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Revision as of 04:22, 16 June 2022 by Mateusz Konieczny (talk | contribs) (gerrymandering idea is nice, add an actual example)
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Public-images-osm logo.svg boundary = political
Illinois District 4 2004.png
Political boundary, such as an electoral ward or parliamentary constituency Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: boundaries
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

Political/electoral, rather than administrative, boundaries are created as boundary type relations tagged boundary=political. Examples include electoral wards, electoral districts and parliamentary constituencies.

Way tags

Ways for political (rather than administrative) boundaries do not need any special tags. If the way has no other tags, then boundary=political (and political_division=*) can be added, but it isn't really needed if the relation is correctly tagged.

Relation tags

Key Value
type boundary
boundary political
political_division type of political boundary (keyword, see wiki page)
name name of the ward/district/constituency

Relation members

Element Role Occurrence Discussion
way Role outer ! 1+ The multiple ways that form the closed border.
way Role inner ? 0+ Enclaves of this border – the multiple ways that form the closed inner borders.
way Role exclave  0 Deprecated. It's often difficult to discriminate exclaves to designate one as the main "outer" area: it could be the largest one, or the area that contains the official centre, but some boundaries have several centres, or this centre is not always in the largest area. In addition there may exist exclaves that are part of the outer boundary, but which are enclaved in another boundary enclaved in the outermost area. For this reason, only Role outer and Role inner are useful geometrically.
way Role enclave  0
node Role admin_centre ? 0–1 Node representing the administrative centre, usually a town, city or village (depending of the boundary level, see place=*)
node Role label ? 0–1 Node representing where to draw the label.


When using search or the query features tool, the web front end lists objects with boundary=political with prefix "Electoral boundary" (translated in the language of the website visitor). However, political boundaries are not rendered on the standard tile layer.

See also

The wikipedia article about  List of electoral districts by nation.