Proposal talk:Additional Food Shelf Tags

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Existing alternatives

social_facility:for=* might be suffixed as social_facility:for:max_income=* etc, so that there's no need to create a bunch of raw top-level attributes. This keeps what's relevant to the targeted group together to be more organized.
That said, its scalability/extensibility now is not good enough. It mixes demographics and the social conditions. This means can't handle a combination of those factors facing those conditions. Underscore causes a conflict with other vals, and isn't really flexible or structured. The meaning of comma isn't reliable, and may be misunderstood as mistakes.
Over-namespacing is a concern. If the attributes is generic that they can be used in other features, they can be kept short by being non-namespaced.
Therefore the future of social_facility:for=* better be considered together. Only then can we see what method is better.
In case *:for=* is not good or not enough, I can think of *criteria:*=* from heritage:criteria=* . That's close enough. No need to invent that eligibility:*=* separately.
Ideas mostly based on using social_facility:for:*=* :

Therefore for Proposal:Additional_Food_Shelf_Tags#Examples :

Yes, this is very long. But you can expect the number of comments to be proportional to how many you are proposing. It's a reason why you should start small.
—— Kovposch (talk) 08:31, 13 June 2024 (UTC)