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Description |
A police station is a facility where police officers patrol from and that is a first point of contact for civilians. ![]() |
Rendering in OSM Carto |
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Rendering in OSM Carto ![]() |
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Group: amenities |
Used on these elements |
Useful combination |
See also |
Status: de facto |
Tools for this tag |
A police station is a place that serves as a primary point of contact for the public, i.e. public-facing police facilities.
- Other police facilities which do not provide direct services to the public are tagged with the police=* instead of amenity=police. For example, police=barracks is used for police barracks.
How to map
Set a node or draw as an area along the object outline. Tag it with amenity=police and name=*.
For larger police stations, such as those with multiple buildings and car parks, the amenity=police tag can be applied to the whole area encompassing all facilities and buildings. The individual buildings can then be tagged with appropriate building tags, such as building=police.
Tags used in combination
- detention=yes to indicate that this police office has some detention cells available (or detention=no if not. (Use police=detention if the building only has detention facilities and no other police office functions)
- the addr:*=* of this police station
- opening_hours=* - hours of opening
- website=* - website of this police station
- phone=* - phone number of this police station
- email=* - the address e-mail of this police station
- operator=* - the operator of this police station
- wheelchair=no / wheelchair=yes wheelchair=limited - is it suitable for wheelchairs
See also
- police=*
- police station on Wikipedia
By country
In France , there are many types of police:
- Military and National: Gendarmerie nationale, military force attached to the state
- Police nationale, civil force attached to the state
- Civil and territorial: municipal police); Rural police (country guards), civil force attached to communes (territorial officials)
An Osmose analysis is available to enhance OSM data with some official open datasets : https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/errors?item=8190
Gendarmerie nationale
Since October 2018, an open dataset published on data.gouv.fr allows us to get most of the useful information: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/liste-des-unites-de-gendarmerie-accueillant-du-public-comprenant-leur-geolocalisation-et-leurs-horaires-douverture/
The website service-public allows to complete some tags too.
- amenity=police
- name=Gendarmerie nationale
- official_name=Brigade de gendarmerie de XXX
- operator=Gendarmerie nationale
- operator:wikidata=Q1422336
- seasonal=yes for the "poste provisoire" who do not open until the winter season or summer season
- police:FR=gendarmerie
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- ref:FR:GendarmerieNationale=* An attached ref for the Gendarmerie is available in the open data file. This ref does not have any operational vocation but will be used to monitor the data updates .
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
The other structures of the national Gendarmerie are located on this project page:
Police nationale
An open dataset published on data.gouv.fr allows us to get most of the useful information: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/liste-des-services-de-police-accueillant-du-public-avec-geolocalisation/
The website service-public allows to complete some tags too.
- amenity=police
- name=Police nationale
- official_name=Commissariat de police de XXX
- operator=Police nationale
- operator:wikidata=Q121484
- police:FR=police
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
Municipal & Rural Police
- amenity=police
- name=Police municipale
- police:FR=police_municipale
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
We could equate customs with police when it is a tax administration. It has extensive police powers but limited to the finding of certain offences:
The Italian version of this page prescribes to use
- amenity=police
- operator=* for the type of police, see list
- For Arma dei Carabinieri, mark the surrounding area with landuse=military
In Spain, there are many types of police:
- National: Guardia Civil and Cuerpo Nacional de Policía.
- Regional: There are different types of regional police, there are those that depend on the National Police Corps and those that are totally autonomous, such as the Mossos d'Esquadra in Catalonia, Policia Foral de Navarra in Navarre, Ertzaintza in the Basque Country and General Police Force in the Canary Islands.
- Local: Each town of more than 5000 habitants has his own local police that depend on the local government.
Guardia Civil
Counterpart of the Carabineri in Italia and Gendarmerie in France.
- amenity=police
- name=Guardia Civil
- official_name=Puesto de XXX (or the name designated by the Guardia Civil)
- operator=Guardia Civil
- operator:wikidata=Q932821
- operator:wikipedia=es:Guardia Civil (España)
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
Cuerpo Nacional de Policía
- amenity=police
- name=Policía Nacional
- official_name=Comisaría de XXX (or the name designated by the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía)
- operator=Cuerpo Nacional de Policía
- operator:short=CNP
- operator:wikidata=Q1143194
- operator:wikipedia=es:Cuerpo Nacional de Policía
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
Mossos d'Esquadra
- amenity=police
- name=Mossos d'Esquadra
- official_name=Mossos d'Esquadra a XXX
- operator=Mossos d'Esquadra
- operator:wikidata=Q1424346
- operator:wikipedia=ca:Mossos d'Esquadra
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
- amenity=police
- name=Foruzaingoa/Policía Foral
- name:eu=Foruzaingoa
- name:es=Policía Foral
- operator=Policía Foral
- operator:wikidata=Q2064816
- operator:wikipedia=eu:Foruzaingoa
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
- amenity=police
- name=Ertzaintza
- official_name=XXX Ertzain-etxea
- official_name:eu=XXX Ertzain-etxea
- official_name:es=Comisaría de XXX
- operator=Ertzaintza
- operator:wikidata=Q1232358
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
Cuerpo General de Policía Canaria
- amenity=police
- name=Cuerpo General de Policía Canaria
- operator=Cuerpo General de Policía Canaria
- operator:wikidata=Q3751422
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
Policía Local
Generally is called Policía Local but may change depending on the region or city you are, in Sabadell, Madrid and Valladolid are Policía Municipal, in Barcelona is Guàrdia Urbana and in the Basque Country is Udaltzaingoa in Euskera.
- amenity=police
- name=Policía Local
- official_name=Policía Local de XXX
- operator=Policía Local de XXX
- operator:wikidata=Q1507792
- phone=*
- fax=*
- email=*
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=*
- addr:*=*
For more information see Fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad (España)