Bhojpur District

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Bhojpur District, Koshi Zone, Eastern Development Region, Nepal

भोजपुर जिल्ला
latitude: 27.1786, longitude: 87.0673
Browse map of Bhojpur District 27°10′42.96″ N, 87°04′02.28″ E
Edit map
Bhojpur District
External links:
Use this template for your locality

Bhojpur District is a district in Koshi Zone, Eastern Development Region, Nepal at latitude 27°10′42.96″ North, longitude 87°04′02.28″ East.

Project area

relation 4589467


Name Headquarters Relation
Aamchok Aamchok Relation not defined yet
Arun Arun Relation not defined yet
Hatuwagadhi Hatuwagadhi Relation not defined yet
Pauwadungma Pauwadungma Relation not defined yet
Ram Prasad Rai Ram Prasad Rai Relation not defined yet
Salpa Silichho Salpa Silichho Relation not defined yet
Tyamke Maiyunm Tyamke Maiyunm Relation not defined yet


How to get started

Read the Getting Involved page to begin contributing to OpenStreetMap.

Tracing Aerial Imagery

This is the easiest way to quickly and effortlessly edit, fix or add map details, create new ways without having to drive around town with GPS logger and camera :-) So, what should we do? Just open, move the map to your hometown, click on Edit, register/login, and happy mapping!

Naming Convention

The attribute name will always be in Romanized alphabets. Example: Use "Basantapur" for the name keyword. Always use the official name when possible. If another name is more popular name:alt can be used. To write the names in localized script, use name:ne


Atrribute Value
name Basantapur
name:ne बसन्तपुर


Mappers from Western countries (people who are remotely mapping) on the project should focus on the geometry development (Point, Line, Polygon) with highest possible spatial accuracy.
People nearby or at Nepal (Local People) should Name the features and add other important attributes (tags) of the spatial data.

Progress of geometry data as well as attribute information should be updated together. The collaboration of International mappers and local people makes the complete map because only geometry or the only text can never give complete information.

All the Technical information about mapping, specification, tags, relationships can be found at Project Ilam Specification page

Imagery Preferences



Contributors for this project are/Could be:

  • Kathmandu Living Labs - is a project using open and free infrastructure of OpenStreetMap to map major points-of-interests and critical infrastructure such as schools, public buildings, and hospitals in the Kathmandu Valley
  • OSMStats Nepal
  • Different University Student associations like GESAN (Geomatics Engineering Students' Association of Nepal)
  • YouthMappers
  • Department of Survey Nepal
and other participants

See also