as Aglipayan Church
denomination=spiritist  Spiritism is a spiritualistic doctrine based on the works of Allan Kardec. Formed in France in the 19th century, but today only has a significant number of adherents in Brazil.
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.