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OpenHistoricalMap goes beyond the present, mapping places throughout the world… throughout the ages.
No community is too small, no story too obscure to add to this map.
Everyone has something to contribute, including you!


To contribute to OpenHistoricalMap, go to the main map, zoom in to a place of interest, and click the "Edit" button. If you are familiar with editing OpenStreetMap, the OpenHistoricalMap editing experience is very similar. See the tagging guidelines for information on a few changes we've made to accommodate the time dimension.

We also maintain several software projects to facilitate map contributions and data reuse. Please report any issues and send us your ideas on GitHub.

On this day

Selected establishments and disestablishments on July 2:

Jotapata (Yodfat) falls to Roman forces in Judea.
Suzerainty over the Isle of Man is sold to King Alexander III of Scotland under the Treaty of Perth.
The Marine Police station opens on the banks of the River Thames in London.
The State of Deseret is formally proposed to encompass much of the western United States.
Panxi Township (磻溪乡) and Lianghe (良禾仓) in Fuliang County, Jiangxi, are transferred to Xin'an Township, Qimen County, Anhui.
South Vietnam and North Vietnam officially merge, forming modern-day Vietnam.
Ligne SEA-Atlantique opens for service in France.

  • 1.2M
    dated elements
  • 380k
  • 227k
    railroad miles
  • 126
    average age
  • 1931
    average year
  • 1,421
June 26, 2024
OHM Changeset 125000 is created by mane72.
June 24, 2024
Recorded talks from State of the Map U.S. are now available on the OpenStreetMap U.S. website.
June 18, 2024
The official stylesheets have moved to a new location once again. If you have a website or application that embeds an OpenHistoricalMap-based style, please update to the new URLs to avoid showing broken map tiles.
June 12, 2024
A version of Overpass Ultra has been preconfigured for OpenHistoricalMap at
June 11, 2024
Presentation slides from State of the Map U.S. are now available in the project bibliography. Recorded videos will be available soon.

Policies and guidelines