Template:IT:Map Features:basin

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Viene usato per specificare in modo più dettagliato gli oggetti di tipo landuse=basin.

Key Value Comment Photo Rendering
basin infiltration Uno speciale bacino di infiltrazione per l'acqua piovana. Si tratta essenzialmente di un bacino artificiale poco profondo, concepito per lasciare infiltrare l'acqua piovana nella falda acquifera attraverso suoli permeabili. Durante la maggior parte delle precipitazioni i bacini di infiltrazione non scaricano nelle acque di superficie, ma sono previste strutture per gestire il traboccamento (tubazioni, dighe, ecc.) in caso di alluvione. Bassin infiltration.jpeg
basin detention Uno speciale bacino per il contenimento, per un periodo limitato, delle piene e delle acque piovane. In condizioni normali non è riempito di acqua. Dry dentention basin.JPG
basin retention Uno speciale bacino per il contenimento delle piene e delle acque piovane, che è riempito di acqua anche in condizioni normali. Trounce Pond.jpg
basin evaporation A basin containing water containing a dissolved substance (precipitate). These basins are used for harvesting precipitate, removing the water from hazardous waste, evaporating the precipitation that falls on a contaminated site, or preventing pesticides, fertilizers, and salts from agricultural wastewater from contaminating the water bodies they would flow into. Leachate Pond.JPG
basin aeration An aeration basin.
basin cooling An artificial body of water which was created to supply cooling water and/or store heat. Atomkraftwerk Cattenom und Kühlwasserstausee Lac du Mirgenbach.JPG
basin footbath A basin containing water to clean the feet before entering a swimming pool.
basin settling A settling basin. Settling basins are used to treat wastewater by settling.
basin water_regeneration A basin with plants for the biological regeneration of water, e.g. at swimming pools. Example in OSM.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Una traduzione può essere editata qui.

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Template for the basin table. Use the default English text or use the template arguments for your translations. The following parameters can also be used when inserting into the article namespace.

Template parameters

name displayedname:displayed

With this switch the heading (‘name’) is shown.

Auto value
description displayeddescription:displayed

With this switch the introductory description (‘description’) is shown.

Auto value


{{Template:IT:Map Features:basin}}


{{Template:IT:Map Features:basin|name:displayed=yes/no|description:displayed=yes/no}}


All parameters are optional (except name:displayed and description:displayed). By default, text is in English. English writers shall write their comments in the template itself (avoiding double edition). Other languages are translated in template arguments, not in the template itself.

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<noinclude>{{Languages|Template:Map Features:basin}}</noinclude>
{{Map Features:basin|name:displayed={{{name:displayed|yes}}}|description:displayed={{{description:displayed|yes}}}




{{Documentation|Template:Map Features:basin/doc}}