User talk:Tigerfell

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the User:Tigerfell page and its related topics.
Hier befindet sich die Diskussionsseite der Seite User:Tigerfell und verwandter Themen.

Page move FR:Frontage road

Hello, Thank you for the report. I wished I could fix it, but someone already did. --Dlareg (talk) 15:30, 5 September 2018 (UTC)

title parser

  • hi, it seems GCF is not a valid language code, and what's more, there are only two pages in it. Could you check in wikipedia if that's the right one? What language is it for?
  • WRT the other titles - you may want to include "title=xxxx" in the expected values when the input string is not a key or a tag. I will implement it soon thereafter.
  • POI - is there a list of such pseudo-namespaces somewhere?

Thx! --Yurik (talk) 20:07, 30 September 2018 (UTC)

I was going to link you to the list, but I wanted to add the tests first. By pseudonamespaces I refer to all the prefixes that decode languages, but are not namespaces in this wiki. So, "POI:" is not a "pseudonamespace". You could just try Special:PrefixIndex. Some people started their pages with "Countryname:" or "Countryname<space>" (page naming convention), but I would not try to infer a language from that (e.g. in Canada).
I would not really know what to use "title" for, but I guess it could be useful later. --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 20:20, 30 September 2018 (UTC)
The list does not include all languages. There seem to be even more languages at the documentation of Template:Languagename. --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 20:54, 30 September 2018 (UTC)
@Tigerfell: I do not need the languages - mw has a list of those built-in. I need non-language prefixes, like POI, Key, etc. --Yurik (talk) 21:34, 30 September 2018 (UTC)
I know, but some (like "Gcf") are different. There is no list of non-language prefixes, because those are not documented. I mean every user can create a page "Xx:Page name" and you will not know if it is a language prefix. I am afraid that you will either have to make guesses (every name with two letters followed by a colon or a dash is a language name) or work with a whitelist (e.g. every language not detected by a special list and mw is not a pseudo-namespace). That is the problem!
If you use the whitelist approach, you have the advantage that there is a list and almost everything else is not a pseudo-namespace. If you really want to find that out, I guess you would have to analyse the wiki dump (not available any more since 2015 unfortunately). --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 21:53, 30 September 2018 (UTC)

Double redirects

Hello Tigerfell. I've noticed that you're sending the same standard message about double redirects to different wiki maintainers. If this is a bot, it may be interesting to propose an automatic fix or a wizard to facilitate this task, I wouldn't expect any double redirect to be intentional. --Fernando Trebien (talk) 19:30, 13 November 2018 (UTC)

No, this is not a bot, but indeed I recycle the texts, because it is the same issue. All my bot edits are executed from User:TigerfellBot and they are listed on this user's page as well.
In your cases, I was not really sure if those pages were all about the same area, so I did not want to change them myself.
There is actually a server setting that could be used (see MediaWiki documentation). It is currently switched off, I guess. The manual says that it is affected by page move vandalism. However, in this wiki, only autoconfirmed users can move pages. Actually, we could suggest to switch that on. What do you think? --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 21:53, 14 November 2018 (UTC)
OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg Double redirects are resolved automatically now openstreetmap/chef/pull/202#issue-231812368

Archiving proposals

Hello Tigerfell, when I archive a proposal, I generally leave the Proposal Page template in place, as it gives a quick overview what the proposal was about and how it ended (abandoned, approved, rejected etc.). It also inserts the page into categories such as Category:Proposals with "Approved" status automatically. This would be an example: Proposed features/Number of steps. I've noticed that you prefer to also replace the template when archiving, so maybe we can discuss this and arrive at a consensus? --Tordanik 14:19, 18 November 2018 (UTC)

This sounds very reasonable to me. I actually never really thought about it this way. However, I thought that we archive accepted or at least proposals in use only, so an archived proposal implies either successful voting or no one speaking up against. Is that correct?
In addition, the last proposal I archived ( did not use this template. I thought this was due to its age (first page version in 2008), but yours is from the same year. Does it mean there was no voting and it is not approved? --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 18:37, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
I added the template to all pages I archived... --Tigerfell This user is member of the wiki team of OSM (Let's talk) 11:44, 21 November 2018 (UTC)
Thank you, and sorry for the late reply! To answer your thoughts, I don't think there's anything per se preventing us from archiving unsuccessful proposals. As the goal of archiving is mainly to direct users to the most recent version of the documentation, though, it's certainly more useful for approved and de-facto-established propoals.
The reason why the segmented tag proposal does not have the template is probably the same as the reason it uses a non-standard page name: Because it's a relation. Back in 2008, relations were a new concept and people wrote these Relations/Proposed/* pages trying to come up with uses for them. (Given that you have since done some cleanup to relation-related pages, you've probably already discovered that peculiarity yourself, though. :)) I see no indication that the segmented tag proposal was approved, and it's in fact barely used with only 79 instances in the DB.
--Tordanik 18:37, 17 December 2018 (UTC)

Syntax für mehrere Symbole in einer Zeile

Weiss nicht, ob das hier die richtige Stelle für Fragen ist,... Ich möchte die drei Symbole Hospital-14.svg / Doctors-14.svg / Healthcare-14.svg auf der Artikelseite healthcare=* gerne in einer Zeile stehen sehen. Zur Zeit lautet die Zeile im Quelltexteditor so: "|osmcarto-rendering=Hospital-14.svg;Doctors-14.svg;Healthcare-14.svg" In der Darstellung auf dem Artikel sind dann störende Zeichen " ... " zu sehen. Hast Du einen Tipp, wie man das schöner schreiben kann, also damit die Zeichen " ... " auf der Artikelseite nicht zu sehen sind? Auch hier wird jetzt nicht alles so dargestellt, wie ich das möchte. Daher bitte schaue zunächst hier mal in den Quelltext, damit Du vielleicht besser verstehst, was ich damit meine. Gibt es irgendwo so eine Hilfsseite für die Syntax? Ggf. könntest Du mir dort gleich mal das für diesen Fall passende Beispiel heraussuchen :-). Merci vielmals im Voraus.--MalgiK (talk) 14:23, 2 March 2019 (UTC)

Hier ist die Seite für Fragen und öffentliche Mitteilungen an mich :-).
Das Problem ist, dass das eine Vorlage ist, die hier die Angabe von genau einem Bild erwartet. D.h. die Angabe von osmcarto-rendering wird schon in zwei eckige Klammern eingeschlossen, sodass man nur noch File:Example.jpg schreiben müsste. Das funktioniert aber nicht mit mehreren Bildern (habe es gerade probiert). Um das ganze noch komplizierter zu machen, ist diese Vorlage auch noch mit der Tagging-Datenbank ("Data items" genannt) verknüpft. Auch dort ist nur das Eintragen von einem Bild vorgesehen (wenn auf der Wiki-Seite keine Angaben stehen und die Vorlage nur mit der Angabe key=healthcare verwendet wird, werden die restlichen Infos aus der Datenbank ergänzt, jedenfalls theoretisch, das wird gerade erst eingeführt).
Eine Dokumentation der Vorlage findet sich auf Template:KeyDescription/doc. Die Erklärung zu osmcarto-rendering werde ich gleich ergänzen. Ich schlage vor, dass du auf der Seite Template talk:ValueDescription (ähnliche Vorlage mit vielen aktuellen Diskussionen) vorschlägst, für diesen speziellen Fall mehrere Bilder sowohl in der Vorlage als auch in der Datenbank zuzulassen. Das wäre dann auf englisch und zur Not müsste man den Initiator Benutzer Yurik mit {{Ping|Benutzername}} darauf aufmerksam machen. 10:52, 4 March 2019 (UTC)

File:OpenStreetMap Wiki MainPage.png

Hi, es ist bestimmt vorteilhaft sich vor dem Snippen auszuloggen ;) Gruß aus Mainz --Reneman (talk) 16:49, 18 March 2019 (UTC)

Darüber habe ich nach dem Hochladen auch nachgedacht, aber nichts Privates auf dem Bild gefunden. Dass bei mir die Benutzeroberfläche auf Englisch ist, hatte ich schon mal auf Talk:Wiki geschrieben und dass die englische Hauptseite nicht auf meiner Beobachtungsliste steht, hätte man sich auch denken können (ist ja schließlich geschützt). 22:08, 18 March 2019 (UTC)
Hinzu kommt, dass diverse Links/Buttons sichtbar sind, die nur für angemeldete Nutzer vorhanden sind (upload, Favoritenstern, Meldungen, Mitteilungen, Watchlist, Username, ...). Es steht jedoch weder in der Dateibeschreibung noch da wo diese eingebunden ist, dass man angemeldet ist, um den Startbildschirm so wie im Screenshot abgebildet zu sehen. Widersprüche können besonders neue und unerfahrene Besucher verwirren.  ;) --Reneman (talk) 17:37, 19 March 2019 (UTC)