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Public-images-osm logo.svg diplomatic = embassy
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Washington, D.C.jpg
An embassy or diplomatic mission, the official representation of a foreign country or multi-national institution in another country, headed by an ambassador or equivalently ranked chief of mission. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: diplomacy
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: approvedPage for proposal

The tag diplomatic=embassy is used with office=diplomatic to map an embassy or diplomatic mission: the official representation of a foreign country or multinational institution (such as the United Nations or the European Union) in another country.

Embassies are usually located in the capital city of the receiving country. They serve primarily diplomatic and political purposes and are headed by an ambassador or an equivalently ranked chief of mission.

In many cases, though not necessarily, embassies will also have a consular section that is responsible for handling Visa requests, passport matters, and the like.

How to map

Tag office=diplomatic and diplomatic=embassy on a node node placed at the centre point of the building, or on a closed way (area) area drawn around the perimeter of the building.

The tag embassy=* may be used to specify the type of embassy with the values of:

Other useful tags:

  • country=* may be used to indicate the country that has sent the embassy
  • target=* may be used to indicate the receiving country of a diplomatic mission.

Tags to use in combination

Three additional optional tags describing available services may be applied:



Open Diplomatic Map

See also

  • diplomatic=consulate - A consulate, consular agencies or office, including honorary consuls.
  • diplomatic=liaison - A government-to-government office which lacks consular or embassy status, including subnational missions.
  • office=government - An office of a supra-national, national, regional, or local government agency or department.
  • office=ngo - An office of a non-governmental organisation (NGO).