Template:JA:Map Features:Tower:type

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キー 説明 レンダリング 写真
柱 (man_made=mast)
tower:type communication 通信アンテナ用の柱
Mast communications.svg
Mobile phone base station 2010 12 30 165211 PC304165.jpg
tower:type lighting 照明の柱
Mast lighting.svg
Rosenaustadion Flutlicht Lampen.JPG
塔 (man_made=tower)
tower:type clock 通信用の塔(中型のもの)
Sahat kula in Sarajevo.jpg
tower:type communication 通信用の塔(中型のもの)
Tower cantilever communication.svg
Greifswald Funkturm Hans-Beimler-Straße July-2010 SL274692.JPG
tower:type communication 格子状の通信用の塔
+ structure=lattice
Tower lattice communication.svg
Torii-Tower 7810.jpg
tower:type lighting Lighting tower
Tower lighting.svg
tower:type lighting Lighting tower
+ tower:construction=lattice
Tower lattice lighting.svg
tower:type bell_tower  鐘塔 鐘楼
Tower bell tower.svg
Bell tower. View from north.jpg
tower:type observation 展望塔
Tower observation.svg
Prochenberg Aussichtsturm.jpg
tower:type defensive  側防塔、防衛塔
Tower defensive.svg
Ravensburg Hirschgraben Wehrturm.jpg
tower:type minaret  ミナレット。イスラム教のモスクにあり、礼拝告知を行うための塔
New Minner of masjid.JPG
tower:type siren
Elektronische Sirene ECN 2400.jpg
tower:type watchtower  監視塔
Tower observation.svg
tower:type cooling  冷却塔
Tower cooling.svg
Cooling Towers.jpg
tower:type radar レーダー用の塔
Radar tower airport Frankfurt - Radarturm Flughafen Frankfurt - 02.jpg
tower:type monitoring
Messmast Leonberg.JPG
tower:type pagoda 複数の軒がある段付きの塔。宗教的または装飾的な目的に使われます。 パゴダ
Pagoda at Xingshengjiao Temple.jpg
tower:type diving Artificial structure for diving
Freibad Contwig 09 kleiner.jpg
tower:type hose Tower for drying fire hoses, often a part of a fire station
Spritzenhaus Lichtenow 2.JPG
tower:type climbing スポーツクライミングのための人工的な構造物
Kletterturm Berlin-Spandau.jpg
tower:type user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo
Tower freestanding.svg
通信用の大型の塔 (man_made=communications_tower)
man_made communications_tower 通信用の大型の塔
Communication tower-14.svg
Berliner Fernsehturm - von süden 1.jpg

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