ES:Etiquetado de interior sencillo

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Simple Indoor Tagging is a tagging schema for Indoor Mapping. It is simple to use but still holistic to even cover complicated cases. A list of other/previous indoor tagging schemes can be found here. This document was created in 2014 by SimonPoole, Tordanik, Peda and Andi; and primary written for mappers.


To sum up, these are the main characteristics of the model:

  • mapping of indoor spaces including different floors (alias levels)
  • existing OSM methodologies (nodes, ways, relations and keys) are utilized

Compatibility with Simple 3D buildings is an explicit goal of Simple Indoor Tagging. When combining SIT with S3DB, tags from both should be used at the same time.

Use Cases

Indoor maps or 3D Indoor information can be used for various applications, e.g.

for public buildings.

The Model / Tagging Schema

In the following section, the model is presented and described

Simple POI mapping

Illustration of simple POI mapping

Mapping of objects in OSM works best when there is no upfront requirement to immediately add everything in great detail. Most of the time mapping progresses from rough to detailed to insane. To support this we need to define a simple POI mapping scheme that can be used together with the indoor schema to allow visualisation and routing even when detailed floor plans are not available.

One approach is to allow such nodes simply to be tagged with a "level" tag. To make this simple enough to consume we suggest that either on the building outline or on the building relation at min_level=* and max_level=* should be tagged.

In the simplest case this would require only the addition of 2 tags to the building polygon and level tags to the POIs for a rough visualisation to work (routing would not be supported without additional indoor elements).

Key Description Example value(s)
level=* the level the POI is located on level=3, level=-1

TODO: give examples, e.g. ATM in underground train intermediate level, doctors in 1st floor etc.


To make it easy for data consumers to find buildings with indoor coverage we suggest the tags min_level=* and max_level=*. In some countries specific level values are not assigned, e.g. floor 13 in western countries or floor 4 in China. To make these cases easier to map, we propose non_existent_levels=*.

Key Description Example value(s)
min_level=* minimum indoor level min_level=-1
max_level=* maximum indoor level max_level=14
non_existent_levels=* optional: levels which don't exist e.g. for regional reasons non_existent_levels=4;13

Modelling the different indoor elements

The different indoor elements of a level also need to be mapped in OSM. Thereby, those parts with a covered area (i.e. rooms, stairways, corridors) are mapped as área areas (closed ways or multipolygons).

We propose four basic indoor elements, with which everything can be modeled. The 5th value indoor=level is optional and not intended for rendering purposes, but for having a place to add additional information like a floor name.

Illustration of the 4 basic indoor elements
Key Value Element Description
indoor=* room área Conventional room with walls
indoor=* area área Area without walls
indoor=* wall vía Individual (non-passable) wall element, when not already defined by indoor=room
indoor=* corridor área Unwalled connecting passage
indoor=* level área optional: see below

The individual areas share the same nodes where they share a wall in real world. The connection between a room an a corridor is done by a door=* node, again shared by both objects.

TODO: Verweis auf Window und Door Proposal

Note: separate proposals for windows and doors are being developed therefore we don't propose any further details on both.

Modelling connections between different levels

Stairs and escalators are modeled with same way as above. They span multiple levels (level=-1-5) and are connected to indoor=corridors via a door=* node on each floor. door=no can be used to tag a connection to a corridor when no physical door is present.

A uniform staircase or classic elevators would lead to duplicate door nodes in the same way. The nodes are also at the same lat/lon coordinates, only differing in the level value. For these cases we recommend to use only one door=* node with multiple level values or ranges, e.g. repeat_on=1;2 or repeat_on=1-5 (more see below). We recommend consumers of indoor data to duplicate these objects during preprocessing, using one level value for each.

Photo Use case Proposed Tagging
Stairs stairs=yes
indoor=room or indoor=area when there are no walls.
Escalators stairs=yes
indoor=room or indoor=area when there are no walls.
Elevators highway=elevator
indoor=room or in special cases indoor=area when there are no walls.

Use a semicolon to separate the levels covered by the stairs, escalator, or elevator. Example: level=0;1could be used on some stairs to indicate that they connect levels 0 and 1.

TODO: detailled mapping of the individual stairs

Advanced modelling the different levels (floors)

Sketch for a slightly more complicated example using building:parts

All elements on the same level get a level tag or are optionally member of a level relation.

Key Description Example value(s)
level=* describes on which level the element is (0 is normally the ground-level, -1 is the first basement etc.) level=0, level=-2, level=3

Local level notations per building should be reused. e.g. at Munich Airport 3 is the ground level.

Reasonable and sensible keys and values which could be added to an optional level-outline (indoor=level) are mentioned in the following table:

Key Description Example value(s)
name=* the name of the corresponding level name=Ground Floor
level:ref=* the number or code of the level. This models the level numbering scheme as it is displayed in the building itself, e.g. on floor plans or elevator buttons, which may be different from the level=* value. level:ref=K level:ref=E level:ref=3
height=* the height of the level (with default unit meter) height=4
level=* describes which level number the current level has (0 is normally the ground-level, -1 is the first basement etc.) level=0, level=-2, level=3

Information about the indoor elements themselves (e.g. a name or type) are again attached as key-value pairs to the corresponding indoor element.

Key Description Example value(s)
level=* MANDATORY the level the indoor element is located on level=111, level=-1
name=* the name of the indoor element (e.g. the room name) name=Vesalius Aula, name=Audimax
ref=* the ref of the indoor element (e.g. the room number) ref=101, ref=01.15
height=* individual height of an indoor element (defaul unit is meter) height=3, height=2.5

Multi-level features and repeated features

Key Elements Description Example value(s)
level=* nodovíaárea in addition to the previously described cases, features spanning multiple levels (e.g. stairs, elevator shafts, high rooms) can be mapped by listing more than one level in the value level=1;2, level=-1-5, level=-4--2
repeat_on=* nodo features that have identical copies on other floors can be mapped as a single node with this tag. This should be used sparingly and only if it is necessary (often the case with windows and elevator/staircase doors). The starting level is not included in this list, e.g. a feature with level="0" then repeat_on starts with "1". repeat_on=1;3, repeat_on=0-6

Tagging Examples

place levels status OSM link OpenLevelUp link
Aachen University Building 1380 -1 - 3 all 92 rooms+toilets+entrances [1]

OpenLevelUp favicon.png on OpenLevelUp

Public University of Navarre (UPNA) Lecture Building 0 - 3 All classrooms, corridors, toilets, entrances [2]

OpenLevelUp favicon.png on OpenLevelUp

Public University of Navarre (UPNA) Library Building -1 - 2 Everything [3]

OpenLevelUp favicon.png on OpenLevelUp

Many Railway Stations worldwide (Berlin, Paris, New York Central, L.A., Sydney, Tokio Ueno Station Growing, see Wiki OpenStationMap