Import information and care points for women and LGTBI collectives in Catalunya

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The goal is to manually merge and import the information and care points for women and LGTBI collectives from the Barcelona city council dabatase (see Import Ayuntamiento Barcelona) and from Catalunya Open government (see Ca:Importació dades Generalitat de Catalunya, in catalan) as an act to celebrate on March 8, 2019 and the second aniversary of GeoChicas.

Import Data


We have an express authorization from the Barcelona city council and the Generalitat de Catalunya for the reuse of open data published on theirs open Government website

201801107 AcordOSM AjuntamentBarcelona Def.pdf Carta OpenStreetMap.pdf

Data description

There are four sets of data that complement each other and in some cases share a location. These are the datasets:

  1. Data and information regarding the information and care points for the women of the city of Barcelona, from Ajuntament de Barcelona.
  2. Information Offices of the Catalan Women's Institute and the Information and Assistance for Women (SIAD), from Dades obertes de Catalunya
  3. The LGBTI Comprehensive Services Services Network of Catalonia, from Dades obertes de Catalunya
  4. Guide of entities of women of Catalonia, from Guia d'entitats de dones de Catalunya

Import type

This import will be done manually, using JOSM to edit the data.

Data Preparation

Tagging Plans

Here are the original fields, their meaning and how they will be converted to the resulting OSM file, for each dataset:

1. Data and information regarding the information and care points for the women of the city of Barcelona

Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
CODI_EQUIPAMENT Internal reference number ref=*
EQUIPAMENT Name of the center name=*
SECCIO Internal classification Not used
TIPUS_VIA Type of street, like Carrer (Street), Avinguda (Avenue), Plaça (Place), etc. addr:street=* Part of addr:street=*
NOM_CARRER Name of the street addr:street=* Part of addr:street=*
NUM_CARRER_1 Initial number of the location of the equipment addr:housenumber=*
NUM_CARRER_2 Final number of the location of the equipment Not used It's the same as the initial number
CODI_BARRI Code of the neighborhood of the equipment Not used
NUM_BARRI Could be translated as neighborhood, subdistrict, ward, quarter... Not used
CODI_DISTRICTE District code Not used
NOM_DISTRICTE Could be translated as district or suburb Not used
CODI_POSTAL Post Code addr:postcode=*
CODI_POBLACIO City code Not used
POBLACIO City name addr:city=*
LATITUD Latitude in WGS84 Will be the lat of the OSM node
LONGITUD Longitude in WGS84 Will be the lon of the OSM node
X_ETRS89 Coordinate X in ETRS89 Not used
Y_ETRS89 Coordinate Y in ETRS89 Not used
X_ED50 Coordinate X in ED50 Not used
Y_ED50 Coordinate Y in ED50 Not used
TELEFON_NUM Telephone number, without ES country number contact:phone=* We'll append +34 followed by a space at the beginning.
TELEFON_TIPUS Type of telephone number of the equipment
TELEFON_INFO_COM Additional telephone information phone:opening_hours
HORARI_PERIODE_INICI Start date of the activity period see below, opening_hours=* Manual processing needed
HORARI_PERIODE_FI End date of the period of activity see below, opening_hours=* Manual processing needed
HORARI_DIES Encoded description of the daily availability of the equipment. It is represented every day of the week with a digit (1 = closed, 0 = open) see below, opening_hours=* Manual processing needed
HORARI_HORES_INICI Start time of the activity of the equipment see below, opening_hours=* Manual processing needed
HORARI_HORES_FI Closing time for the activity of the equipment see below, opening_hours=* Manual processing needed
HORARI_OBSERVACIONS Observations on schedule information description=*


To define the opening hours we interpret the encoded description of the daily availability:
111111 -> Mo
1011111 -> Tu
1101111 -> We
1110111 -> Th
1111011 -> Fr

To define winter / summer opening hours:
01/09 to 31/07 -> Set-Jul
01/08 to 31/08 -> Aug
01/01 to 31/12 -> nothing, the same opening hours all the year

Additional tags

2. Information Offices of the Catalan Women's Institute and the Information and Assistance for Women (SIAD)

Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
NOM DEL CENTRE Name of the center name=*
TIPUS DE VIA Type of street, like Carrer (Street), Avinguda (Avenue), Plaça (Place), etc. addr:street=* Will be appended at the beginning of addr:street=*
ADREÇA Name of the street and housenumber addr:street=*, addr:housenumber=*, addr:housename=*, addr:floor=* and addr:full=* Will be separated, the name will be appended to the addr:street=* tag, and the number at addr:housenumber=*
CODI POSTAL Post Code addr:postcode=*
POBLACIÓ City addr:city=*
COMARCA County, local administrative level, level 7 Not used
CERCA Search field Not used
TELÈFON Telephone number, without ES country number contact:phone=* We'll append +34 followed by a space at the beginning.
CORREU ELECTRÒNIC Contact email contact:email=*
Titularitat Operator, public administration operator=*
Latitud Latitude in WGS84 Will be the lat of the OSM node
Longitud Longitude in WGS84 Will be the lon of the OSM node
Ubicació Combination of Latitude and Longitude Not used

Additional tags

3. The LGBTI Comprehensive Services Services Network of Catalonia

Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
Name of the center name=*
Municipi City addr:city=*
Adreça Name of the street and housenumber addr:housename}, addr:floor=* All the components will be separated.
CP Post Code addr:postcode=*
Telèfon Telephone number, without ES country number and wiht spaces between groups of digits contact:phone=* We'll delete the spaces and will append +34 followed by a space at the beginning
email Contact email contact:email=*
Longitud Longitude in WGS84 Will be the lon of the OSM node
Latitud Latitude in WGS84 Will be the lat of the OSM node
ETRS89_X Coordinate X in ETRS89 Not used
ETRS89_Y Coordinate Y in ETRS89 Not used
Georeferència Combination of Latitude and Longitude Not used
Tipologia Administration office level Not used

Additional tags

4. Guide of entities of women of Catalonia

Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
Organisme Name of the entity name=*
Adreça Full address, includes type and name of the street, housenumber, plant, flat, housename… addr:full=*, addr:street=*, addr:housenumber=*,addr:housename=*, addr:floor=* The elements off the address have been manually separated, because their format isn't homogeneous.
Codi postal Postal code addr:postcode=*
Municipi Name of the city addr:city=*
Comarca County, local administrative level, level 7 Not used
Demarcació territorial Area of work Not used
Telèfon Telephone numbers, without ES country number contact:phone=* We'll append +34 followed by a space at the beginning. When there's more than one number, we take the fixe (started by 9)
Fax Fax number Not used
Web Website contact:website=*
email Contact email contact:email=* When there's more than one email, we take the first or the generic.
Tipus If it's an association, agrupation, etc. Not used
Artesania Fields of intervention: craftwork description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "artesania" to the description tag
Coeducació Fields of intervention: education description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "coeducació" to the description tag
Cultura i arts Fields of intervention: culture and art description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "cultura i arts" to the description tag
Dones grans Fields of intervention: senior women description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "dones grans" to the description tag
Drets humans i cooperació al desenvolupament Fields of intervention: human rights and development cooperation description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "drets humans i cooperació al desenvolupament" to the description tag
Drets sexuals i reproductius Fields of intervention: sexual and reproductive rights description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "drets sexuals i reproductius" to the description tag
Diversitat funcional Fields of intervention: functional diversity description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "diversitat funcional" to the description tag
Ecofeminismes Fields of intervention: ecofeminism description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "ecofeminismes" to the description tag
Economia feminista Fields of intervention: feminist economy description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "economia feminista" to the description tag
Emprenedoria i direcció d'empreses Fields of intervention: entrepreneurship and business management description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "emprenedoria i direcció d'empreses" to the description tag
Esports Fields of intervention: sport description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "esports" to the description tag
Inserció laboral i ocupació Fields of intervention: employment insertion description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "inserció laboral i ocupació" to the description tag
Interculturalitat i migració Fields of intervention: interculturality and immigration description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "interculturalitat i migració" to the description tag
Jurídic-Legal Fields of intervention: legal description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "jurídic-legal" to the description tag
LGTBI Fields of intervention: lgtbq description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "lgtbi" to the description tag
Lleure Fields of intervention: leisure description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "lleure" to the description tag
Món rural Fields of intervention: rural world description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "món rural" to the description tag
Pensaments feministes i coneixement Fields of intervention: feminist thoughts and knowledge description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "pensaments feministes i coneixement" to the description tag
Promoció d'activitats i reivindicació dels drets de les dones Fields of intervention: promotion of activities and vindication of the rights of women description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "promoció d'activitats i reivindicació dels drets de les dones" to the description tag
Salut Fields of intervention: health description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "salut" to the description tag
Comunicació, Societat de la informació i TIC Fields of intervention: communication, information society and TIC description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "comunicació, societat de la informació i TIC" to the description tag
Sororitat i ajuda mútua Fields of intervention: sorority and mutual aid description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "sororitat i ajuda mútua" to the description tag
Treball sexual Fields of intervention: sexual work description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "treball sexual" to the description tag
Treball de cura Fields of intervention: healing work description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "treball de cura" to the description tag
Violències masclistes Fields of intervention: sexist violence description=* (see below) If the value is "Si", add "violències masclistes" to the description tag

Description tag
The description tag will form with the list of values signified at the table. The multiple languages will be possible with the appropiate language tag.

Additional tags

Data Import Workflow

The import will be done manually by at least one experienced user who will provide support and supervise the rest of the volunteers, all with dedicated usernames. The new users will have a work guide (in Spanish) to configure the environment and make the necessary adjustments.

Import changeset tags

We will use the following changeset tags:


Before the import:

  1. Make the changes in the tables to the assigned fields, by the osm-women-services-cleanup script and manually (some adresses and the opening_hours).
  2. Divide the tables by counties and distribute them among the volunteers.
  3. Assign each volunteer the corresponding csv file.

Import workflow

  1. Install the ToDo list and the OpenData plugins in JOSM, if the volunteers don't have them.
  2. Load the csv file into JOSM
  3. Select all the elements and add to ToDo list
  4. Go to the first element, download OMS data and check the address and if there is another similar feature in the area.
    1. If there isn't, and the address is correct, check in the point.
    2. If the address or location is incorrect, correct any errors.
    3. If there's another feature, conflate data.
  5. Repeat with all the elements on ToDo list, verify with JOSM validator and upload the changes with the import changeset tags.

Reverse plan

In case of trouble, JOSM reverter will be used.