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user:jeisenbe, why do you think it's helpful to remove information ? It's you who had questions how a landigpad differs from a launchpad (which is more obvious). So you shouldn't remove info about other tagging methods. Especially as you found it helpful to add this to the aeroway=launchpad page. If you show a "3rd method", you should mention what this should be good for. Just for documentation, the section you removed :

Just for completeness : A launchpad/landingpad is either for military or civilian (=aeroways) usage, man_made is only used for items not fitting in any other category

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!

rtfm Rtfm (talk) 12:30, 15 April 2020 (UTC)

Re: "man_made is only used for items not fitting in any other category" - that doesn't make sense. "Military" and "Civilian" cover all things: anything that is not "military" is "civilian". From what I can see, man_made=launchpad is a synonym which does not specify whether it is military or not. I also would not use "PossibleSynonym" because that suggests that man_made=launch_pad is a tagging error, but that has not been determined. --Jeisenbe (talk) 02:46, 16 April 2020 (UTC)
So you think there might be launchpads which are neither military nor civilian ? Or when should this possible synonym then be used ? rtfm Rtfm (talk) 11:38, 16 April 2020 (UTC)
No, because "civilian" is defined as "not military" in this context. The problem is that by using the template PossibleSynonym|man_made|launch_pad it lists is as a possible tagging mistake. But this tag aeroway=landingpad is stated to be different from a launchpad. And the other tag aeroway=launchpad is not more common than man_made=launch_pad, nor was it discussed or approved by the community. If you want to deprecate man_made=launch_pad, the correct way to do it is to discuss this with the community via the Tagging list, or to make a Proposal. --Jeisenbe (talk) 01:29, 18 April 2020 (UTC)
That's why it's called possible tagging mistake. It's an individual decision. And forget about your argument to discuss everything from scratch (see "Simple Sabotage Field Manual"). Better explain what it should be good for in your point of view.rtfm Rtfm (talk) 12:39, 18 April 2020 (UTC)