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Public-images-osm logo.svg bridge:name
Walter Taylor Bridge name plaque.JPG
Used to specify the name of a bridge where name is already used for the road on the bridge. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: bridges
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: de facto

The bridge:name=* and similar tags can be used to specify the name of an implicit bridge where name=* is already used for the main object like a road or a railway. With explicit bridges, tagged as man_made=bridge, becoming more popular, this tag has lost importance, because the bridge name now goes in the standard name=* tag on the bridge object.

In the past, most bridges had been only indirectly mapped in OpenStreetMap as a single way tagged with highway=* or railway=* and an attribute that they are located on a bridge bridge=yes. By this mapping, you could infer there was a bridge, even if the bridge itself wasn't represented by an object in OSM. When the road and the bridge had different names, people put the name of the road under name=* and the bridge name of the bridge the way was running over under a different tag. This way the road name was consistent across its length even when the road was interrupted by a bridge. The most used tag for this purpose was bridge:name=*.

Similar to the variants of the basic name=* tag, you may also use the following variants (including their localized variants with the language code such as bridge:name:en=*):

Note: If the bridge is already represented by a separate object (such as an outline tagged with man_made=bridge), please use name=* instead on that object. If there isn't already such an explicit bridge object, consider drawing it yourself.