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Public-images-osm logo.svg political_division
Gerrymandering 36-28.svg
Indicates the type of a political boundary. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: boundaries
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Documented values: 6
See also
Status: in use

This key is used on way ways and relation relations for describing the specific type of a political boundary (boundary=political). It is conceptually similar to admin_level=* for boundary=administrative, but uses keyword values instead of numeric values.

If the same way way is both an administrative and a political boundary, tag it as an administrative boundary (boundary=administrative) without political_division=*.

Used values

Examples for use in different countries have been listed below. Feel free to document any other values used on the appropriate wiki page (it will appear below automatically).

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This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.

The following values don't have separate wiki pages yet:

Country/Region Value Denotes Description
insular_council Insular council Intermediate administrative and geographic boundary (which is also electoral), between the province (admin_level=6) and the comarca (admin_level=7), dividing the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, created to fully cover one major island and minor islands and unpopulated islets plus their maritime domain within the same territorial waters. Question: Could this become political_division=subregion, to unify similar regional subdivisions created by autonomous communities (tagged as regions) ?
ES-CT àmbit_funcional_territorial Àmbit funcional territorial This is the official denomination in Catalan (in Spanish ámbito funcional territorial, roughly translatable as functional territorial domain).

It is the current transitory administrative status for the later evolution into veguerias, and it is part of Pla territorial de Catalunya (see the wikipedia article and its external references). It is an an administrative status still in construction, but referenced and used officially by the Catalan Institute of Statistics (IDESCAT), already effective and with their own councils, recognized by the governemnt of Catalunya. It is an alternative specific to Catalunya to the Spanish administrative subdivision in provinces (and may replace those in some unspecified future).

The value of this tag is provisional. Question: Could this become political_division=subregion, to unify similar regional subdivisions created by autonomous communities (tagged as regions) ?

FR canton Canton Election of the conseillers départementaux (Conseil départemental, anciennement Conseil général). See FR:Cantons in France, and map
FR circonscription_législative Circonscription législative Election of the députés (Assemblée nationale). See FR:Circonscriptions législatives en France, and map
Note that this map currently does not distinguish the different types which are overlaid (but still use the same colors). This should change with an additional filter.
GB IN parl_const Parliamentary Constituency  
IN assm_const Assembly Constituency  
GB county_division County Council Electoral Division Are often the same as the district wards, but not always.
GB ward Electoral Ward  
PL PL:sejm Sejm RP Elections to polish lower house of parliament.
PL PL:senat Senat RP Elections to polish upper house of parliament.
VN ĐBQHVN Đại biểu Quốc hội Việt Nam Elections to the National Assembly of Vietnam.
VN HĐNDT Hội đồng Nhân dân Tỉnh Elections to the People's Council of the 58 provinces and 5 municipalities of Vietnam.
VN HĐNDH Hội đồng Nhân dân Huyện Elections to the People's Council of the 523 districts, 51 district-level towns, 84 district-level cities, 46 urban districts and 1 municipal city of Vietnam.