User:Gilbert54/MySandBox/Industrial Estate

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The Industrial Park

Take a peek at Industrial park and Business park on Wikipedia. While from a mapping perspective there are a lot of similarities, there are also important differences. In general in a business park you will find only office buildings where often several companies may be sharing the same building. In an industrial park it's just the opposite: one company has one or more buildings, some of them with a specific function. Offices may be located in one or more of the industrial buildings or in a separate building. In this article we will be focusing on the industrial park. Another version of an industrial park is the SME park, also called SME industrial park or SME zone (SME = Small and Medium-sized Enterprise). Similar in structure to an industrial park, but populated with smaller companies and sometimes a mix of industrial and commercial activities.

Usually the boundaries of the entire area are very clearly visible on areal photography. Defining the boundaries of the individual plots can be a bit more challenging, but often the plots are separated by fences or walls, which helps a lot. If you don't want to identify the individual plots per company, then just tag the entire industrial estate as one big area with landuse=industrial, but the preferred solution is to create separate areas for each plot and to tag them as such. The areas of neighboring plots can either share one or more common ways or be drawn as completely independent areas.

The streets which run through the industrial estate are public. Typically those streets will not be major roads, to keep pass-through traffic away from the industrial estate. Usually you can tag those streets as highway=unclassified. Add speed limits, road surface and cycleway information. If possible include information about bus stops.

The streets which run on the company's premises are private. Those should be tagged as service ways with access restricted to private.

Buildings can have different purposes. Some may be used for manufacturing, warehousing or research; some may be offices for the administration. If you know those details, then tag the buildings accordingly as building=industrial, building=warehouse, office=*. If the activity of the business is mainly commercial (e.g. a distributor of certain products or a provider of business-to-business services) consider using landuse=commercial and building=commercial. If you don't know any of those details, then just use building=industrial or building=yes.


In SME parks and smaller industrial parks it shouldn't be too difficult to find street names and house numbers, although it may not always be obvious to determine on which particular building the address tag should be put if the plot contains multiple buildings.

In very large industry parks with heavy industry like petrochemical plants, large factories or in a port area, street names and certainly house numbers may remain a mystery for the surveyor. Company information on the internet may sometimes be helpful to get those details. In any case the address tags should always be put on only one object, either on the main building, or on the guard house or on the entrance to the company's plot or simply on the area on which the company is located.

Most industry parks have a specific name. Sometimes those names are an acronym and part of a structured plan, with sub-zones and a numbering plan for the individual plots. Those numbers are usually grouped by thousand ranges along the same street and shown on a large sign in front of the plot. Roadsigns will direct drivers to streets referred to by thousand ranges instead of street names.

Nested zones

The simple case is where there is just one park or zone which contains a number of land areas. But sometimes an industry park can be quite large and may be divided in sub-zones, often separated a highway, a waterway and/or a railway. In such a case, simply tag each sub-zone just like a single industry park and then combine them in a multi-polygon relation which then represents the entire industry park.


If the company has a complex collection of buildings and other specific areas you may consider to collect those items in a site=* relation. In that case the plot's area which is used for landuse=* should also be used for the perimeter role in the site relation. With the site relation you can visually more easily identify the items which are part of the relation. Using the Relation:site is optional and not at all required to tag an Industrial Park.


A single company may be located on different sites, even in the same Industrial Park. To combine multiple sites of the same company, just group them in a separate Relation:multipolygon. If the components of this multi-polygon belong to the same zone you have the choice to include either the individual sites or the multi-site relation to the relation which defines the the zone or industry park. Don't add the individual plots and the multi-site relation; this would be similar to double-tagging.

If the individual sites belong to different (sub-)zones, add each site to its own zone. Don't add the separate multi-site relation to any of the (sub-)zones of the industry park.



See also


Industrial park
Business park
SME = Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
P.002495-Masterplan Bewegwijzering ENA

Related terms: ‹ industrial › ‹ factory ›