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特定の宗教内の宗派を定義します。 Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
グループ: 宗教
文書化された値の数: 6

特定の宗教内の宗派(denomination)を定義します。 amenity=place_of_worship および religion=* タグと一緒に使用してください。

以下に記載されている宗派一覧はタグ付けに一貫性を持たせるために作成されました。もしここに無い項目があれば 追加 してください。

宗派 (Denominations)


religion=buddhist + 以下の宗派

denomination=gelug チベット仏教 ゲルク派
denomination=huayan  華厳宗
denomination=jishu  時宗
denomination=jodo_shinshu  浄土真宗
denomination=jodo_shu  浄土宗
denomination=nichiren  日蓮宗
denomination=nyingma チベット仏教 ニンマ派
denomination=obaku  黄檗宗
denomination=pure_land  浄土教(具体的な値がないもの)
denomination=rinzai  臨済宗
denomination=risshu  律宗
denomination=shingon_shu  真言宗
denomination=soto  曹洞宗
denomination=tiantai  天台宗
denomination=tibetan  チベット仏教 - most common
denomination=vajrayana  密教(具体的な値がないもの)
denomination=won  円仏教
denomination=yogacara  法相宗
denomination=yuzu_nembutsu  融通念仏宗
denomination=zen  禅宗(具体的な値がないもの)
denomination=tantric 密教 (タントラ仏教)
denomination=theravada 小乗仏教・上座部仏教 - second most common
denomination=thai_mahanikaya  Maha Nikaya

Buddhist denominations

religion=buddhist + 以下の宗派

denomination=mahayana Mahayana Schools
denomination=gelug  Gelug
denomination=jishu  時宗 (Ji-shū)
denomination=jodo_shinshu  Jōdo Shinshū
denomination=jodo_shu  Jōdo-shū
denomination=nichiren  Nichiren Buddhism
denomination=nyingma  Nyingma
denomination=obaku  Ōbaku
denomination=pure_land  Pure Land Buddhism
denomination=rinzai  Rinzai school
denomination=risshu  Risshū (Buddhism)
denomination=shingon_shu  Shingon Buddhism
denomination=soto  Sōtō
denomination=tiantai  Tiantai
denomination=tibetan  Tibetan Buddhism - most common
denomination=vajrayana  Vajrayana
denomination=won  Won Buddhism
denomination=yogacara  East Asian Yogācāra
denomination=yuzu_nembutsu  Yuzu Nembutsu
denomination=zen  Zen
denomination=theravada Theravada Schools - second most common
denomination=thai_mahanikaya  Maha Nikaya
denomination=thai_thammayut (See thai mahanikaya Wikipedia link for more info.)


Denominations are tagged in OpenStreetMap as religion=christian based on the claims of the denomination, in combination with the 以下の宗派.

Churches and rites in union with the Catholic Church
denomination=catholic (カトリック教会には宗派がありませんが、わかる範囲で denomination=roman_catholic(ローマカトリック)、 denomination=greek_catholic(ギリシャカトリック)などを使用してください。カトリック教会( Roman Catholic Church)
denomination=armenian_catholic  Armenian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=chaldean_catholic  Chaldean Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=coptic_catholic  Coptic Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=eritrean_catholic  Eritrean Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=ethiopian_catholic  Ethiopian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=greek_catholic  Eastern Catholic Churches "including many liturgical traditions, each one of the tradition having its own churches.)
denomination=hungarian_greek_catholic  Hungarian Greek Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=maronite  Maronite Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=polish_catholic  Polish Catholic Church
denomination=roman_catholic  Roman Catholic Church
denomination=romanian_catholic  Romanian Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=syriac_catholic  Syriac Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=syro-malabar_catholic  Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
denomination=ukrainian_greek_catholic  Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Church in union with the Catholic Church)
Orthodox denominations
denomination=orthodox Unspecified eastern Orthodox church. One of the more specific values below is preferred:
denomination=antiochian_orthodox  Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
denomination=armenian_apostolic  Armenian Apostolic Church
denomination=bulgarian_orthodox  Bulgarian Orthodox Church
denomination=eritrean_orthodox  Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church
denomination=ethiopian_orthodox  Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
denomination=coptic_orthodox  Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
denomination=georgian_orthodox  Georgian Orthodox Church
denomination=greek_orthodox  Greek Orthodox Church
denomination=macedonian_orthodox  Macedonian Orthodox Church
denomination=old_believers  Old Believers (Russian)
denomination=romanian_orthodox  Romanian Orthodox Church
denomination=russian_orthodox  Russian Orthodox Church and  Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)
denomination=serbian_orthodox  Serbian Orthodox Church
denomination=syriac_orthodox  Syriac Orthodox Church
denomination=ukrainian_orthodox  Orthodox Church of Ukraine (not to be confused with  Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), which should be tagged denomination=russian_orthodox)
Larger Protestant denominations (categories)
These protestant denominations are categories which often include several different organisations, which can be tagged with operator=*, though sometimes are tagged as the denomination=* instead (see following table of less common values)
denomination=protestant Unspecified Protestant church. Use of "Independent" non-conformist chapels in Wales. Often a more specific denomination can be tagged:
denomination=adventist  セブンスデー・アドベンチスト教会(すべてのアドベンチスト教会がセブンスデー・アドベンチストとは限りません)
denomination=anabaptist  Anabaptism
denomination=anglican  Anglicanism (Churches of the Anglican Communion in general should use this tag, including the Church of England, Church in Wales, Scottish Episcopal Church, Church of Ireland, Episcopal Church in USA)
denomination=baptist  Baptists
denomination=disciples_of_christ  Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and related denominations
denomination=episcopal  Episcopal Church (United States)
denomination=evangelical (note to German speakers: this is NOT the same as "evangelisch" in German, please use denomination=protestant for that one)
(evangelical to co innego niż polskie "ewangelicki". Do Kościoła ewangelicko-augsburskiego ( Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland) w Polsce pasuje denomination=lutheran)
denomination=evangelical_covenant  Evangelical Covenant Church
denomination=exclusive_brethren  Exclusive Brethren
denomination=lutheran  Lutheranism
denomination=mennonite  Mennonite
denomination=methodist  Methodist (also see United Methodist below)
denomination=moravian  Moravian Church
denomination=pentecostal  Pentecostalism
denomination=presbyterian  Presbyterianism
denomination=quaker  quakers
denomination=reformed Calvinism ( Reformed)
denomination=uniting  Uniting Church in Australia
denomination=polish_national_catholic  Polish National Catholic Church (protestant church, not in union with the Catholic Church)
Protestant Church Organisations
These protestant church organisations are sometimes called "denominations" in some dialects of English, but usually they are considered to belong to a larger denominational category. Instead of tagging with denomination=* it is possible to uses these values with operator=* and use the larger category in the denomination=* tag.
denomination=african_methodist_episcopal  African Methodist Episcopal Church, frequently abbreviated as AME. Not the same as denomination=african_methodist_episcopal_zion. See also denomination=methodist.
denomination=african_methodist_episcopal_zion  African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, frequently abbreviated as AME Zion. Not the same as denomination=african_methodist_episcopal (frequently mistagged). See also denomination=methodist.
denomination=alliance クリスチャン・アンド・ミッショナリー・アライアンス教会、C&MA教会( 英語
denomination=apostolic_faith  Apostolic Faith Church (Note that there are other denominations with very similar names.)
denomination=assemblies_of_god  Assemblies of God - See also denomination=pentecostal.
denomination=brethren_in_christ  Brethren in Christ Church - See also denomination=anabaptist.
denomination=calvinistic_methodist  Calvinistic Methodists. It is preferable to tag Welsh Calvinistic Methodist churches as denomination=presbyterian as indeed the alternative name of the church, the Welsh Presbyterian Church, makes clear. The church body is the operator rather than denomination per se. The vast majority of such churches should have both name:en=* and name:cy=*. Note also that despite the name, the theology of the denomination is not very Calvinist (q.v. reformed).
denomination=catholic_apostolic  Catholic Apostolic Church
denomination=church_of_god_in_christ  Church of God in Christ, frequently abbreviated as COGIC. Imported GNIS nodes may often have the incorrect name of "Church of God and Christ" and should be corrected after verifying with survey or street-level imagery.
denomination=church_of_scotland  スコットランド国教会
denomination=churches_of_christ  チャーチ・オブ・クライスト
denomination=czechoslovak_hussite  Czechoslovak Hussite Church
denomination=disciples_of_christ  Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
denomination=dutch_reformed (including NGK and similar churches in South Africa) - See also denomination=presbyterian.
denomination=evangelical_covenant  Evangelical Covenant Church - See also denomination=evangelical.
denomination=evangelical_free_church_of_america  Evangelical Free Church of America
denomination=evangelical_lutheran  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) - See also denomination=evangelical.
denomination=evangelical_free_church_of_france  Union des Églises évangéliques libres (UEEL) - See also denomination=evangelical.
denomination=exclusive_brethren  Exclusive Brethren
denomination=foursquare  The Foursquare Church - See also denomination=pentecostal.
denomination=free_church_of_scotland  Free Church of Scotland (since 1900) - See also denomination=presbyterian.
denomination=living_waters_church Living Waters Church
denomination=mission_covenant_church_of_sweden  Mission Covenant Church of Sweden
denomination=moravian  Moravian Church
denomination=mormon  Mormons (also known as The Church of Latter-day Saints). See Tag:denomination=mormon for more info
denomination=nazarene  Church of the Nazarene
denomination=new_frontiers  Newfrontiers
denomination=orthodox_presbyterian_church  Orthodox Presbyterian Church - See also denomination=presbyterian.
denomination=pkn  Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Dutch merger of reformed and lutheran churches - See also denomination=protestant
denomination=remonstrant  Remonstrants
denomination=salvation_army  The Salvation Army
denomination=scottish_episcopal  Scottish Episcopal Church - See also denomination=anglican
denomination=seventh_day_adventist  Seventh-day Adventist Church - not all Adventist Churches are Seventh-Day Adventist - See also denomination=adventist
denomination=strict_baptist Strict Baptists - See also denomination=baptist
denomination=temple_society_australia  Temple Society Australia
denomination=united  United Church of Canada
denomination=united_free_church_of_scotland  United Free Church of Scotland - See also denomination=presbyterian
denomination=united_reformed  United Reformed Church - See also denomination=reformed
denomination=uniting  Uniting Church in Australia
denomination=united_methodist  United Methodist Church - See also denomination=methodist
denomination=united_church_of_christ  United Church of Christ (UCC)
denomination=welsh_baptist  Baptist Union of Wales. Preferred usage is denomination=baptist, the Baptist Union of Wales is probably the operator=*.
denomination=welsh_independent  Independent (religion) Independent chapels in Wales will all be non-conformist denomination=protestant churches.
Unclassified christian denominations
denomination=apostolic Several different denominations and organisations use this term. See  Apostolic.
denomination=assyrian  Assyrian Church of the East
denomination=catholic_mariavite  Catholic Mariavite Church (non-ecumenical)
denomination=bosnian_church  Bosnian Church
denomination=charismatic  カリスマ運動
denomination=christian_community  The Christian Community originally from Switzerland
denomination=christ_scientist  Church of Christ, Scientist
denomination=church_of_christ  Church of Christ (unspecific). Not to be confused with denomination=united_church_of_christ or denomination=churches_of_christ
denomination=congregational  Congregational church. Note that many churches in the United States with "Congregational" in the name should instead be tagged as denomination=united_church_of_christ.
denomination=ecumenical  Ecumenism
denomination=fsspx  Society of Saint Pius X (complex relationship with the Roman Catholic church)
denomination=harrist  William Wadé Harris
denomination=iglesia_ni_cristo  Iglesia ni Cristo
denomination=jehovahs_witness  Jehovah's Witnesses
denomination=kimbanguist  Kimbanguism
denomination=la_luz_del_mundo  La Luz del Mundo
denomination=liberal_catholic  Liberal Catholic Church
denomination=mariavite Old Catholic  Mariavite Church of Poland (ecumenical)
denomination=messianic_jewish  Messianic Judaism
denomination=new_apostolic 新使徒教会 [1]  New Apostolic Church
denomination=nondenominational Churches which are not part of a larger organisation (often evangelical protestant)
denomination=old_catholic  Old Catholic Church
denomination=philippine_independent  Philippine Independent Church, also known as Aglipayan Church
denomination=shizmatic  Schism, if not sure, simply use for any schismatic denomination
denomination=simultaneum  Simultaneum
denomination=spiritist  スピリティズムは Allan Kardec の活動に基づく心霊主義の教義です。19世紀にフランスで開設されましたが、現在ではブラジルにわずかな後継者を残すのみです。


religion=hindu + 以下の宗派

denomination=shaktism  シャクティ派
denomination=hare_krishna  クリシュナ意識国際協会
denomination=vaishnavism  ヴィシュヌ派
denomination=shaivism  シヴァ派
denomination=smartism  スマルタ派
denomination=ganpatya  Ganapatya
denomination=warkari  Warkari
denomination=dattatreya  Dattatreya


religion=muslim + 以下の宗派

denomination=ahmadiyya  Ahmadiyya
denomination=alevi  Alevism
denomination=bektashi  Bektashism
denomination=ibadi  Ibadi
denomination=ismaili  Isma'ilism
denomination=shia  Shia Islam
denomination=sunni  Sunni Islam
denomination=sufi  Sufism

Jain denominations

religion=jain + 以下の宗派

denomination=digambara  Digambara
denomination=svetambara  Śvētāmbara


religion=jewish + 以下の宗派

denomination=ashkenazi  Ashkenazi Jews
denomination=buchari  Bukharan Jews
denomination=conservative  Conservative Judaism
denomination=hasidic  Hasidic Judaism
denomination=kabbalistic  Kabbalah
denomination=karaite  Karaite Judaism
denomination=lubavitch  Chabad
denomination=mizrachi  Mizrahi Jews
denomination=modern_orthodox  Modern Orthodox Judaism
denomination=neo_orthodox (see modern orthodox Wikipedia link for more info)
denomination=orthodox  Orthodox Judaism
denomination=reconstructionist  Reconstructionist Judaism
denomination=reform  Reform Judaism
denomination=progressive (see Reform Wikipedia link for more info)
denomination=liberal (see Reform Wikipedia link for more info)
denomination=samaritan  Samaritanism
denomination=sephardi  Sephardi Jews
denomination=traditional  Masortim
denomination=unity Unity Judaism (Judaísmo da Unidade)


religion=pagan + 以下の宗派

denomination=asatru  Germanic paganism
denomination=celtic  Celtic polytheism
denomination=greco-roman  Ancient Greek religion and  Ancient Roman religion
denomination=slavic  Slavic mythology
denomination=wicca  Wicca

Sikh denominations

religion=sikh + 以下の宗派

denomination=khalsa  Khalsa
denomination=akali_nihang  Nihang
denomination=giani_samparda  Damdami Taksal
denomination=nirmala_sect  Nirmala (sect)
denomination=sewapanthi  Sewapanthi
denomination=udasi  Udasi
denomination=ramgarhia  Ramgarhia
denomination=radha_soami  Radha Soami
denomination=namdhari  Namdhari
denomination=nirankari  Nirankari
denomination=nanakpanthi  Nanakpanthi
denomination=ramraiyas  Ramraiyas

Taoist denominations

religion=taoist + 以下の宗派

denomination=quanzhen  全真道
denomination=zhengyi  正一道


religion=zoroastrian + 以下の宗派

denomination=irani  Irani (India)
denomination=parsi  Parsis
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.




Talk-ja mailinglistでの議論が望まれます。

仏教系 (十三宗五十六派)


なお、以下の記述は多くを wikipedia 日本の仏教 ページより転載しています。

大乗仏教 (Mahayana Schools)

  • denomination=tendai - 天台宗
    • 天台宗
    • 天台寺門宗
    • 天台真盛宗
  • denomination=nichiren - 日蓮宗。法華宗とも。
    • 日蓮宗
    • 日蓮正宗
    • 顕本法華宗
    • 本門宗
    • (旧)本門法華宗
    • 法華宗 (本成寺派)
    • 本妙法華宗 (本隆寺派)
    • 日蓮宗不受不施派
    • 不受不施日蓮講門宗
  • denomination=joudo - 浄土宗 (joudo, Pure Land buddhism)
    • 浄土宗
    • 浄土宗 西山光明寺派 (現、西山浄土宗)
    • 浄土宗 西山深草派
    • 浄土宗 西山禅林寺派
  • denomination=joudo_shin - 浄土真宗
    • 浄土真宗 本願寺派
    • 真宗 大谷派
    • 真宗 高田派
    • 真宗 佛光寺派
    • 真宗 興正派
    • 真宗 木辺派
    • 真宗 出雲路派
    • 真宗 誠照寺派
    • 真宗 三門徒派
    • 真宗 山元派

禅宗 (zen)

  • denomination=rinzai - 臨済宗
    • 臨済宗 建仁寺派
    • 臨済宗 東福寺派
    • 臨済宗 建長寺派
    • 臨済宗 円覚寺派
    • 臨済宗 南禅寺派
    • 臨済宗 大徳寺派
    • 臨済宗 向嶽寺派
    • 臨済宗 妙心寺派
    • 臨済宗 天龍寺派
    • 臨済宗 永源寺派
    • 臨済宗 方広寺派
    • 臨済宗 相国寺派
    • 臨済宗 佛通寺派
    • 臨済宗 国泰寺派

密教 (Tantric Schools)

  • denomination=shingon - 真言宗
    • 古義真言宗
    • 真言宗 東寺派
    • 真言宗 善通寺派
    • 真言宗 山階派
    • 真言宗 醍醐派
    • 真言宗 泉涌寺派
    • 真言宗 豊山派
    • 真言宗 智山派
    • 真言律宗

神道系 (神社神道)

  • religion=shinto - 神社本庁に所属していることが多い、いわゆる "神社"に対するタグ付け。



  • religion=ancestor - 祖先信仰。純粋な祖先信仰の場合にのみ使用する。神道など、他信仰と混合している場合が多いため、注意が必要。



  • religion=animist
    • denomination=mountain - 修験道や神道など、他の信仰と混合している場合が多いため、扱いには注意。

