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Public-images-osm logo.svg monorail
Kl monorail.jpg
Specifies whether monorail trains stop at a feature, or the type of monorail. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)use on relations unspecified
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

The key monorail=yes/no is used to specify whether monorail trains stop at a feature such as a train station or platform. A monorail is a distinctive railway where the trains run on one single rail, often suspended above streets.

This key was approved for use with public_transport=stop_position only, when proposed at Proposed_features/Public_Transport, however it has also been used with other railway=* and public_transport=* feature tags.

This key is also in use, less commonly, to specify the type of monorail construction or propulsion, with values hanging, girder, rubber_tyres and maglev in use.

How to map

Do monorail trains stop at the features?

  • Add the tag monorail=yes to a feature such as a railway=platform or public_transport=stop_position to specify that monorail trains stop at this feature. This is mainly useful when the same feature, such as a station, is shared by a railway=monorail train and a highway=* bus, or with another railway=* type such as a trams or subway.
  • Add the tag monorail=no to a feature when monorail trains do not stop there, even though they might otherwise be expected to.

Some mappers add this tag to public_transport=platform and public_transport=station features, instead of adding the more common tags railway=platform and railway=station, however this tagging was not approved as part of the proposal and is not widely supported by database users.

Type of monorail

Less commonly, some mappers use this key with railway=monorail and a value which specifies the type of monorail construction or propulsion, with values hanging, girder, rubber_tyres and maglev in use. These values have not been widely discussed, but appear to mean:

  • hanging - the train hangs underneath the rail
  • girder - the train runs above a single rail, constructed of girders.
  • rubber_tyres - the train runs on rubber tyres
  • maglev - the train is elevated above the surface and propelled by magnetic levitation.

See also

  • access=* - general access restrictions - while monorail=yes/no appears to be an access restriction, it is rarely used in this way
  • train=* - specifies whether a train stops at a feature - usually not a tram, monorail or subway train.
  • tram=* - specifies whether trams or streetcars stop at a feature
  • subway=* - specifies whether a subway train stops at a feature
  • light_rail=* - specifies whether "light rail" trains stop at a feature - unapproved tag