Humanitarian OSM Tags/Humanitarian Data Background

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This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)

OpenStreetMap: Tags in Current Usage

These are tags reporting status of infrastructure, building collapses and other related types of information relating to site conditions in the field - ad-hoc tags found in current use (Haiti response effort, Jan 2010, based on Haiti Tagstat):

Keys and values currently in use via Tagstat (1/16/09) - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Tag-Value Instances in Use (1/16/09 or as otherwise noted) Description Haiti Project page recommendation
earthquake:damage=collapsed_building 3,160 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Describes building collapse Yes
earthquake:damage=spontaneous_camp 102 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Ad-hoc refugee camp Yes
earthquake:damage=landslide 136 as of as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Area of unstable soils and landslides Yes
earthquake:damage=damaged_infrastructure 35 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Damaged public infrastructure (sewer, power, et cetera) Yes
earthquake:damage=severe 41 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Severe Damage (?)
earthquake:damage=partially_collapsed 33 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Partially collapsed structure
earthquake:damage=moderate 14 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Moderate damage
earthquake:damage=collapsed 6 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Collapsed (?) - combined with other tags? DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=collapsed_buiding 1 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Typo → should be earthquake:damage=collapsed_building DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=no 3 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) No damage - presumably a change in status based on ground truth or other verification? DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=collapse_building 1 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) → should be earthquake:damage=collapsed_building DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=spontaneous_campsite 4 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) See ad-hoc camp tags DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=people_camping 1 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) See ad-hoc camp tags DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake:damage=undefined 1 as of 00:33, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Unspecified damage? DruidSmith 00:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
building=collapsed 5,691 as of 00:59, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Collapsed structure
building=collapse 242 as of 00:59, 19 January 2010 (UTC) → see other collapsed building tags DruidSmith 01:06, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
building=risky 3 as of 00:59, 19 January 2010 (UTC) Structure, not yet collapsed, but which poses a threat to enter
building=partially_collapsed 1 as of 00:59, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
earthquake_damage=collapsed 41 Collapsed structure
Should be → earthquake:damage=collapsed_building
last cleaning (unknown)
earthquake_damage=severe 24 Severe damage.
Should be → earthquake:damage=severe
last cleaning (unknown)
earthquake_damage=moderate 14 Moderate damage
Should be → earthquake:damage=moderate
last cleaning (unknown)
earthquake_damage=collapsed_building 1 Collapsed structure
Should be → earthquake:damage=collapsed_building
last cleaning (unknown)
earthquake_damage=people_camping 1 Ad-hoc refugee camp
Should be → earthquake:damage=spontaneous_camp
last cleaning (unknown)
earthquake_damage=no 1 No damage
Should be → earthquake:damage=no
last cleaning (unknown)
tourism=camp_site 211 Ad-hoc refugee camp - this tagset currently allows camp sites to be rendered via mapnik but may warrant revisiting in the future DruidSmith 00:54, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
Should be → refugee=yes
refugee=yes 270 Ad-hoc refugee camp Yes
refugees=yes 0 Ad-hoc refugee camp
Should be → refugee=yes
last cleaning 17:06, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
barrier=obstacle 18 Minor obstructions to roadway visible in imagery Yes
impassable=yes 17 Many obstructions in roadway Yes
blocked=yes 1 Many obstructions in roadway
Should be → impassable=yes
last cleaning 16:58, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
bridge=collapsed 0 Collapsed bridge
(does not appear to be used)
highway=obstacle 8 Highway obstacle
Should be → barrier=obstacle
last cleaning 16:58, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
smoothness=impassable 4 Impassable highway
Should be → impassable=yes
last cleaning 16:58, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

(Please add to this list as other tags in usage are noted)

Tags for tsunami related objects

This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Tag-Value Description
tsunami:damage=standing_structure Describes structure that appears standing in flooded/destroyed areas.
Use together with i.e. building=yes or any other appropriate tag.
tsunami:damage=collapsed_building Describes structure that still exists in flooded/destroyed areas but appears collapsed.
Use together with i.e. building=yes or any other appropriate tag.
tsunami:damage=flooded Describes flooded areas.
Use together with natural=water or in case of a barrier node: barrier=obstacle
barrier=obstacle Describes barrier visible in imagery.
In case of flooding being the obstacle use also tsunami:damage=flooded.

Condition Assessment

OpenStreetMap Tags for consideration

(Merged from Disaster-specific_tags) Please post any proposed new tags relating to condition assessments here

Keys and values proposed - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Proposed Tag-Value Description Comments
?=? Unstable Ground (From Disaster-specific_tags)
?=? Flooded Ground (From Disaster-specific_tags)

Recommendations and Guidelines

Observations: earthquake:damage currently appears to have far more widespread usage as a primary condition assessment key being used in recording Haiti observations; others in use are far more ad-hoc. Roadway passability is very inconsistent - DruidSmith

Recommendation: Develop a basic, accessible ontology for describing site conditions - this should hopefully address

  • Building condition (collapse, danger of collapse)
  • Transportation (road passability, bridge collapses, et cetera)
  • Victims - trapped individuals, deceased individuals
  • Hazardous Materials - spilled chemicals, et cetera
  • and others (please add and contribute)

Models may include those developed by the Fire Service et al. From my own experience, DHS models may be cumbersome for short-term and perhaps better for long-term usage, whereas Fire Service is a bit more streamlined for quick understanding and use. -DruidSmith

Verification - how to provide information on verification of conditions, et cetera?

  • note - resume cleanup/edit with <item name="Health Facilities"> in JOSM Presets -DruidSmith 04:28, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

Emergency Response & Relief Support Infrastructure

Tags for Consideration

(will merge from Disaster-specific tags page here)

(Merged from Disaster-specific tags) Please post any proposed new tags relating to responder facilities here

Keys and values proposed - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Proposed Tag-Value Description Comments Category
amenity=fire_station Fire Station Human
emergency=fire_hydrant Fire Hydrant Human
amenity=police Police Station Human
Emergency services See discussion here: Proposed features/Emergency service Human
EMT Station Human
Ambulance Station Human
aeroway=helipad Medical Evacuation Helicopter Station For temporary helicopter landing zones, accompany with temporary=yes - other attributes? Human
Health Department Governmental health department facilities - other attributes? Human
Hospital Ship Other attributes? temporary=yes Human
Outpatient Medical Facility / Clinic Other attributes? Human
amenity=mortuary Morgue Permanent or temporary morgue facility - for temporary, accompany with temporary=yes Human
amenity=pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy or medicine dispensing location - for temporary, accompany with temporary=yes - accompany with dispensing=yes for prescription drugs Human
Triage Triage site - for temporary, accompany with temporary=yes Human
Red Cross/Red Crescent First Aid Station (From Disaster-specific tags) (In general, for several of these I might suggest something like a tag for aid station, camp, distribution center, et cetera, accompanied by attribute data for what organization is operating it, et cetera - DruidSmith) Human
Meeting point (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Temporary hospital (From Disaster-specific tags) Use temporary=yes, start_date=*, end_date=* for anything temporary osmapb1 Human
Refugee camp (From Disaster-specific tags) (presumably a refugee camp administered by aid organization vs. ad-hoc refugee camps) -DruidSmith Human
Refugee Camp population estimate (From Disaster-specific tags) population can be estimated from satellite imagery analysis Human
Shelter (From Disaster-specific_tags) Human
Temporary desalination station (From Disaster-specific tags) Use temporary=yes, start_date=*, end_date=* for anything temporary osmapb1 Human
Stand pipe (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Food distribution point (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Drinking water distribution point (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Fuel distribution point (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
News wall/Lost and found information (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Common grave (From Disaster-specific tags) Human
Food depot (From Disaster-specific tags) Emergency Services
Fuel depot (From Disaster-specific tags) Emergency Services
Temporary airfield (From Disaster-specific tags) Use temporary=yes, start_date=*, end_date=* for anything temporary osmapb1 Emergency Services
Heavy lifting equipment depot (From Disaster-specific tags) Emergency Services
Supplies warehouse (From Disaster-specific tags) Emergency Services


Absolute limit of a Search-and-Rescue area Means "No SAR work will be done outside it".

This, and the rest of SAR tags, should behave like the several levels of administrative boundaries: grids are inside sectors that are inside the area, and all of them share the edges. The area should be the sum of the sectors, etc.

This, and the following Search-and-Rescue tags are just a proposal - feel free to comment or modify as needed -- Ivansanchez

Temporary Political



Search-and-Rescue sector Means "One SAR team, or one SAR workforce, per sector". Goal is to prevent two teams or workforces to cover the same terrain twice. Optionally, use operator=* to specify the name of the team or workforce assigned to the sector. Temporary Political


Search-and-Rescue grid Used by a given team or workforce to split its work. This should be used by one team or workforce, which may go through one grid square at a time. Temporary Political
Military controlled zones (From Disaster-specific tags) Temporary Political
Closed border (From Disaster-specific tags) Temporary Political
Exclusion zones (From Disaster-specific tags) Temporary Political
Uprising zones (From Disaster-specific tags) Temporary Political
Riot-prone zones (From Disaster-specific tags) Temporary Political


P-Codes (proposal 1) P-Codes (short for Place-Codes) are an addressing system used by emergency responders. See

Use name=* to specify the name of the landmark the P-Code refers to (or re-use the name=* of an existing feature if possible, adding pcode=* to it)

Please note that the given values and names are examples taken from

Do not confuse humanitarian Place-Codes with other kinds of P-codes

As a "humanitarian:" high level tag has been proposed suggest a "un:" equivalent eg un:pcode:1=* etc

Temporary Political






P-Codes (proposal 2)





Some discussion has taken place on WikiProject_Haiti/Status/Hospitals#Tagging. Should fold in such to these pages.