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After adding the first pipeline infrastructure objects to the database, a visualisation was required. To get quick results, Maperitive was the first choice. In the long term, pipelines will be rendered as on overlay on the slippy map.

Rendering Rules

The first draft of rules rendering rules for Maperitive. pipelines are rendered by their type (color) and diameter (line width) on a (very) basic background map. Markers are rendered by the shape of their cover (if any).

Your feedback and contribution to these rules is appreciated.

Map Key


Basic Background

To provide some orientation, the following basic elements are used on the background:

  • boundary=administrative borders of countries, provinces/districts and municipalities
  • place=city,town,village Names of settlements down to villages
  • waterway=river Major rivers (outline only, no riverbanks)

Additional Elements

Since this map is also used for the preparation of field trips, additional elements are also rendered to help with navigation and efficiency:

  • GPS tracks: i.e. for planned routes at the mapping site
  • fixme=*: for markers to re-visit and continue from here's

Data Sources and Preprocessing

It helps a lot to reduce the volume of OSM data to the required minimum before feeding it into Maperitive.


osmfilter.exe austria-latest.osm --keep="man_made=pipeline pipeline=* boundary=administrative waterway=river place=*" > pipelines-at.osm

Overpass API (tbd)

Sample Output

Pipelines-at.png This is a first draft of a pipeline map, rendered with Maperitive, covering the area from Dürnrohr to Kritzendorf.

Pipelines-at.png 2nd part, covering Bisamberg to Auersthal.

Any suggestions regarding the improvement of the rendering/design are welcome.