Proposal talk:Landuse=public works

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Why this tag would be useful

I do wish that this tag would be supported. City works campuses that are for multiple uses (or non-descript), say waste collection, road work, and construction exist, but there is currently no way to signify this other than just tagging an area as industrial. My city has several areas that are like this that I can't effectively tag.
~~Jimmyisawkward 2024-07-23

Applying a public vs private distinction to landuse=* is not useful. It's about "use". Should focus on the service provided. Very often there is mixed "public" and "private" aspects of them, and around the world. The product or service are shared between "public" and "private". There is no difference in their activities.
  • There can be "private" water and wastewater treatment plants for an industrial facility, recreational facility (eg golf, and clubs), or a housing estate / gated community
  • For maintenance, what about private toll roads? "Public" roads can be maintained by a private contractor, and the facility can be government,or private land owned by themselves.
  • "research centers, and other facilities" are not public works
  • Is gas supply, electricity, and district heating or cooling "public works"? They can be supplied to "private" facilities, or even built and dedicated for them.
There is already competing landuse=depot , aside from landuse=industrial . utility=* exists for most of them.
—— Kovposch (talk) 10:28, 23 June 2024 (UTC)
Perhaps a more general utility tag would be better then.
  • landuse=utility - landuse used for utility purposes - maybe too broad because this may be used under powerlines, which wouldn't be ideal
  • utility=yes -also extremely broad and not very useful, other than for denoting that something is used for or is a utility. But too broad.
  • industrial=utility - specifies that an industrial area is used for utility purposes
Also possibly depot=utility for specifying that a depot is used for a utility.
Just some random thoughts, idk. I'm relatively new to osm, and very new to the wiki; this has been my first wiki post/edit.

~~Jimmyisawkward 06:22, 2024-07-24 (UTC)