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Public-images-osm logo.svg traffic_sign
Japan road sign 208.svg
交通標識。道路の利用者に指示を与えたり、情報を提供したりするもの。 Show/edit corresponding data item.
グループ: 道路
状態:事実上の標準Page for proposal


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traffic_sign=* タグは市町村境の標識やその他の交通標識をマッピングするために用います。




交通標識は、単一のノードやウェイ(または、適切であればエリア)のどちらかに traffic_sign=* をタグ付けすることでマッピングできます。


The implications of a traffic sign should always be tagged on the concerned section of the road itself as well. When mapping a speed limit sign for example: always add a maxspeed=* and a source:maxspeed=sign tag to the road itself.


It is possible to use a node which is part of a way, or to create a separate node beside the road. While both methods are used in practice, if you put the node aside the way the direction of the sign usually becomes clear and the position typically is more accurate. If you put it on the highway, information about these properties is lost in both cases, but the way it belongs to is explicitly given.


Create a new node within the relevant way next to the sign. This method allows software algorithms which operate on ways (like e.g. routing algorithms) to consider the sign, but makes it impossible to know the exact position of the sign. A renderer can at best assume that the sign is located somewhere next to the road.

To indicate the direction affected by a traffic sign relative to the highway=* way, three different tags are in use. forward means the same direction as the highway=* way and backward the opposite direction.

The oldest of the three tags.
Different from the other two tags, this pair of tags isn't used in addition to traffic_sign=* but in place of it. Thus, a post with different traffic signs for each direction can be mapped on a single node.
The newest of the three tags, introduced by the iD editor in September 2018 because the editor couldn't handle traffic_sign:forward=*/traffic_sign:backward=*. This tag is equivalent to direction=*. (It is unknown why the key direction=*, which was also already in use, wasn't used instead.)

The affected direction can only be specified by using nodes which are part of exactly one way ウェイ. Avoid junction nodes and nodes between two ways as well (where they have been split, but are connected by a node). If in doubt, better simply insert a new node into the way instead of using an existing one.


実際に標識が設置されている場所に道路の脇の別のノードを作成します。そうすると標識の物理的な位置をマッピングすることができますが、実際にどの道路や進行方向についての標識なのかを正確に推論することが難しくなります。Software algorithms which operate on ways will thus generally not be able to consider the traffic sign, but only the tags of the way instead.

You can use the direction=* tag to describe the facing orientation of the sign by using an angle or cardinal direction.

Note that the sign is facing against the direction of travel. So if you encounter a traffic sign when traveling north, then the sign is facing south. So you can add direction=180 or direction=S. Likewise, when traveling west, signs are facing east, so you tag them with direction=90 or direction=E.


When tagged on a way or an area, the traffic_sign=* tag describes the traffic sign(s) that apply to that way or area. The tag is not meant to mark the actual position of the sign in this case, but the affected way or area instead. It should however be assumed that the physical location of the sign is at the beginning and / or the end of the affected section (but note that the affected section may be comprised of multiple ways within OSM).

You may use traffic_sign:forward=* to specify that this particular sign affects vehicles moving in the same direction as the way, or traffic_sign:backward=* to specify that the opposite direction is affected.


It is common to use both human-readable values (like city_limit) as well as national traffic sign IDs (like DE:310).

Multiple signs can be tagged by using different separators. Traffic signs which are unrelated to each other (like e.g. speed limit and no parking) are separated by semicolon ;. Related signs (like e.g. no entry plus except buses) are separated by comma ,.


要素 標識 コメント ウェイ上の追加タグ
city_limit ノード Japan road sign 101.svg City or village sign. zone:traffic=DE:urban
maxspeed ノード Japan road sign 323 (50).svg Maximum speed sign. Usually tagged as node although they're actually section-related signs. maxspeed=* + source:maxspeed=sign
stop ノード Japan road sign 330.svg Stop sign. Usually tagged as highway=stop instead. highway=stop (on a node)
give_way ノード Japan road sign 329-2.svg Give way sign. Usually tagged as highway=give_way instead. highway=give_way (on a node)
overtaking ノードウェイ Japan road sign 314.svg No overtaking sign. overtaking=no
maxwidth ノードウェイ Japan road sign 322.svg Maximum width sign. maxwidth=*
maxheight ノードウェイ Japan road sign 321.svg Maximum height sign. maxheight=*
maxweight ノードウェイ Japan road sign 320.svg Maximum weight sign. maxweight=*

標識の ID


  • 国の接頭辞は必ず大文字でISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codeISO 3166-2 country subdivision codeを使ってください。この接頭辞と標識をコロン : で区切ってください。 Additional colons can be included within the prefix to create a hierarchy of further custom subdivisions.
  • 標識は公式なIDで表現してください。(訳注: 日本の標識はこちらにあります)
  • 関連しない複数の標識は、セミコロンで ; で区切ってください。
  • 関連する標識の場合、補助標識の ID は本標識の ID とカンマ , で区切ってください。
  • 交通標識に値が必要な場合、 ID の後で角かっこ [value] を使って値を入れることができます。小数点にはドット . を、負の値にはマイナス - を入れることができます。
  • In case of multiple signs separated by commas or semicolons, the prefix should appear only once at the beginning (except if signs from different prefixes are combined).

UK traffic sign 956.svg traffic_sign=GB:956
UK traffic sign 616.svg
UK traffic sign 954.svg
UK traffic sign 523.1.svg traffic_sign=GB:523.1[-10]
Belgian road sign F4a.svg traffic_sign=BE:F4a
Zeichen 260.svg
Zusatzzeichen 1020-30.svg
Zeichen 265.svg
MUTCD-CA SW59.svg traffic_sign=US:CA:SW-59
Merum (Roermond) tweetalig plaatsnaambord cropped.JPG
Nederlands verkeersbord A1.svg

国別の ID の一覧

The following table links to resources for looking up sign IDs specific to each country or country subdivision (in some cases where country subdivisions have their own sign standards).

接頭辞 国または地域 OSM Wiki ウィキペディア ウィキペディア英語版 ウィキメディア・コモンズ External source
AT Austria 可用 (de) 可用 可用
AL Albania 可用 (it) www.dpshtrr.gov.al (sq)
AD Andorra 可用 (it) 可用
AR Argentina 可用 (es) 可用 www.bmargentina.com pdf (es)
www.agvp.gov.ar pdf (es)
AM Armenia 可用 (it) www.arlis.am (ar)
AU Australia 可用 可用 transport.nsw.gov.au
AU:QLD Australia: Queensland www.qld.gov.au
AW Aruba (Kingdom of the Netherlands)[1] Bijlage III van de Regeling verkeersaanwijzingen en -borden 2000 (nl)
AZ Azerbaijan 可用 (it) www.gov.az (az)
BY Belarus 可用 (be-tarask) 可用 adrive.by pdf (ru)
BE Belgium 可用 可用 (de) www.code-de-la-route.be (fr)
wegcode.be (nl)verkeersborden.vlaanderen pdf (nl)
BO Bolivia www.abc.gob.bo pdf (es)
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 可用 www.automotivecenter.ba pdf (bs)
BW Botswana 可用
BR Brazil 可用 (pt) 可用 (pt) 可用 www.pmf.sc.gov.br pdf (pt)
BN Brunei 可用
BG Bulgaria 可用 (bg) www.mvr.bg pdf (bg)
BQ-BO Bonaire (Netherlands)[1] Bijlage 1 van de Wegenverkeersverordening Bonaire 2019 (nl)
BQ-SA Saba (Netherlands)[1] Bijlage van de Wegenverkeersverordening de Bovenwindse Eilanden (Sabaanse editie) (nl)
BQ-SE Sint Eustatius (Netherlands)[1] Bijlage 1 van de Wegenverkeersverordening Sint Eustatius 2022 (nl)
CA Canada 可用 (en) FR:Canada/Signalisation routière (fr) 可用
CA:AB Canada:Alberta alberta.ca
CA:BC Canada:British Columbia - - www2.gov.bc.ca
CL Chile 可用 (es) 可用 可用 www.conaset.cl pdf (es)
CN China 可用 可用 http://c.gb688.cn/bzgk/gb/showGb?type=online&hcno=15B1FC09EE1AE92F1A9EC97BA3C9E451 .pdf(zn-ch)
CO Colombia 可用 (es) 可用 可用 www.mintransporte.gov.co pdf (es)
HR Croatia 可用 (hr) www.mppi.hr pdf (hr)
CW Curacao (Kingdom of the Netherlands)[1] Bijlage I van de Wegenverkeersverordening Curaçao 2000 pdf (nl)
CY Cyprus 可用 (it) www.mcw.gov.cy (el)
CZ Czechia 可用 (cs) 可用 (cs) 可用 可用 www.zakonyprolidi.cz pdf (cs)
DK Denmark 可用 (de) 可用 ipapercms.dk (da)
EC Ecuador www.normalizacion.gob.ec pdf (es)
EE Estonia 可用 www.riigiteataja.ee (ee)
FI Finland 可用 (fi) 可用 可用 www.finlex.fi (fi)
FR France, Monaco 可用 (fr) 可用 (fr) 可用 www.gouv.fr pdf (fr)
GE Georgia 可用 (it) mes.gov.ge pdf (ka)
DE Germany 可用 (de) 可用 (de) 可用 可用 www.bast.de (de)
GR Greece 可用 (el) 可用 可用 www.yme.gr (el)
HK Hong Kong 可用
HU Hungary 可用 (it)
IS Iceland 可用 www.reglugerd.is (is)
ID Indonesia 可用
IR Iran 可用 (fa) 可用
IE Ireland 可用 可用 www.dttas.ie
IL Israel 可用 (he) 可用 media.mot.gov.il pdf (he)
IT Italy, San Marino, Vatican City 可用 (it) 可用 (it) 可用 可用
可用 (fr)
JP Japan 可用 (ja) 可用 可用 www.mlit.go.jp (ja)
elaws.e-gov.go.jp (ja)
KZ Kazakhstan 可用 (it) zarul.kz (ru)
LT Lithuania 可用 (it) www.regitra.lt pdf
LU Luxembourg 可用 (it) www.public.lu (fr)
LV Latvia likumi.lv (lv)
MK North Macedonia 可用
MY Malaysia 可用
MT Malta 可用 (it) www.justiceservices.gov.mt
MU Mauritius 可用
MX Mexico 可用 (es) 可用 http://www.sct.gob.mx (es) (pdf)
MD Moldova 可用 http://lex.justice.md/md/331491/
NP Nepal 可用 可用
NL European Netherlands[1] 可用 (nl) 可用 (nl) 可用 可用 Bijlage 1 van het Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (nl)
VNVF Bordenboek 2017 (nl)[2]
NVV/NFW Bordenboek 1997 (nl)[3]
CROW Nieuwe nummering tijdelijke verkeersborden (nl)
NZ New Zealand 可用 可用
NO Norway 可用 可用 Norway (no)
PK Pakistan 可用 (sd) 可用 可用 Pakistan Highway Code Book archive on GitHub
PE Peru 可用 (es) www.gob.pe pdf (es)
PH Philippines 可用 (en) 可用 www.dpwh.gov.ph (en)
PL Poland 可用 (pl) 可用 (pl) 可用 可用 sejm.gov.pl pdf (pl)
PT Portugal 可用 (pt) www.ansr.pt pdf (pt)
RO Romania 可用 (it) lege5.ro (ro)
RU Russia 可用 (ru) 可用 (ru) 可用 www.avtobeginner.ru (ru)
RS Serbia 可用 (it)
SG Singapore 可用
SK Slovakia 可用 (sk) 可用 (sk) 可用 justice.gov.sk pdf (sk)
SI Slovenia 可用 (si) 可用 (de) www.pisrs.si (10-2019) pdf (sl)
ZA South Africa 可用 (af) 可用
KR South Korea 可用 (ko) 可用 可用
ES Spain, Andorra 可用 (es) 可用
LK Sri Lanka 可用
SE Sweden 可用 (sv) 可用 可用 www.transportstyrelsen.se (sv)
SX Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands)[1] Bijlage van de Wegenverkeersverordening (nl)
CH Switzerland, Liechtenstein 可用 (de) 可用 可用 www.gesetze.li pdf (de)
可用 (fr)
可用 (it) www.admin.ch pdf (it)
TH Thailand 可用 information.in.th
TR Turkey 可用 (tr) 可用 (it) www.kgm.gov.tr pdf (tr)
UG Uganda 可用 www.works.go.ug pdf
UA Ukraine 可用 (uk) 可用 (uk) 可用 zakon.rada.gov.ua (uk), vodiy.ua (uk)
GB United Kingdom 可用 可用 可用 www.gov.uk pdf
US United States Intro, Chart 可用 可用 2002 chart
2004 standard
2012 supplement
2014 Revision 2 Chart
US:AK United States: Alaska Indices
US:AZ United States: Arizona azdot.gov
US:CA United States: California dot.ca.gov
US:CO United States: Colorado codot.gov
US:CT United States: Connecticut portal.ct.gov
US:DC United States: District of Columbia [1]
US:DE United States: Delaware deldot.gov
US:ID United States: Idaho apps.itd.idaho.gov
US:IL United States: Illinois idot.illinois.gov
US:IN United States: Indiana in.gov
US:KY United States: Kentucky transportation.ky.gov
US:MI United States: Michigan mdotjboss.state.mi.us
US:MD United States: Maryland apps.roads.maryland.gov
US:MA United States: Massachusetts mass.gov
US:MN United States: Minnesota dot.state.mn.us
US:MO United States: Missouri epg.modot.org
US:MT United States: Montana mdt.mt.gov
US:NE United States: Nebraska dot.nebraska.gov
US:NM United States: New Mexico nmshtd.state.nm.us (Wayback Machine)
US:NY United States: New York dot.ny.gov
US:NV United States: Nevada dot.nv.gov
US:TX United States: Texas ftp.dot.state.tx.us
US:OH United States: Ohio transportation.ohio.gov
US:OK United States: Oklahoma oklahoma.gov
US:OR United States: Oregon oregon.gov
US:PA United States: Pennsylvania dot.state.pa.us
PR United States: Puerto Rico act.dtop.pr.gov
US:SC United States: South Carolina scdot.org
US:TN United States: Tennessee tn.gov
US:UT United States: Utah drive.google.com
US:VA United States: Virginia virginiadot.org
US:VT United States: Vermont maps.vtrans.vermont.gov
US:WA United States: Washington wsdot.wa.gov
US:WI United States: Wisconsin wisconsindot.gov
US:WV United States: West Virginia transportation.wv.gov
US:DOD United States Department of Defense Pamphlet
US:NPS United States: National Park Service Catalog
VN Vietnam 可用 可用 cucqlxd.gov.vn (vi)
ZW Zimbabwe 可用


JOSM has an icon for the value city_limit and also renders icons for the keys maxspeed=*, maxweight=*, maxheight=* and some more if tagged together with traffic_sign=*. While for maxspeed the actual value is shown, the other keys use a generic icon, which always shows the same value independent from the actual value specified in the respective tag.

The style Lane and Road Attributes currently renders traffic signs for maxspeed and overtaking. For maxspeed the icon shows the actual value specified in the tag.

The following table list some examples together with the actual rendering result in JOSM.

タグ 説明 JOSM でのレンダリング
Speed limit of 50 km/h JOSM Screenshot Maxspeed 50.png
End of speed limit JOSM Screenshot Maxspeed implicit.png
maxspeed=30 mph
Speed zone with 30 mph JOSM Screenshot Maxzone 30mph.png
Overtaking forbidden JOSM Screenshot Overtaking no.png
Overtaking allowed JOSM Screenshot Overtaking yes.png
Overtaking forbidden and a speed limit of 70 km/h JOSM Screenshot Overtaking no Maxspeed 70.png
End of speed limit and overtaking is allowed. JOSM Screenshot Maxspeed implicit Overtaking yes.png

Presets, styles, libraries, statistics and maps with traffic signs with IDs per country

The following table links to the presets and styles for JOSM that recognises these signs with IDs specific to each country or country subdivision (in some cases where country subdivisions have their own sign standards). Also you can find maps, statistics at taginfo and renders 3D in Kendzi 3D's JOSM plug-in.

Prefix Country or region Preset JOSM Style JOSM Kendzi's 3d JOSM plug-in libraries Taginfo Maps
AD Andorra available available available available
AR Argentina available available available available
AU Australia available available available available
AT Austria available available available available
BY Belarus available available available available
BE Belgium available available available available
BR Brazil available available available available
CA Canada available available available available
CL Chile available available available available
CN China available available available available
CO Colombia available available available available
CZ Czechia available available available available
DK Denmark available available available available
EE Estonia available available available available
FI Finland available available available available
FR France, Monaco available available available available
DE Germany available available available available
GR Greece available available available available
HU Hungary available available available available
IS Iceland available available available available
ID Indonesia available available available available
IE Ireland available available available available
IL Israel available available available available
IT Italy, San Marino, Vatican City available available available available
JP Japan available available available available
LT Lithuania available available available available
MX Mexico available available available available
NL Netherlands available available available available
NO Norway available available available available
PE Peru available available available available
PL Poland available available available available
PT Portugal available available available available
RU Russia available available available available
RS Serbia available available available available
SK Slovakia available available available available
ZA South Africa available available available available
KR South Korea available available available available
ES Spain available available available available available
SE Sweden available available available available
CH Switzerland available available available available
TR Turkey available available available available
UA Ukraine available available available available
GB United Kingdom available available available available
US United States available available available available


Possible tagging mistakes



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Codes with ǸL: prefix may also be used in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands if a traffic sign is used for which no island-specific code exists in local legislation.
  2. Not freely available.
  3. Freely available precursor to the current VNVF Bordenboek. Note: some non-RVV traffic signs have been renumbered into new categories since this publication.