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Similar pages for structural reference: Tag:railway=tram, Tag:waterway=dock.
Public-images-osm logo.svg markings
Specifies whether a feature has markings or not.
Group: parking
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: in use

markings=* is a key which describes whether a feature has visible markings or not, be it paint or using differently coloured ground. It's primarily used in street parking to denote whether the (individual) parking spaces are marked or not.

The parking spaces on that street are explicitely marked as painted lanes.

Uses in street parking

The most common use of markings=* is as a suffix to parking:left=*, parking:both=* and parking:right=*, respectively, to denote whether the parking spaces are explicitely marked on the carriageway or sidewalk instead of being implied / regulated by signage only. This particularly applies to parking spaces on streets which are otherwise forbidden to park.

They're also sometimes used on separately mapped parking spaces to denote the existence of visible parking spaces (the image on the left is a good example of a marked parking=street_side).

Key Value Illustration Description
markings yes Parking markings yes.png There are (some kind of) markings. This includes different surfaces, kerb-side markings, etc.
no Parking markings no.png There are no markings.

See also