Zh-hans:Beginners Guide 1.5
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这个页面内容或段落可能包含过时的资讯:Osmarender's development ended in 2012, it is mostly irrelevant to newcomers; same applies to Tiles@home
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如果你知道更新的资讯,请协助更新内容使得大家都能获得正确的资讯。 (Discussion)
1. 在PC上使用渲染工具将上传的数据 自己渲染 成图像. OpenStreetMap 提供三种不同的渲染工具:
- Osmarender: 一个基于可扩展样式表语言转换 (XSLT) 的渲染器,能够创建可缩放矢量图形(SVG), SVG可以用浏览器观看或转换成位图.
- Mapnik: 一个用C++写的非常快的渲染器,可以生成位图(png, jpeg)和矢量图形(pdf, svg, postscript)。
2. 让数据显示在 OpenStreetMap 的主页 的 slippy map 上. 在主页的右上方有一个 '+' . 点击 '+' 后会出现一个包括 'Mapnik' 和 'Osmarender' 的基础层的选项. 分别显示对应的渲染器生成的地图.
- Mapnik: Mapnik 基础层通常是一小时内更新。
- tiles@home/Osmarender: Osmarender 基础层应该在数据上传后自动更新. 如果没有自动更新或者你想看到快速的更新, 请使用 Informationfreeway 主页, 放大图像到 12 层然后在想更新的图块上按 ctrl+click. 更多的资料在这里: FAQ. 更新请求会发送到 tiles@home/Osmarender . 过段时间后你会发现更新的图块已经包括你的改动了. 你可能必须刷新页面才能看到它.
You're probably not only interested in making and extending the map, but using it for your own purposes, depending on the kind of interests you have and the envisaged application of the slippy map. Some of the options listed on this Wiki will get you going:
- When you do not require dynamic maps, based on up-to-date OSM data, exporting an image and using it in your own work is the best option. This is also the option you'll have to choose if you're making static print media (e.g., brochures and posters).
- Embedding the map on your website is likely to be the easiest and is likely to require the least technical knowledge. On the other hand, there are no direct advanced options for representing data and the interface.
- Place the map on your own website by using JavaScript. This option allows you to customize the map, and the interface, to some extent.
- Create your own map based on the OSM data. Possibly the most flexible option in terms of what you can do. It comes at the cost, however, of more specialised technical knowledge and additional requirements to hard- and software.
Developing your own applications is also possible by using and re-using OSM components. An overview of the components is a good place to start when you're interested in making your own advanced, OSM-based, applications.