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Public-images-osm logo.svg crop
Faisalabad countryside edit.jpg
The crop produced by cultivated land. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: agriculture
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 25
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The key crop=* is used to specify crop produced by cultivated land, mainly landuse=farmland.

Note: When used on cultivated land, it is recommended that this tag only be used for areas where the same crop is repeatedly (e.g. grown year after year). Otherwise it is easy for the value to become inaccurate in OSM.

The following agricultural and forestry crops have their own attributes and keys:


Add crop=* to an area feature. This requires a primary feature tag such as

List of Values

Taken from taginfo, grouped logically:

Crop values
Tag Possible rendering Description Picture
crop=grass Unspecified grass crop. See also landuse=meadow TallWildGrass.jpg
crop=hay Unspecified cattle forage plant, usually in form of high grass. See landuse=meadow Roundbale1.jpg
crop=native_pasture See landuse=meadow.
crop=forage Cultivation of an unspecified forage plant.
crop=cereal Unspecified cereal crop field. See more specific values below Cereal field at Sutton Courtney - - 1348877.jpg
crop=barley Barley rendering.svg Barley field Barley.jpg
crop=corn or crop=maize Corn rendering.svg Maize (corn) field ZeaMays.jpg
crop=oats Oat rendering.svg Oat field
crop=rice Rice rendering.svg If the crop is 'rice'[1] Red Rice Paddy field in Japan 001.jpg
crop=rye Rye rendering.svg Rye field Ear of rye.jpg
crop=wheat Wheat rendering.svg Wheat field Wheat close-up.JPG
Other commodities
crop=cassava Cassava field Casava.jpg
crop=cotton Cotton field Cottonfieldindia.jpg
crop=potato (also crop=potatoes) Potato field
crop=soy Soy rendering.svg Soy field Bolivia soybean5 (4371317358).jpg
Sugar plants
crop=sugarcane Sugarcane field. Also has been tagged crop=cana-de-açúcar. Canaviais Sao Paulo 01 2008 06.jpg
crop=sugar_beet Sugarbeet field
Oil plants
crop=sunflower Sunflower rendering.svg Sunflower field A field of sunflowers.jpg
crop=rape Rapeseed field
crop=market_gardening Market gardening
crop=vegetable Unspecified or mixed vegetables
crop=asparagus Asparagus field Edouard Manet Bunch of Asparagus.jpg
crop=beet Beet field
crop=tomato Tomato field
crop=berries,crop=berry_plants Berry plants, unspecified.
crop=cranberries,crop=cranberry Cranberry plants
crop=strawberry Strawberry cultivation field
crop=nut Unspecified nut-bearing plant
crop=betel Betel nut palms - also see trees=betel_palms
crop=hazelnut Hazel trees - also see trees=hazel_plants
Special cultures
crop=grape implicit from landuse=vineyard Abhar-iran.JPG
crop=hop Hop field Hopfendolde-mit-hopfengarten.jpg
crop=flowers Decorative flower cultivation field Amsterdam Blumenmarkt.JPG
crop=orchid Orchid flower field
crop=lavender Lavender field
crop=basil Basil field
Drug plants
crop=coffee Coffee. See trees=coffea_plants
crop=tea Tea rendering.svg Tea plantation. Also see See trees=tea_plants Cameron Highland Tea Plantation 2012.JPG
crop=tobacco Tobacco field
crop=cannabis,crop=cannabis_medicinal Cannabis field Guerrilla Cannabis.jpg
see also produce=* for forestry produce
crop=fast_growing_wood Short Rotation Coppice (SRC): woody solid "biomass" of a fast growing plantation as an energy crop. More common but less specific see produce=wood for areas of short trees grown for fuelwood or branches
crop=timber See produce=timber
see produce=* for animals
crop=poultry Poultry. See produce=eggs and produce=meat instead.
crop=dairy Meadow for grazing or farmyard used to raise dairy cattle. See produce=* instead.
Non-specific - avoid
crop=yes Unspecified cropland. Not recommended as it adds no information at all, use a more specific value or do not add crop=*.
crop=no Unclear meaning: from Czechia import
crop=field_cropland Unspecified cropland: from Fresno County import
crop=exotic Unspecified exotic crop
crop=dry_farming Unspecified drought tolerant crop
crop=protein Bean rendering.svg Unspecified protein crop (peas, field beans, lupins)

Uncommon values

These values are less common than alternative tags, mainly under the keys trees=* for orchards, and produce=* for aquaculture, animals and forestry produce.

See also


Additional Keys

  • trees=* for landuse=orchard
  • produce=* Describes a feature's agricultural output produced though a natural process of growing or breeding.

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!


  1. You can also use landuse=paddy if the status of the farmland is 'paddy field'.