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Public-images-osm logo.svg piste:type = ski_jump
The ski run of a ski jumping hill, from starting to stopping point. Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: sports
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: in usePage for proposal

A  Ski jumping hill, i.e. a facility used for ski jumping.

How to map

Draw a straight line for the entire ski jumping hill, from the start of the in-run to the end of the landing area, in the direction of travel. Oneway is assumed.

Optional: In addition to the straight line, an area with the same tag may be added for the landing zone of the hill, and if desired also for the structure of the in-run. Include area=yes. This is similar to the combination of ways and areas used for mapping piste:type=downhill.

In the past some mappers have tagged the landing zone with piste:type=ski_jump_landing. This separate tag is not necessary as the lower part of a ski jumping hill below the take-off point is always the landing area.

Tagging example

Ski jump tagging example.svg

Useful combinations

Other optional tags for the ski jumping hill:

  • name=* – The name of the ski jumping hill. Often combined with the K value or the HS value (see ref below) of the hill if there are several ski jumps of different sizes in the same facility, e.g. "Lysegårdsbakken HS138". Put this tag on the straight line described above.
  • ref=Kxx/HSxx – Could be K90, K120, HS100, etc, i.e. the value of the hill's  Construction point (K) or its  Hill size (HS). Add this tag to the straight line described above.
  • operator=* – Entity in charge of operating the ski jump (eg. ski club, local government entity, company etc.)
  • website=* – The official website of the ski jump
  • wikipedia=* – Wikipedia article for the ski jump
  • wikidata=* – Wikidata entity for the ski jump

When the tag piste:type=ski_jump is used on an area element, the following optional tags can also be used:

Related features

  • piste:takeoff=yes – Add this tag on an additional node on the piste way at the edge of the jump (take-off table) to mark the take-off point.
  • man_made=ski_jump – For the physical in-run structure/tower itself (if a physical structure exists). May also use building=yes if applicable.
  • leisure=stadium – If there is a physical stadium for spectators. Combine with sport=ski_jumping.