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Portal for WikiProject Switzerland

Mountain Biking in Switzerland - Mountainbikeland Schweiz

The Swiss national mountain bike route network as of Mountainbikeland Schweiz (SchweizMobil) consists of three national routes and 16 regional routes and 211 local routes.

A very detailed map of the different routes can be found on the SchweizMobil website (for inspiration only, particularly since there are occasionally differences between the sign posted routes and this map and due to copyright issues)

Recommended tagging with relations

Routes may be marked by tagging each way, but this is not recommended.

I recommend using a Relation per route. Just add a relation to all the ways the route consists of. Relations can be extremely easy added with potlatch or JOSM.

The relations should have the tags listed here (based on a thread on the talk-ch mailing list, slightly extended with source:name and url).

Key Value Discussion
type route indicates this Relation represents a route
route bicycle or mtb the ways making up a bicycle route, please use "mtb" for mountain bike routes
name default name The route name as written on the signs (e.g. "Aare Route")
name:de German name The route name in German (e.g. "Aare Route")
name:fr French name The route name in French (e.g. "Route de l'Aar")
name:it Italian name The route name in Italian (e.g. "Percorso dell'Aare")
name:en English name The route name in English (e.g. "Aare Route")
description default description A short description in the same language as name (e.g. "Etappe 2 (Meiringen-Spiez)")
description:de German description A short description in German (e.g. "Etappe 2 (Meiringen-Spiez)")
description:fr French description A short description in French
description:it Italian description A short description in Italian
description:en English description A short description in English (e.g. "Part 2 (Meiringen-Spiez)")
ref a reference The route is named by this reference (e.g. "8" number found on sign), don't use ncn_ref or rcn_ref, this is specified by the network tag.
network ncn or rcn Specify the network as a national route, a regional route, as per the normal tagging of cycle routes
operator Veloland Schweiz The route is operated by this authority
source:name Veloland Schweiz The source for the names of this route
url an url the URL with additional information about the route, e.g. http://www.veloland.ch/de/routen_detail.cfm?route=route8

Complete tagging schema for routes at Relations/Routes.


Rendered maps use tiles to display the data. They can be used on any device which can display images on screen. The basic approaches are web services are web services (tiles stored on a server, internet connection necessary to view) or offline services (download all tiles first and then store them on the device).

This is an online map with cycle tracks, contours, and bike services highlighted. The tiles are licenced as CC-BY-SA 2.0 and mass use requires an API key (cost depending on usage plan).[1]
Waymarked trails: cycling
Waymarked trails is a online overlay over standard tile layer showing cycle routes. The overlay is licensed as CC-BY-SA 3.0 Germany and mass download is strongly discouraged.[2]
Bbbike offers an extract service to download tiles and data in various formats. There is also a professional version available using an API key (fee required).[3]
cycle.travel map
A web map with also allows routing. An API access needs individual arrangement[4], no dedicated licensing applies.
Cyclestreets' photomap
The photomap is a web map based on OpenCycleMap but enriched with photos. Uploaders can choose a licence for their files. There are API keys and commercial arrangements are available, too.[5][6]

Even though not specifically for bicyclists, the web maps https://opentopomap.org and https://www.wanderreitkarte.de/ might be useful as well.

Switzerland Mountainbike Network Progress National Routes

Network relation relation 30543

Part of the National Route Length Progress Who? Where? What? Links
National Route 1, Alpine Bike, Scoul-Aigle 666 km relation 1140220
Scuol–Tschierv 31 km 31 km completed --FreeMinded 16:04, 10 July 2012 (BST) relation 2272634
Tschierv–Livigno 40 km 40 km completed --FreeMinded 16:39, 10 July 2012 (BST) relation 2272736
Livigno–St. Moritz 47 km 47 km new mapped --hecktor 2017-07-04 relation 2272807
St. Moritz–Bivio 37 km 37 km corrected + completed hecktor 2012-08-12 relation 2272918
Bivio–Tiefencastel 34 km approx. 32 km part around Tinizong missing --FreeMinded 21:58, 10 July 2012 (BST) relation 2273138
Tiefencastel–Safien Platz 38 km 38 km completed --FreeMinded 22:17, 10 July 2012 (BST) relation 1750776
Safien Platz–Lumbrein 49 km 49 km komplett, hecktor 2011-09-10 relation 1140219
Lumbrein–Disentis 43 km 43 km komplett, hecktor 2011-09-11 relation 1750775
Disentis–Andermatt 44 km 44 km hecktor 2013-07-20 relation 3094034
Andermatt–Meiringen 57 km 57 km hecktor 2013-07-27 relation 3094033
Meiringen–Grindelwald 28 km 28 km hecktor 2013-07-28 relation 2407699
Grindelwald–Interlaken 39 km 39 km hecktor 2013-07-28 relation 2266608
Interlaken–Adelboden 63 km 63 km hecktor 2012-07-04 relation 2266609
Adelboden–Zweisimmen 31 km 31 km hecktor 2012-07-05 relation 2266610
Zweisimmen–Château-d'Oex 36 km 36 km hecktor 2012-07-05 relation 2266611
Château-d'Oex–Aigle 51 km 51 km hecktor 2012-07-22 relation 2266649
National Route 2, Panorama Bike, Rorschach-Montreux 455 km relation 958163
Rorschach–Trogen 25 km 25 km hecktor 2012-06-07 relation 2219733
Trogen–Appenzell 18 km 18 km hecktor 2012-06-07 relation 2219713
Appenzell–Stein SG 35 km 35 km hecktor 2012-06-07 relation 2219658
Stein (SG)–Niederurnen 24 km 24 km old toby 2012-02-16 relation 2031224
Niederurnen–Einsiedeln 42 km 49 km hecktor 2011-10-31 relation 1823267
Einsiedeln–Schwyz 24 km 24 km hecktor 2011-11-01 relation 1825207
Schwyz–Sarnen 46 km 46 km hecktor 2011-11-01 relation 1825323
Sarnen–Sörenberg 29 km 29 km hecktor 2011-11-19 relation 1854813
Sörenberg–Habkern 33 km 33 km hecktor 2011-11-19 relation 1854867
Habkern–Thun 45 km 45 km --Wmaurer 11:39, 13 June 2010 (UTC) relation 958075
Thun–Sangernboden 42 km 42 km Michel Schinz 2011-09-03 / hecktor 2012-06-23 relation 1737465
Sangernboden–Charmey 28 km 28 km Michel Schinz 2011-09-03 / hecktor 2012-06-23 relation 1737466
Charmey–Les Paccots 38 km 38 km hecktor 2012-06-24 relation 2249610
Les Paccots–Montreux 28 km 28 km hecktor 2012-06-24 relation 2249957
National Route 3, Jura Bike, Basel-Nyon 357 km relation 148155
Basel–Laufen 30 km 30 km mapped by RickH86, zapfen Sep 2008 relation 30070
Laufen–Delémont 31 km 31 km mapped by zapfen

relation 165683

Delémont–St-Ursanne 39 km 39 km mapped by roadfox relation 847734
St-Ursanne–Saignelégier 30 km 30 km mapped by roadfox relation 898428
Saignelégier–La Chaux-de-Fonds 44 km 44 km komplet relation 898748
La Chaux-de-Fonds–Couvet 50 km 50 km hecktor 2012-08-15 relation 2360224
Couvet–Ste-Croix 41 km 41 km hecktor 2012-08-15 relation 2360226
Ste-Croix–Le Sentier 45 km 45 km hecktor 2012-08-16 relation 1602132
Le Sentier–Nyon 47 km 47 km hecktor 2012-08-16 relation 562988

Switzerland Mountainbike Network Progress Regional Routes

Network relation relation 30544

Part of the regional route Length Progress Who? Where? What? Links
22: Zürich-Einsiedeln 65 km relation 32222
Zürich–Baar 34 km 34 km completed hecktor, 2012-08-19 relation 151335
Baar–Einsiedeln 31 km 31 km mschaeuble, April 2011 relation 1537117
25: Heidiland 97 km relation 2031352
Niederurnen-Walenstadt 42 km 42 km Dan34: Completed missing part relation 2031368
Walenstadt-Sargans 55 km 90% old toby some small parts missing relation 2032860
32: Trans-Altarezia Bike (Samnaun–Tirano (I)) 215 km relation 7382734
Samnaun-Scuol 55 km 55 km hecktor, 2017-07-08 relation 7382732
Scuol-Sta. Maria 46 km 48 km hecktor, 2017-07-09 relation 7382733
Sta. Maria-Arnoga(I) 44 km 44 km hecktor, 2017-07-11 relation 7389040
Arnoga(I)-Poschiavo 33 km 33 km hecktor, 2017-07-11 relation 7389041
Poschiavo-Tirano(I) 28 km 29 km hecktor, 2017-07-12 relation 7389042
33: Hörnli Bike (Winterthur-Wildhaus) 130 km relation 148111
Winterthur-Hulftegg 44 km 44 km complet relation 26827
Hulftegg - Hemberg 37 km 37 km completed 2014-10-10 hecktor relation 1604708
Hemberg - Wildhaus 48 km 48 km 2014-10-10 hecktor relation 4102242
43: Valais Alpine Bike (Verbier–Sierre (Chandolin)) 140 km relation 3902652
Verbier-Nendaz 30 km 30 km komplett relation 3237464
Nendaz - St-Martin 49 km 48 km komplett hecktor, 2015-07-11 relation 5150369
St-Martin - Grimentz 38 km 38 km hecktor, 2015-07-11 relation 5150370
Grimentz - Sierre (Chandolin) 27 km 28 km hecktor, 2015-07-11 relation 5360306
44:Chasseral–Weissenstein Bike (Neuchâtel–Solothurn) 87 km relation 2330350
Neuchâtel–Sonceboz 38 km 38 km hecktor, 2012-08-04 relation 2330275
Sonceboz–Solothurn 49 km 49 km hecktor, 2012-08-04 relation 2330276
48:Rheintal Bike (Sennwald - Bad Ragaz) 50 km relation 5249328
Sennwald - Triesenberg 27 km 27 km hecktor, 2015-06-05 relation 5249326
Triesenberg - Bad Ragaz 23 km 23 km hecktor, 2015-06-05 relation 5249327
55: Wildmannli Bike (Sargans-St.Gallen) 120 km relation 3900989
Sargans-Wildhaus 39 km 39 km hecktor, 2014-07-20 relation 3900987
Wildhaus-Altstätten 52 km 52 km hecktor, 2014-07-20 relation 3900988
Altstätten-St.Gallen 28 km 28 km hecktor, 2014-07-20 relation 1423408
56: Neuchâtel Bike (Neuchâtel–Neuchâtel) 215 km relation 2361069
Neuchâtel–Chézard-St. Martin (Villiers) 43 km 45 km hecktor, 2013-08-11 relation 3134218
Chézard-St. Martin (Villiers)–La Chaux-de-Fonds 31 km 32 km hecktor, 2013-08-11 relation 3134219
La Chaux-de-Fonds–La Brévine 49 km 49 km hecktor, 2012-08-15 relation 2360229
La Brévine–Couvet 45 km 45 km hecktor, 2013-11-01 relation 2361068
Couvet–Neuchâtel 48 km 45 km hecktor, 2013-11-01 relation 2360227
65: Gottardo Bike (Andermatt-Biasca) 100 km relation 5319594
Andermatt-Airolo 31 km 33 km hecktor, 2015-06-24 relation 5319591
Airolo - Olivone 44 km 46 km hecktor, 2015-06-25 relation 5319592
Olivone - Biasca 25 km 25 km hecktor, 2015-06-25 relation 5319593
66: Lugano Bike (Lugano (Monte Brè)–Ponte Tresa) 120 km relation 172871
Lugano (Monte Brè)–Pairolo 22 km 22 km hecktor, corrected 2015-08-08 relation 152433
Pairolo–Rivera 30 km 30 km hecktor, corrected 2015-08-08 relation 3655468
Rivera–Miglieglia 38 km 38 km hecktor, 2015-08-09 relation 5322353
Miglieglia–Ponte Tresa 29 km 29 km hecktor, 2015-08-09 relation 5322354
68: Alpes de la Région du Léman Bike(Aigle - St Maurice) 104 km relation 2307825
Aigle–Les Diablerets 45 km 50 km hecktor, 2014-09-13 relation 1710408|-
Les Diablerets–St-Maurice 59 km 60 km hecktor, completed 2014-09-13 relation 2307943
77: Napf Bike (Bern-Luzern) 139 km relation 30546
Bern - Langnau 42 km 42 km mapped hecktor relation 1655064
Langnau - Napf 38 km 38 km mapped hecktor relation 1655036
Napf - Luzern 59 km 59 km mapped hecktor relation 30545
88: Wallis Panorama Bike (Sion-Visp) 130 km relation 3225135
Sion - Anzère 25 km 25 km hecktor 2013-09-21 relation 3225132
Anzère - Crans Montana 26 km 26 km hecktor 2013-09-21 relation 3225133
Crans Montana - Leuk 30 km 30 km hecktor 2013-09-22 relation 3225134
Leuk - Visp 51 km 51 km hecktor 2013-09-22 relation 3226764
90:Graubünden Bike (Trun–Trun) 375 km relation 1140246
Trun–Laax 45 km 45 km hecktor, 2011-09-11 relation 1750764
Laax–Untervaz 54 km 54 km hecktor, 2011-10-05 relation 1750765
Untervaz–Küblis 46 km 46 km hecktor, 2011-09-17 relation 1724748
Küblis–Langwies 24 km 24 km hecktor, 2011-08-20 relation 1724749
Langwies–Davos 16 km 16 km hecktor, 2011-08-20 relation 1724750
Davos–Bergün 38 km 38 km hecktor, 2011-08-21 relation 1724751
Bergün–Lenzerheide 37 km 37 km hecktor, 2011-08-21 relation 1724747
Lenzerheide–Thusis 17 km 17 km hecktor, 2011-09-10 relation 1750767
Thusis–Safien Platz 17 km 17 km hecktor, 2011-09-10 relation 1750768
Safien Platz–Lumbrein 49 km 49 km komplet relation 1140245
Lumbrein–Trun 31km 31 km hecktor, 2011-09-11 relation 1750766

Bicycle related tags

It can be helpful to add nodes with these tags to get displayed on the cyclemap.
