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About Me

User icon 2.svgHjart (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)

This user hails from
Garmin GPSmap 62s.jpg Hjart uses a Garmin GPSmap 62s and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
OSMfocus Icon Hjart reviews OpenStreetMap data using OSMfocus.
OsmAnd icon Hjart uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
MAPS.ME Hjart uses MAPS.ME
Mapillary Hjart takes photos for Mapillary as Hjart.
JOSM Hjart submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Vespucci logo Hjart submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.
Level0 Hjart submits data to OpenStreetMap using Level0.
Overpass-turbo.svg Hjart uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
Go Do Some Mapping Hjart
prefers to go outside and map.
Bike Hjart
is a bicyclist.

Overpass Turbo Søgninger (Indtast i Wizard)
  • Historiske vindmøller i DK: man_made=windmill in Danmark
  • administrative grænser i DK: boundary=administrative & type:relation in Danmark
  • Engelske navne i DK uden lokalt navn: "name:en"=* & name!=* in Danmark
  • Svingbegrænsninger sidst rørt af en bestemt bruger: user:"Hjart" & type:relation & type=restriction
  • Vejstykker redigeret af bestemt bruger indenfor det sidste døgn: user:"Hjart" & type:way & highway=* & newer:1day

Lav labels med indhold af name tag: {{style: node,way {text:name;} }}

  • I redigeringsvinduet: For at ændre name vælges "Vælg sprog"->"Native for each country"
  • redigeringer i DK: MMwatch Danmark


Coordinates can be copied directly from within JOSM to Wikidata. Select a node in JOSM's edit window, press Ctrl-Shift-C, then paste to the Geographical coordinates field at the wikidata item.

Customising JOSM Presets

Garmin Virb Elite

  • Flatten file structure: find . -iname "*.jpg" | xargs rename "_VIRB/VIRB" "Virb" (run in Garmin/DCIM folder)
  • Fix broken gpsimagedirection values: exiftool -GPSimgdirection+=-4294966935 -if '$GPSImgDirection > 360' -ext JPG -m -overwrite_original *


Interessante links

Changeset discussions
