Draft:Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Pedestrian Working Group/Schema

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This is a work-in-progress draft of a full tagging schema for pedestrian infrastructure mapping developed by the Pedestrian Working Group.

A work-in-progress draft of a quick-start guide for pedestrian infrastructure mapping is available here.


A tier-based system is used to communicate which features and tags are possible with various resources and necessary for which use cases, as follows, with further details below:

Icon Name Description Use Cases Required Resources
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a silver-colored background.
Silver Basic geometry and essential tags Basic everyday pedestrian navigation Low-quality aerial imagery
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a gold-colored background.
Gold Detailed geometry and tagging Accessibility-focused applications High-quality aerial imagery or low-quality street-level imagery
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a diamond-colored background.
Diamond Micromapping and advanced tagging Advanced routers and visualizations High-quality street-level imagery or in-person survey

If, for example, you want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used for basic everyday routing and only have low-quality aerial imagery available, you would include only the features and tags marked with a PWG - Silver.svg Silver Tier symbol.

If you have access to high-quality imagery and want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used by accessibility-focused routers, you would include all features and tags marked with a PWG - Silver.svg Silver Tier symbol or a PWG - Gold.svg Gold Tier symbol.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a silver-colored background.

Description: Basic geometry and essential tags are present to form an independent navigable pedestrian network consisting of sidewalks and crossings.


  • Sidewalks and crossings are mapped as separate ways.
  • Sidewalk presence tags on roadways are updated to use separate or no where applicable.
    • Any existing properties of the sidewalks which were previously mapped on the roadway, such as sidewalk:left:surface=concrete, should be moved from the roadway to the sidewalks.
  • Essential information about crossings is tagged.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a gold-colored background.

Description: Detailed geometry and tagging is present to enable accessibility-focused applications and basic visualizations.


  • Sidewalk geometry at intersections is well-represented with ways added where necessary between curbs and sidewalk centerlines
  • Detailed information about features is tagged.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a diamond-colored background.

Description: Micromapping and highly detailed tagging is present, which enables router customization for various types of mobility-impaired users and for detailed representation of the environment for institutional use.


  • area:highway=footway - area representations of pedestrian features are mapped.
    • Note: Requires fallback representation of paths of travel as ways at centerlines!
  • Highly detailed tags may be present to enable use cases outside of routing for everyday users, such as informing policy-making decisions
  • Small features, such as call buttons and pedestrian signal lights may be mapped separately.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a bronze-colored background.

Description: Roadway-based sidewalk tags and crossing points are present to enable basic pedestrian navigation.


We recommend against adding detailed sidewalk metadata tagging to roadways (such as sidewalk:left:surface=concrete).
This information should instead be added as tags on separately-mapped footway=sidewalk ways.

Mapping Guidelines

Tagging Guidelines


  • way Sidewalk Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=sidewalk - Indicate sidewalk location
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Sidewalk surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Diamond.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Diamond.svg width=* - Sidewalk width
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Incline along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way


  • nodeway Crossing Node and Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=no - No markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:markings=lines - Lines markings
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:markings=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:signals=* - Specify presence and type of signalization
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:signals=no - No signals
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:signals=yes - Signals present, type unspecified
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:signals=shared - Vehicle traffic lights only
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:signals=dedicated - Dedicated pedestrian traffic signals
PWG - Diamond.svg button_operated=* - Presence of push button for crossing
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:arrow=* - Presence of tactile arrow
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:vibration=* - Presence of vibration signals
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:floor_vibration=* - Presence of surface vibration signals
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:minimap=* - Presence of tactile minimap
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=* - Presence of acoustic signals
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=no - No acoustic signals
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=yes - Acoustic signals present
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=locate - Acoustic signals present for finding button only
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=walk - Acoustic signals present for walk permission only
PWG - Gold.svg crossing:island=* - Presence of pedestrian island
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Crossing surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Diamond.svg width=* - Crossing width
  • node Crossing Way Tagging Only:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence along crossing way
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present along the entire way
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present along the entire way
  • way Crossing Node Tagging Only:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence at curb nodes
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present at both curbs
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=partial - Tactile paving is present at only one curb
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present at either curb


  • node Curb Node Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg barrier=kerb - Indicate curb location
PWG - Gold.svg kerb=* - Specify curb type:
PWG - Gold.svg kerb=raised - Raised curb
PWG - Gold.svg kerb=lowered - Curb ramp
PWG - Gold.svg kerb=flush - Flush curb
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
PWG - Gold.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify color of tactile paving
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=yellow - Yellow tactile paving
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Diamond.svg height=* - Specify curb height


  • way Traffic Island Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=traffic_island - Indicate traffic island location
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Traffic island surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Diamond.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Diamond.svg width=* - Traffic island width
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Incline along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way

Access Aisles

  • way Access Aisle Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=access_aisle - Indicate access aisle location
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=no - No markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
PWG - Gold.svg access_aisle:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
PWG - Gold.svg access_aisle:markings=ladder:skewed - Skewed ladder markings
PWG - Gold.svg access_aisle:markings=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Access aisle surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Gold.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Diamond.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Diamond.svg width=* - Access aisle width
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Incline along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way

=== Roadways === (TODO: Reclassify, acknowledge sidewalk=*)

  • way Roadway Way Tagging:
PWG - Bronze.svg highway=* - Indicate roadway location
PWG - Bronze.svg sidewalk:left=* / sidewalk:right=* / sidewalk:both=*
PWG - Bronze.svg sidewalk:*=yes - Associated sidewalk is present
PWG - Silver.svg sidewalk:*=no - No associated sidewalk present
PWG - Silver.svg sidewalk:*=separate - Associated sidewalk is present and mapped as separate geometry