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익명의 사용자가 추가한 노트. 숙련된 지도 편집자가 지도를 개선하도록 돕는 역할을 한다. 로터리가 교차로로 나왔으니 고쳐달라는 노트를 달자, 수정을 했다는 답이 온 것이다.

노트오픈스트리트맵 웹사이트의 핵심 기능입니다. 노트를 사용하면 (굳이 가입이나 로그인을 하지 않고도)지도에 코멘트를 추가하여 다른 사람이 오픈스트리트맵을 매핑/편집하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 다른 사용자는 노트에 응답하여 필요한 경우 추가 세부 정보를 요청할 수 있습니다.

유효하고 유용한 노트의 보기로는 "여기에 새로운 도로가 건설되었습니다" 또는 "이 가게는 문을 닫아 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다"가 있습니다.

일반적인 토론이나 오픈스트리트맵에서 사용하지 않는 정보를 저장하는 데 노트를 사용하지 마세요. 보기를 들어 "토요일에 이곳에 있었어요" 또는 "이곳에서 범죄가 발생했어요"와 같은 메모를 작성하지 마세요.(이런 것은 무시될 것입니다.)

새 노트를 제출하기 위해 로그인할 필요는 없지만, 로그인하는 것이 좋습니다. 로그인한 사용자는 노트에 댓글이 추가되거나 문제가 해결되면 이메일을 받게 됩니다.

'노트' 기능 쓰기

Yes check.svg 이렇게 하십시오.
  • Use this feature to report an error in the data or to give some additional information, for instance the name of a street or an address etc.
No-Symbol.svg 이런 건 하지 마십시오.
  • Don't copy from other sources such as other maps, even if they do not cost money or are from the government (there are only a few exceptions).
  • Don't argue. If you have something to discuss, please use some other contact channel (a personal message, a mailing list, the forum, or a face-to-face meet-up).
  • Don't post general comments. A note should relate to the map data at a specific location. If you want to contact the community about something more general, please use a more appropriate contact channel.
  • Don't use notes for yourself in a way which is useless to others. Although you can use notes as a reminder to yourself, you are also inviting others to look at it. Descriptions must make sense to other people.
  • Don't create automated notes. Notes should be a human-to-human communication. Also avoid noting lots of data bugs which are already reported by automated Quality Assurance tools.

The notes feature of OpenStreetMap allows both registered users and the wider public to quickly indicate where there are errors or omissions in the OpenStreetMap data, and for contributors to OpenStreetMap to know where their support is needed.

'노트' 덧붙이기

To add a note, click the bottom tool bar button on the right side of the main OSM map.

Add a note screenshot.png

Move the marker to the correct position (as accurately as you can). Leave a short text message for contributors to Openstreetmap to tell them what's wrong or missing.

Be clear in your message, for example consider that "path wrong" says very little of use, but "The east-west path on the map does not exist on the ground" is very clear.


If you have an OpenStreetMap account, you should login first to have your note associated with your username, but casual visitors can easily add a note too. If you want to be more than a casual visitor, create an account.

Entered text is treated as a plain text, though for example openstreetmap.org will recognize and autoformat links. Formatting with markdown is not supported - unlike private messages and diary entries.

Click the image to see the animation:


쓴 '노트' 찾기

To easily find unresolved notes created by (or commented on by) some user (such as your own notes), you can use My OpenStreetMap Notes service.

'노트' 보기

To view all the current notes for an area go to the openstreetmap.org main map display, click the 'layer picker' control on the top right of the map, and select the 'Notes' checkbox (see image).


The note markers have the varying styles shown in the image below:

Notes map symbols
Icon Description
New note marker.png
New note location (while being added)
Open note marker.png
Unresolved note location
Closed note marker.png
Resolved note location (older such notes will not be shown)

After selecting a note, you can comment on it, for example, to ask the contributor questions (if they were logged in when adding the note) or to add additional information.

'노트' 내용 해결

Notes that are no longer valid should be marked as resolved (requires log in). For example, a note that relates to a map error should be marked resolved once the map has been updated to fix the error. Duplicate or invalid notes should also be marked as resolved.

Resolved notes are not removed or deleted. After a period of seven days they are hidden from view. Hidden notes can be viewed using the RSS feed and the closed=-1 parameter like this:


See this question on the OSM Help forum for more details about how to view hidden notes.

'노트' 신고하기

It is also possible to report notes using the »Report this note« link at the bottom (requires log in). This should only be done in the case of notes containing abusive or illegal content, or where sensitive or confidential information appears in notes. All other kinds of problem, including spam, should be tackled by resolving the note with a quick message explaining what the problem was. If we report a note, then volunteers in the data working group need to process this. They can permanently hide inappropriate notes, but it's better not to place demands on their time if this is not required.

선택한 영역의 '노트' 살피기

The Map

You can use NotesReview to visualize all notes on the map.

Generating a custom RSS feed

First, you need to know the coordinates of the area (bounding box) you want to monitor. You can use the OSMCha filters to do so.

Then, copy-paste them at the end of this url :


List for a country

Overview about Open/Closed OSM Notes is going to be useful.

Anton's note viewer

https://antonkhorev.github.io/osm-note-viewer allows you to search notes for user, text, or date range, and get all notes inside a small specified bounding box.

특정 사용자가 쓴 '노트' 살피기

Generating a custom RSS feed

The following URL returns the nodes of the given OSM username as RSS/Atom feed. Replace USERNAME in the URL.


편집기에서 도움 받기

OSM editors offer various support for notes.

iD and JOSM can show and act on them but it requires using special option.

Vespucci downloads and shows notes by default, together with Osmose errors.

StreetComplete shows notes that include questions and can be configured to show all of them. StreetComplete users can also manually leave notes, especially when objects for given quest is outdated (for example user is asked about opening hours of shop that is gone). StreetComplete has special support for easy way of making photos and including them in a note as links.

더 읽어 보기

함께 보기

The following two tag keys:

  • key:note – only a similar name, quite different function (used to inform other mappers about non-obvious information about an element)
  • key:fixme – partly a similar function (allows contributors to mark objects and places that need further attention)

바깥 고리