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This site documents the data sources which are explicity compatible with osm's license as well as those data sources not being compatitble. By documenting our efforts transparently we hope to obtain further license-compliant data sources.

License-compatible data sources

Compliant aerial imagery

Name Resolution Date Projections Source-tagging
(in changeset)
Type URL Notes/Details
swissimage (swisstopo) 10-25cm 3 year cycle rolling updates swissimage (swisstopo) WMS see https://sosm.ch/use-of-swisstopo-data-and-products-with-and-in-openstreetmap/ swisstopo data use
Bing From basic to hi-res div Bing Bing built in to all major editing apps
Kanton Basel-Stadt entire canton 21781(native); various? Orthophoto Basel-Stadt WMS, Tileserver WMS http://wms.geo.bs.ch/wmsBS? SOSM Mapproxy for tiles Orthophotos Canton BS
Kanton Solothurn (SOGIS) 2014-2015 entire canton 21781(native); various? Orthophoto Kanton Solothurn WMS, Tileserver http://geoweb.so.ch/wms/sogis_orthofoto.wms SOGIS_WMS
Canton de Genève (SITG) 5cm
Orthophotos du SITG [& Year] WMS, Tileserver https://ge.ch/sitgags2/rest/services/RASTER/ORTHOPHOTOS_2019/MapServer
Grand Genève (SITG) 10cm 2012 Orthophotos du SITG [& Year] WMS http://etat.geneve.ch/ags2/services/Orthophotos_2012/MapServer/WMSServer? SITG_WMS
Only free inside the canton
Canton de Neuchâtel (SITN) 10cm 2016 2056;4326;others orthophoto2016 WMS https://sitn.ne.ch/ogc-sitn-open/wms?service=wms&request=getcapabilities&version=1.3 Orthophoto scratch acquired during LIDAR-Flight. Details: https://sitn.ne.ch/web/plaquettes/lidar2016.pdf

Other webservices will probably become available by the end of 2022

Canton du Jura 50cm 1998 Orthophotos 1998 RCJU 50cm WMS http://sitn.ne.ch/ogc-sitj-ortho/wms (not working anymore:-() http://www.jura.ch/DEE/SAT/SIT-Jura/Documentations-utilitaires-ArcGis/Geoservices/Geoservices.html
Canton de Fribourg 50cm 2005 2178 Orthophoto 2005, Etat de Fribourg WMS http://geo.fr.ch/wms/orthophoto_2005_fribourg.php (not working anymore) FR:Switzerland:Fribourg
Kanton Aargau 25cm 2011 21781(native) AGIS OF2011 Tileserver Switzerland/AGIS
Kanton Aargau 25cm 2014 21781(native) AGIS OF2014 Tileserver Switzerland/AGIS
Kanton Aargau ?? 2017 2056 AGIS OF2017 Tileserver See https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/blob/gh-pages/sources/europe/ch/KantonAargau25cm-AGIS2017.geojson Switzerland/AGIS
Kanton Zug 2011
2056 21781 3857 4326 Luftbild GIS Kanton Zug WMS WMS: https://services.geo.zg.ch/ows/Orthofotos?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.3.0 https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-des-innern/geoportal/geodaten-einbinden/wms
Kanton Zürich 10cm 2014/2015 2056(native) Orthofoto ZH Sommer RGB 2014/15 WMS


WMS: http://wms.zh.ch/OrthoZHWMS

JPG Tiles: http://maps.zh.ch/download/orthofoto/sommer/2014/rgb/jpeg/

Kanton Zürich 10cm 2015/2016 2056(native) Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr RGB 2015/16 WMS


WMS: http://wms.zh.ch/OrthoZHWMS

JPG Tiles: http://maps.zh.ch/download/orthofoto/fruehjahr/2015/rgb/jpeg/

Kanton Thurgau 2017 2056, 3857, 4326, 21781 Kanton Thurgau, Orthofoto2017 RGB WMS wms[8,21]:https://ows-raster.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/orthofoto2017?LAYERS=Orthofoto2017_RGB&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap Thurgis


Stadt Bern City: 10cm
Outskirts: 25cm
(note may have changed for 2012)
2012 WMS, Tileserver Bern#Orthofotos Permission City of Berne Orthophotos
Uster 10cm 2008 21781(native); 4326 Stadt Uster GIS OF 2008 WMS http://webgis.uster.ch/wms/orthofotos_und_uep/orthofotos_und_uep Configuration see: Stadt Uster WMS

2012 10cm imagery will be available soon.

Zürich 21781(native); 4326 Stadtplan Stadt Zürich WMS http://www.wms.stadt-zuerich.ch/WMS-ZH-STZH-OGD/MapServer/WMSServer? Configuration see: Stadt Zürich OGD WMS
St. Gallen 7.5cm 2018 3857, 4326, 2056, 21781 Orthophoto St. Gallen 2018 WMS https://map.stadt.sg.ch/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=d:data/wms_op_stadt_sg.map&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox} Permission:Stadt St. Gallen Open Data

GetCapabilities URL


Yverdon (HEIG-VD) as of 2007 to date 21781(native); 2056, 4326, 3857, 900913 WMS http://ogc.heig-vd.ch/mapserver/wms HEIG-VD_WMS
Ville de Nyon 2016 900913 Orthophoto Ville de Nyon 2016 TMS tms[20]:https://osmdata.asitvd.ch/tiles/nyon2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png Zooms: 10-20
Riviera Vaudoise - Cartoriviera 2012 900913 Orthophoto Cartoriviera 2012 TMS tms[20]:http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/tiles/cartoriviera2012/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png Zooms: 14-20
Pully, Paudex, Belmont - SIGIP 2012 900913 Orthophoto SIGIP 2012 TMS tms[20]:http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/tiles/sigip2012/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png Zooms: 14-20
Ville de Lausanne et environs 10cm 2012 (winter) 900913 Ville de Lausanne – Orthophotos hiver 2012 TMS tms[20]:http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/tiles/lausanne2012/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png Zooms: 14-20 - orthophoto technique
10cm 2016 (summer) 900913 Ville de Lausanne – Orthophotos été 2016 TMS tms[20]:http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/tiles/lausanne2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png Zooms: 10-20 - orthophoto technique

Compliant sources from the Swiss Confederation

Name Description Further details
DIDOK A list with all public transport stops (rail, tram, bus, boat, aerialways) in Switzerland, published by the federal administration. Annually published list in xls-format including coordinates Permission was obtained and data fully integrated in existing osm data - detailed page
GWR Addresses for all of Switzerland GWR wiki documentation
opentransportdata.swiss A list with all public transport stops, services at those stops and time table information We applied for Exemption for Databases
sbb.ch SBB datasets focusing on infrastructure, traffic and statistics Usage granted through Exemption for Databases

Compliant sources from Cantons

Name Description Further details
Kanton Bern Detailed address data (GEBADR) and ground and land data (MOPUBE) from the Canton of Bern are available. The data is available on an attribution based licence, explicit permission for both GEBADR and MOPUBE has been obtained for attribution via the contributors page.
Kanton Basel Stadt Geodaten Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Kanton Basel Stadt Explicit permission obtained in Jan 2014. Import project in preparation, see Datenimport Basel-Stadt
Canton de Genève (SITG) Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Canton de Genève Principal agreement to use a broad range of geographical data obtained Feb14-2014. Details still need to be negotiated. See [mailing list]
Kanton St. Gallen Some data has been published on open data terms.
Road names of the canton of St. Gallen Complete lists of all road names within the canton of St. Gallen in xls-format, seperate lists for all the municipalities. Also contains other localization names that are part of an official address. Lists contain name and the according postcode, municipality and type (street or named locality). permission details // Feb2014: Angefragt für Nutzung der GIS-Daten (Amtliche Vermessung). Antwort ausstehend.
Kanton Schaffhausen Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Kanton Schaffhausen (Amtliche Vermessung) Explicit permission was obtained in October 2014; analysis in progress
Kanton Solothurn (SOGIS) Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Kanton Solothurn Explicit permission was obtained; some data was imported (roads, waterways, buildings, for addresses see) others are still to be done
Kanton Uri Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Kanton Uri Open Government Data, see Nutzungsbestimmungen
Canton of Vaud There is a separate page with data sources licenced for OSM.
Kanton Zürich OpenData Portal fom the canton of zurich with free available WMS, WFS and WCS
Kanton Glarus
Amtliche Vermessung Kanton Aargau Switzerland/AGIS
Canton de Neuchâtel Permission granted to OSM editors to use the WM(T)S cadastral layers, List of layers. Explicit permission was granted in January 2024.
Kanton Zug Broad range of high-quality data source for the whole Kanton Zug Explicit permission was granted in December 2024 - also for "Freie Nutzung. Quellenangabe ist Pflicht".

Compliant sources from Cities

Name Description Further details
OGD-Portal Stadt Zürich OGD data from the City of Zurich including WMS services, POIs (as WMS and csv-files with additional data) and addresses More data will be released in the future. Requests for data can be sent to data@zuerich.ch
Panoramic pictures of the streets of Vevey Mobile mapping survey of the 45 km of Vevey's road network, carried out at the end of 2020. The images were taken every 3 meters (people and license plates are blurred). Explicit permission was granted

Use source: Ville de Vevey - Photos panoramiques des rues 2020 - https://cartoriviera.ch/rues-vevey

Family POIs from the City of Uster (links to [1]) POIs for families, such as playgrounds, sport facilities, child care, etc. including addresses and coordinates Waiver: [2]

Use source:

Geschäftsfeld Gesellschaft der Stadt Uster, https://github.com/GesellschaftStadtUster/kind-jugend-fam_angebote/

Geoinformation Stadt Bern: Amtliche Vermessung (Darstellung farbig) Cadastral map of the city of Bern (and in lower resolution of the canton of Bern) Explicit permission was granted.

3D model of the main village of the Bex municipality 3D "scan" of the village, allows to see details, measure buildings, number of floors, etc attribution  : "Modélisation 3D de Bex par Uzufly mandaté par la Commune de Bex – juillet 2023"

Compliant other sources

Name Description Further details
Mobility Largest carsharing-operator in Switzerland; Positions and names of all their locations Access granted and data fully imported - see - Data update once a month, data avaible from user teddych. Currently not defined who and how the update is done. - see
Die Post Postal code and street indices for entire Switzerland are available as text-files Abklärung via Mail ergab: Die Daten dürfen für alle Zwecke, auch kommerzielle, benutzt werden. Die Strassenlisten sind in Vorbereitung. --T-i 15:28, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
camptocamp Alpinism portal with geo-referenced objects like summits, huts, routes, etc. Explicit permission was granted, WMS available.
SAC Alpine club operating a large network of alpine huts in Switzerland Hut data was obtained and imported - details
eauservice Shapefiles about 4000 fire hydrants located in Lausanne and surroundings, managed by eauservice the official water distributor in this area. Do not import data, come chat with us on the mailing list talk-ch of how we can import these datas. Date: Jan 2013 sometimes less accurate than the osm data.

Use source tag: eauservice_[YYYY]_[MM]

ortsnamen.ch research data on place names in Switzerland Online database of georeferenced place names in Switzerland mostly historic but can be helpful for locating missing places Details

Special cases / exceptions

Not-compatible data sources


Name Description Further details
Swisstopo The national, governmental mapping authority having the largest and most complete data sets for Switzerland. Since March 1st 2021 data from swisstopo is available on permissive, attribution-only terms.

See swisstopo data use for current information.

AGIS GIS office of the Canton Aargau Mailinglist discussion here and here, forum thread. Note: we now can use vector data derived from aerial imagery purchased from AGIS, see correspondance with AGIS for the terms. In general AGIS has fairly liberal terms, none the less we need to clarifiy usage on a per-dataset level.
Canton de Fribourg Wide range of data, including buildings and addresses. Contacted in Feb2014. The use under OSM-licence would not be a problem, if we buy the data. Costs: 50 kCHF yearly, or 200kCHF once. They do not see any chance of getting the data free, unless there will be some action on the political level.

Korrespondez vom Februar 2014


SuisseMobile SvizzeraMobile SwitzerlandMobility

Operator of several outdoor-related sites (wanderland.ch, veloland.ch, mountainbikeland.ch, skatingland.ch, kanuland.ch) with rich geodata Data use [3].
OpenAddresses.ch Site gathering open address data Import meiner Meinung nach nicht erlaubt, da Position der Hausnummern von GoogleMaps abgeleitet wird. --T-i 14:30, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

Site inactive (2.2.2018)

Dive-Guide.ch Tauchsite mit Tauchplatzbeschreibungen Keine Erlaubnis, wird bei Verletzung rechtliche Schritte einleiten.
ZVV Public transportation authority of Zürich Various correspondence, but no agreement reached - see here and here.


Hotel / Jugendherbergen


Siehe auch http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Switzerland/DiveSpots

Offene Anfragen:

Plätze und Koordinaten bekommen:


Der Disc Golf Club Walkabout hat eine Karte vom Disc Golf Kurs auf dem Gurten online: http://www.swissdiscgolf.ch/walk/walk17/index.php/gurten/

Dieser Kurs wurde (mit Erlaubnis) georefrerenziert und mit JOSM eingetragen.