Proposal:Tags for Volunteers

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Tags for Volunteers
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Junkyard Apple
Applies to:
Definition: Tags that are relevant for people who might be interested in volunteering.
Draft started: 2024-06-26


Tags that add helpful information for people who might be interested in volunteering.


volunteers:accepted is useful for people who might be trying to find someplace nearby to help volunteer some of their spare time. volunteers:accepted=* was chosen over volunteers:needed=* as the latter suggests that =yes would mean some level of urgency. volunteers:accepted=* was also chosen over seeking_volunteers=* as the former maintains the volunteer prefix (helpful for when apps organize tags alphabetically), and seeking suggests some level of urgency or active effort on the part of the facility.

volunteers:accepted:urgency is useful for people looking to volunteer to help figure out which of multiple locations should be prioritized.

volunteers:accepted:checked is useful as volunteer needs can change a bit more frequently so having a way to track how recently that space was updated is useful.

volunteers:signup is useful as sometimes signup sheets are only posted to things like Facebook where it can be difficult to view without an account.

website:volunteers is useful as it can save someone time from having to navigate a groups website which can sometimes be difficult to track. website:volunteers=* was chosen over volunteers:website=* to keep it consistent with other website: tags.

volunteers:information is useful as there's a lot of information that isn't summarized in the other tags listed here.


Tag Explanation Common Values
volunteers:accepted=* Whether or not additional volunteers would be helpful at this location or feature. Yes: New volunteers would be helpful at this location.

No: Volunteers are not accepted or needed at this time but might be at a different time.

Never: This location or feature doesn't make use of any volunteers.

volunteers:accepted:urgency=* Describes how urgent the need for additional volunteers are. Ranging from "We're actually good on volunteers but can always accept additional help." to "We're looking at shutting down due to lack of volunteers." User defined description.
volunteers:signup=* Direct link to a signup sheet or description of how to sign up (if signup is done via a physical sheet or texting/calling a number instead) examplewebsite.gom/signup
website:volunteers=* Link to a portion of a website that contains information for volunteers. examplewebsite.gom/volunteers
volunteers:information=* Space for any other information volunteers may want to know not covered elsewhere in these tags.

May be commonly used to describe what a typical shift looks like.

User defined description.


Features/Pages affected

Key:social facility and many of it's associated

Hypothetically any feature could be tagged with volunteers:accepted=* but tagging a for-profit large chain grocery store as volunteers:accepted=never is likely redundant in most cases. volunteers:accepted=never should be used in cases where one might expect volunteer labor to be present such as key:social facility, Urban Farms, Community Gardens, Proposal:Food sharing(if accepted), etc.

volunteers:accepted=yes can be used anywhere where volunteer labor is used and where they're able to take in additional volunteers. This would include all of the above but also

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.