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Public-images-osm logo.svg utility = heating
Steam stacks at Broadway and Dey (91441).jpg
Activity related to district heating transmission and distribution towards industries and domestic consumers. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: man made
Used on these elements
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Useful combination
Status: approvedPage for proposal

The tag utility=heating is added to a feature (such as marker=*, man_made=street_cabinet or building=service) to specify that is it part of infrastructure related to district heating system.

Public heating steam or hot water are produced, transmitted and distributed along wide and complex Utility networks. This value refers to an activity independently from substance=* intended for industrial or domestic usage.

Both steam and hot_water can fit in combination with this value.

This value was originally introduced to be used in combination with marker=* but sounds suitable on any feature directly involved in or dedicated to district heating transmission or distribution.

Power utility usually corresponds to UN International Standard Industrial Classification class 3530 (Steam and air conditioning supply).


Photo Location Tagging Note
Ansfelden Naturwärme-Heizwerk Haid Strassenseite-9698.jpg
Austria area
The whole building of this district heating plant has got utility=heating as it is not enclosed in a landuse=industrial perimeter.