Telenav/Mapping Projects/Europe/Munich

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To make OpenStreetMap more navigable and accurate in guidance, our mapping team started an editing project in Europe. Munich is one of the cities on which we will focus. We will be editing and reviewing one-ways, turn restrictions, road geometry and correcting any errors that might show up during our analysis. We will follow the global OSM conventions alongside the ones specific for Germany, as they are described on these pages:Attributierung von Straßen in Deutschland, DE:Map_Features

The below analysis is based on Openstreetmap data downloaded on 17.03.2020.

Munich, Germany

latitude: 48.139771, longitude: 11.582346
Browse map of Munich 48°08′23.18″ N, 11°34′56.45″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality

Munich is a town in Germany at latitude 48°08′23.18″ North, longitude 11°34′56.45″ East.

Overall Statistics

For the below statistics, the following highway tag values were taken into consideration:

motorway motorway_link trunk trunk_link primary primary_link secondary secondary_link tertiary tertiary_link residential service unclassified
City Road Geometry(km) Road Name(km) Road Name Gap(km) Oneway(km) Speed Limit(km) Speed Limit Gap (km) Lane Info(km) Lane Info Gap(km) Turn Restrictions Signposts
Munchen 4540.04 2898.45 1,641.59 965.44 2709.18 1,830.86 996.06 3,543.98 1080 138

Improve OSM


We will review and add if necessary the oneway=yes tag on navigable roads after consulting the available data (OSM Oneway key).

City Cases to Review
Munchen 110

Turn Restrictions

We will use the following tags:

-relations: type=restriction ; restriction= * ; except= *

-relations: type=restriction ; restriction:conditional= * ; except= *

-members: from, via, to

See also: Relation:restriction

City Cases to review
Munchen 722

Road Geometry

We will add missing geometry to the existing navigable roads. Key:highway

Quality Assurance

Integrity checks

Potential errors generated by the Integrity Checks tool. They are to be reviewed and editen only if it is the case as they are not always errors.

Please check OSM Wiki Integrity checks page for more details on how the data was obtained.

Severity Cases Error Name
critical 246 bad-2w-4w-tags
critical 6 invalid-turn-restrictions
critical 5 oneway-flip-flops
critical 8 pierced-tunnels-and-bridges
critical 117 road-islands
critical 243 unconnected-ways
critical 150 wrong-oneway-double-way
critical 1 wrong-one-ways
major 139 bad-tag-values
major 1 highway-tag-flip-flops
major 24 miscategorized-ramps
major 13 ramp-destination-conflicts
major 171 speed-limit-value
major 90 way-sign-posts
minor 4 bad-words
minor 17 cardinal-directions
minor 155 lane-count
minor 257 links-with-name-or-ref
minor 4 misnamed-double-digitized-ways
minor 22 roundabout-name
minor 90 smoothness-problems
minor 1009 turn-lanes-order
minor 2 typos
minor 1 zorro-ways
Total 2775

Keep Right

Below is a statistic of potential errors generated by the Keep Right tool. These are to be reviewed and edited only if considered so since false-positive cases are also generated.

Please see Keep Right OSM Wiki page and for any additional information on the data below.

Severity Error name Cases
critical dead-ended one-ways 5
critical missing from way 2
critical wrong restriction angle 3
major almost-junctions 167
major floating islands 41
major intersection without junction 10
minor already restricted by oneway 2
minor mixed layers intersections 10
Total 240

Additional Sources

Satellite Imagery: ESRI World Imagery, Mapbox, Bing etc.

Street-level imagery: OpenStreetCam, Mapillary

Local Data: used with approval where needed

Improve OSM: Traffic Flow Direction