Ko:Change rollback

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변경 롤백은 예전 버전의 데이터를 이용해 반달리즘과 '실수' (반달리즘으로 간주되지는 않지만 같은 방식으로 대응됨)에 대응할 수 있는 방법입니다. 되돌리기라고도 부릅니다.

삭제 취소

삭제 취소 문서를 참고하세요.

편집기를 이용하여 적은 수의 선과 점을 롤백

Potlatch 1

You can use Potlatch 1를 이용해서 예전 버전의 선으로 되돌리거나 선 삭제를 복구할 수 있습니다.Potlatch 1/Primer#Undoing mistakes를 참고하세요.

Via its special/own database API Potlatch 1 can show all previously deleted ways on its map (even if the object ID is previously unknown): Zoom in as much as possible and hit the button "u" to query the server for deleted ways in the current area. Of course you could use Potlatch 1 only for this discovery of the IDs and undelete/revert with another tool. See other ways to find the id of a deleted node

Potlatch 1는 편집 탭에서 삭제되었지만,'editor=potlatch' URL 파라메터를 오픈스트리트맵 사이트에 추가함으로써 접근할 수 있습니다. 우선 드롭다운을 클릭해서 Potlatch 2를 열고 주소에서 "2"를 지우세요.


JOSM has 'undo' functionality which allows work to be reverted to an older state, but can only go as far back as the point at which the data was downloaded into the program. JOSM은 예전 상태로 되돌릴 수 있는 '실행 취소'를 기능적으로 가지고 있습니다만, 데이터가 프로그램에 내려받아진 시점으로만 가능합니다.

JOSM also has an Undelete plugin that can be used to undelete deleted relations, ways, and nodes. This replaces a manual way. 또한 JOSM은 삭제된 관계, 선, 노드를 복구하기 위해 삭제 취소 플러그인을 사용할 수 있습니다.

만약에 이미 바뀜집합을 올렸다면, Reverter plugin를 이용하여 바뀜집합을 롤백할 수 있습니다. 조심하세요! 복구를 잘못 시도하면 (이 경우 복구가 더 어려워집니다) 다른 매퍼의 작업에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 도움이 필요하다면 contact channel에 도움을 요청하세요 (like IRC, the "help" site, or mailing list).

복구 스크립트를 이용하여 전체 바뀜집합을 롤백하기

A changeset is a group of edits made within a certain time by one user. It makes it easy to identify and deal with a problematic set of changes (such as a large-scale movement of nodes and ways or vandalism). Revert scripts use changesets in order to identify the changes to be reverted. However, changesets are not automatically revertable. Nor are all traces of the reverted changes removed from the database. Instead, the revert script will produce the same result as if someone examined the reverted changesets and manually changed all of the changed items back to the state in which they had been before.

Revert scripts are available to undo entire changesets, but should only be used if you know what you are doing. In fact most people should seek help or ask the authors of the script to run them in a particular area. These scripts do not have safety nets. Be sure that you feel confident to fix anything you might break. Never do this unless you are absolutely sure that the edit in question is either malicious or accidental. When in doubt, discuss things on the mailing list before you act.

클린한 복구와 더러운 복구에 대한 메모

A clean revert can be executed when none of the objects in the changeset have been changed in the mean time. In this case the revert will not have any side effects. A dirty revert happens if some of the data to be reverted has been changed in the mean time.

Currently the revert script doesn't revert dirty objects by default (but this is switchable inside the script). See the Original Changesets and Reverts Proposal 2008#Reverts and Revert scripts for more information. The JOSM reverter plugin handles dirty reverts interactively, which is effective but can be very time consuming.

Reverting data that has been subsequently edited by other mappers is inherently a difficult problem and requires careful analysis of what those subsequent mappers have done. Were they just trying to "fix" broken data (for example, making connections in OSM between imaginary roads and real ones) or were they adding new on-the-ground features that OSM doesn't want to lose?

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