Proposal:Power rating

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Deprecated, please use generator:output=* now

The Feature Page for the approved proposal power_rating is located at Key:power_rating
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: Schusch
Tagging: power_rating=<number> W, kW, MW
Applies to: node, linear, area
Definition: the nominal power of a power plant, wind turbine, photovoltaic plant etc.

Rendered as: free text
Draft started: 2009-06-04
RFC start: 2009-06-23
Vote start: 2009-07-27
Vote end: 2009-08-10


Extend Tag:power=generator with a tag allowing to specify the power rating of the machine or plant.


Power plants do have a power rating, rated power, nominal power or nominal output. This applies to power plants driven by fossil fuels, by atomic energy and also by renewable energy. An information which is a nice to have. Could possibly be used to distinguish small and large power plants and perhaps render/not render them according to zoom level, level of detail, etc.

This tag replaces the power_output tag, because that is a wrong name for what is wanted here - please use power_rating instead. It doesn't really make sense to have any information about the power output of a generator because it changes all the time. Here the rated power should be given, so a good tag is power_rating!


die englische Bezeichnung für die Nennleistung von elektrischen Maschinen ist power rating, rated power, nominal power oder nominal output. Dies trifft für Kraftwerke aller Art (fossil, atomar, oder regenerativ betrieben) zu. Es handelt sich um eine interessante Zusatzinformation, die gegebenenfalls je nach Nennleistung ("Größe") des Kraftwerks auch bei verschiedenen Vergrößerungsstufen der Karte sichtbar sein könnte.

Diese Auszeichnung soll die "power_output"-Auszeichnung (aktuelle Leistung des Kraftwerks) ersetzen, da es sich bei dieser physikalisch um den aktuellen Wert handelt, der sich jederzeit ändern kann und der nicht konstant ist. Damit ist auch klar, das der aktuelle Wert keinen Sinn in einer Karte macht, es sei denn, er würde z. B. minütlich aktualisiert ;-). Alles spricht also für eine Änderung auf die Auszeichnung "power_rating"!


Applies to:

  • anything tagged as power=generator

tag values

  • tag=power_rating value=<number> [W (default, can be left out) or multiple of W (kW, MW) (maybe also with other SI unit like J/s?)]
if the unit is not given, the data has to be given in Watt, otherwise there should be added an SI unit (kW, MW, any SI prefixes of Watt should be ok)


power=generator power_source=wind power_rating=2500 kW



Type {{vote|yes/no}} -- ~~~~ to approve/oppose this proposal and sign with your user name & date.

  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Schusch 19:14, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Vsandre 19:43, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Uboot 20:47, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Hwb 20:48, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Michi 20:49, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Grille Chompa 21:31, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. The wiki definition of this tag is identical to power_output - only the literal translation is more accurate. Therefore it is not necessary to change anything. --Nop 05:26, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Hadhuey 17:40, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Hawke 12:36, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal, it is covered by power_output=*, the old tag isn't wrongly named, only a weak translation. --Skippern 01:52, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Serpens 07:48, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal, same position like Skippern. --ck3d 08:19, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. -- I don't see any problems with power_output, I guess noone ever tagged the "current" power_output, but the nominal output. That could be explicited on the power_output=* page. But I don't feel we have anything to win with a duplicate. Sletuffe 15:25, 2 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. --Socks 14:24, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. Daswaldhorn 16:08, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. -- Riechfield 07:56, 6 August 2009 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal, same like Nop and Skippern. --Telegnom 10:57, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Voting result

10 votes pro, 7 votes contra

Feature approved, see key:power_rating