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Public-images-osm logo.svg education_program
Gate of the Puray Elementary School, Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines.jpg
Group: education
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Status: in use

This is a stub page to document education_program=* usage in the Philippines.


In 2021, the OpenStreetMap community in the Philippines completed their OSMaPaaralan project which approximately added 98% of public schools. The country's OSM dataset for schools is considered to be the most accurate, that is freely available.

The mapping initiative used the key education_program=* to classify specialist schools other than those that follow the general-learning, mainstream curriculum that is common among all public schools. Examples of such schools are those that offer a curriculum focusing on Science or Math, Art schools, or schools that cater to students with additional, or special needs.

Usage of specialized_education=*

The most common use of this key in the country always follow the form: education_program=specialized_education + specialized_education=*, which identify the schools that follow a specialized program. Schools that follow general-learning program will not have this tag, although in theory it could possibly have been tagged with something like, education_program=mainstream.

Below are the top values in current use:

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Expansion plans

With most public schools already mapped, AusomeMaps introduced a MapRoulette challenge during the Pista ng Mapa 2022 conference, the goal of expanding the usage and details for schools tagged with specialized_education=special_needs, and adding healthcare facilities that cater especially for learners with disabilities.

As of 2023, meetings and consultations within the local community, and other stakeholders are on-going; with the goal of documenting the intended tag usage, and prepare a proposal to the community. They already secured a list ~7,000 schools, and the necessary permission-to-use with OSM from a government agency that oversee these schools, and will undergo review and validation with other organizations they are working with.

Possible Synonyms

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
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If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!