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The Feature Page for this approved proposal is located at Tag:highway=path

As was humbly requested on the Talk:Proposed_features/Path, I've tried to collect here some example images of paths inadequately described or differentiated by current tagging, as viewed by the users supporting this proposal. This list is not yet comprehensive, no examples of bridleways or byways as-specified-by-UK-law exist in all countries. An example of a way just designated for riding might be coming.

Currently pictured cases are not the original reason for this proposal except the combined cycleway and footway type, but are listed here because of a request to clarify this proposals effects.

If only the deprecation part is rejected, those taggings could still be used but with the added possibility of distinguishing between the designated for some use vs. not forbidden.

Example Description Current tagging With proposed highway=path
(no photo yet, don't live near enough) A path built for cross country skiing or snowmobile access or whatever and designated as such. Foot traffic possibly forbidden.
Path-footyesbicycleno.jpg An urban path with no signs at and not really suitable for cycling but it's not forbidden, either. Area is public space so access is in no way forbidden.

(Bicycle and horse access is legal but not guaranteed) or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

Path-footyes.jpg A path with no signs at all but too narrow for motorcars so it's not a highway=track but starts from the end of a track. Allowed and not totally unsuitable for cycling.

or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

Forest path and trees.jpg A (semi urban) path suitable for walking but without any signs posted. Access depends on local law and possibly on whether it passes though someones yard. Physically suitable for pedestrians, horses and all terrain bikes but no guarantees of passability by any means.

(Access is legal to nonmotorized modes but no guarantees of passability)

A mixed bicycle pedestrian path in Oostwold.jpg A path designated for pedestrians and cyclists equally. Possibly horse access is not allowed, depends on local law.

or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

No motor vehicles, Lane Ings, Marsden - - 828589.jpg An urban path on which motorized vehicle access is forbidden. As above but no guarantees on passability. Likely without restrictions on horses.


A designated footpath.jpg A designated footway.

or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

Bikeway, Bicycle path - sign C13 marked beginning of bikeway, Poland, Sosnowiec.jpg A path on which only cycling is allowed.

or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

Path returning to the car park, Ardcastle Wood - - 916665.jpg A path on which motorized vehicles and horses are forbidden.


or an alternative if deprecation is not approved:

With current tagging the first of these would show as a footway but be unusable as a footway.