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Public-images-osm logo.svg website
Specifying the link to the official website for a feature Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: annotations
URL pattern
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Useful combination
See also
Status: de factoPage for proposal

The website=* tag is used to provide the full URL to the official website for the related feature, be it a building, park railway, or anything else.


Websites URL usually follow this syntax:

http(s)://(www.)domain.tld/(page)(?parameters)(#anchor), where parts in parenthesis may be optional.

Example would be a good website URL. Its format is valid, it's a direct link to the wanted resource and a trustworthy website.

Best practices

Durability and machine-readability

  • Choose simple URLs over complex URLs if they point to the same content. For example, use instead of, as both will get you to the front page. Websites are frequently redesigned, so strive for the most "robust" URL that works.
  • Choose specific URLs over home pages. For example, use instead of, as the former it related to the element. Consider brand:website=*, network:website=* or operator:website=* if you want to store a URL for them.
  • Include the scheme (http or https) explicitly., not
  • Take care when copying links from a search engine result. Search results URLs hide information about the final destination of the link, and are not meant for permanent linking. A very bad example would be https ://​com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s...
  • Prefer websites with domain names. URLs containing IP addresses tend to get outdated more quickly than URLs with domain names and are far less recognizable. This Sophox query finds websites at IPv4 addresses.


  • If the official website is available in multiple languages depending on the URL, link to the version in the locally appropriate language or the language-neutral version. (Some websites automatically redirect to the user's language if you omit a language code from the URL.)
  • website=* is only for official websites, not for general web links. Use wikipedia=* for Wikipedia articles. Social media profiles are tagged using contact=* keys: contact:mastodon=*, contact:facebook=*, contact:twitter=*, etc. If a social media web presence is the only web presence of the POI (point-of-interest), then some taggers prefer to also list the URL using website=* to indicate that no other official website exists. (Do not use bulk edits to "deduplicate" the website and contact tags)

Privacy and security

Namespace values


An excerpt of some most used tags:

LOADING TAG LIST... (If you do not see this tag list, you need to enable JavaScript)
This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.


This table lists out documented keys only. They represent some known usage as seen in the wild.

Key Value Element Comment Statistics
website:mobile URL node way area Used to link to URL for websites designed for smaller displays, reduced bandwidth, or mobile touchscreens etc.
website:menu=* URL node way area Used to link to URL with menu information of e.g. a restaurant
website:stock URL node way area Used to link to URL with "live" stock information of e.g. a shop or pharmacy
website:map URL node way area Used to link to external maps e.g. in route relations.
website:booking URL node way area Used to link to booking website.
website:orders URL node way area Used to link to a website to order goods or services from a feature.
user defined URL node way area All commonly used values according to Taginfo.

Other keys

  • *:url=* - URL scheme
  • image=* - URL to an image

See also
