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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = footway
A designated footpath.jpg
指定步行道路,主要用于或者仅供行人使用. 编辑此说明
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Rendering-highway footway.png
组: 道路

highway=footway 标签用来标记主要用于或者仅供行人使用的小路.

如果您正在绘制英国(特别是英格兰和威尔士)的人行道,参见UK public rights of way

  • 对于较宽的步行街、商业街,请使用highway=pedestrian标签。
  • 对于多种非机动交通使用的多用途或未指定交通工具的道路和小径,使用highway=path标签或许更加合适。
  • 对于只有骑自行车才能驶入的道路,请考虑使用highway=cycleway标签。
  • 对于一条规定供行人使用的道路,但是也允许您骑自行车驶入的道路请使用highway=footway配合bicycle=yes使用。
  • 对于主要用于农业或林业用途的土路应标记为highway=track
  • 在标记道路两侧的路侧人行道([W] sidewalks)时,有两种不同的标记方法可供使用。一种是添加标签sidewalk=left;right;bothsidewalk=separate在建有人行道的道路上。或者平行于已有道路创建一条新的人行道,使用highway=footway标签惊醒标记——对于这个方法的详情,请阅读下文。



如果需要,可添加access=*作为通行限制标签,参见Default Access-Restrictions


对于footway=*highway=footway必须使用另一种方法连接,参见初学者指南第5步, 或voice Junctions of the editing standards and conventions of OSM.

实际应用示例 路径绘制示例 参考标签 备注
Footway in Stowupland - geograph.org.uk - 1044849.jpg
JOSM hgw barr foot cross.png
Reference S letter.

+highway=footway (defines the way).
+foot=designated (designed to footway)
+surface=* (defines paving).
+name=* (only if present, optional).
+wheelchair=no (if in the presence of pavement or stretch difficult for the disabled, put "no").
+access=permissive (in the sections of private property where the passage is permitted, recommended to check, if possible order to avoid uncomfortable litigation).

In case of footway no is along the highway=*, but you submit into an area, for example in a park, use tag highway=pedestrian, which we refer for the appropriate information.
Fence on the sidewalk.JPG
JOSM hgw barr foot cross.png
Reference for the sidewalk S letter.

+highway=footway (defines the way).
+footway=sidewalk (specific for sidewalk).
+surface=* (defines paving).
+name=* (only if present, optional).
+wheelchair=no (if in the presence of pavement or stretch difficult for the disabled, put "no").
+access=permissive (in the sections of private property where the passage is permitted, recommended to check, if possible order to avoid uncomfortable litigation).
+cycleway=* (if there is a cycle path on the same way, see the appropriate tag in the specific).

Reference B letter

If between the street and the sidewalk or pedestrian, there is the presence of barrier, this is a way in itself, defines tag barrier=*, or if the streets is the presence of a grass between the highway=footway and the highway=*, please refer to the tag landuse=*.

Ephrata - MainSt at LincolnAve.jpg
JOSM hgw foot cross.png
Reference for the tags, S – C – C1 – C2 letters.

+highway=footway (defines the way).
+footway=sidewalk (specific for sidewalk).
+surface=* (defines paving).
+name=* (only if present, optional).
+wheelchair=no (if in the presence of pavement or stretch difficult for the disabled, put "no").
+access=permissive (in the sections of private property where the passage is permitted, recommended to check, if possible order to avoid uncomfortable litigation).
+cycleway=* (if there is a cycle path on the same way, see the appropriate tag in the specific).
+highway=footway (C – crosswalk).
+highway=crossing (C1 – to put on the node that intersects the street with the pedestrian crossing).
+kerb=* (C2 – to put on the node start/finish crossing if there is presence of facilitation on the sidewalk, for example inclined, see the information of the tag).
+crossing=* (C – defines the restrictions of the pedestrian crossing, for example, controlled by traffic lights).
+crossing_ref=* (C – defines design of crossing, for example, stripes).
