NoName (historical)

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This page describes a historic artifact in the history of OpenStreetMap. It does not reflect the current situation, but instead documents the historical concepts, issues, or ideas.

While zoomed in, the noname map helped identify individual streets that had been missed (highlighted with orange casing)
While zoomed in, the noname map helped identify individual streets that had been missed (highlighted with orange casing)

The NoName map layer used to be available on the front page as an alternative layer. It highlighted roads which had no name=* tag (At the time these tended to be those roads which had been traced in from imagery through armchair mapping, rather than having been surveyed at all)

No longer available - Alternatives

The NoName layer is no longer available, however there are other tools which highlight missing names on a map

NoName tag

We can distinguish a road where the name is unknown and a road which has really no name.

noname=yes can be used to mark the absence of a name i.e. where something really does not have a name in reality.

CloudMade's original map

For several years a noname map was provided by CloudMade. This was included on the front page (Featured tiles).

It showed red casing at higher zoom levels, or as thin red lines at lower zoom levels. After being removed from the homepage, it remained available a, rendered as part of their style-editor infrastructure for a time. That's all no longer available.

South East London as it was back in 2008 showing many missing road names. The NoName map was a useful guide for planning events like the London Mapping Party Marathon, allowing quick identification of areas that were traced from aerial images, but where road names were missing

Garmin .img files

Cloudmade also provided noname .img files for use on Garmin GPS units. They have not been updated since 2011, so are not usable for identifying unnamed objects.

NoName maps from Cloudmade on a Garmin Colorado 300

See also