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Public-images-osm logo.svg cuisine
Food montage.jpg
飲食が可能な場所で提供される、料理の種類を記述します。 Show/edit corresponding data item.
グループ: 食べ物と飲み物
文書化された値の数: 9


このタグは食べ物を提供するamenity=restaurant, amenity=fast_food, amenity=cafeなどの場所で、提供される食べ物についての情報を追加するのに使います。値は料理の民族的起源や、呼び物とする料理、あるいは様式などその他の特徴です。






持ち帰り、配達、ドライブスルー、ドライブインの選択肢はtakeaway=*, delivery=*, drive_through=*, drive_in=*タグで記述できます。







説明 Wikipedia 写真
afghan Food originating from Afghanistan  Afghan cuisine
african Food originating from Africa. Use a more specific value if possible.  African cuisine
american Food originating from the United States. Use a more specific value if possible.  American cuisine
Motherhood and apple pie.jpg
arab Food originating from the Arabian peninsula or the Middle East. Use a more specific value if possible.  Arab cuisine
Petra metzes.jpg
argentinian Food originating from Argentina  Argentine cuisine
Asado 2005.jpg
armenian Food originating from Armenia  Armenian cuisine
asian Food originating from Asia. Use a more specific value if possible.  Asian cuisine
australian Food originating from Australia  Australian cuisine
austrian Food originating from Austria  Austrian cuisine
balkan Food originating from the Balkan peninsula  Balkan cuisine
bangladeshi Food originating from Bangladesh  Bangladeshi cuisine
basque Food originating from the Basque region of Spain  Basque cuisine
bavarian ドイツ・バイエルン地方に由来する料理。  バイエルン料理
belgian Food originating from Belgium  Belgian cuisine
bolivian ボリビア料理。  ボリビア料理
brazilian ブラジル料理。  ブラジル料理
Feijoada 01.jpg
british Food originating from the United Kingdom  British cuisine
bulgarian Food originating from Bulgaria  Bulgarian cuisine
cajun Food originating from the Cajun people in Louisiana in the United States  Cajun cuisine
cambodian Food originating from Cambodia  Cambodian cuisine
cantonese 中国・広東省や広州、香港、マカオに由来する料理。  広東料理
caribbean カリブ海地域に由来する料理。  Caribbean cuisine
catalan Food originating from Catalonia  Catalan cuisine
Catalan cuisine IMG 0594.png
chinese 中華料理。  中華料理
colombian Food originating from Colombia  Colombia cuisine
croatian Food originating from Croatia  Croatian cuisine
cuban Food originating from Cuba  Cuban cuisine
czech Food originating from Czechia  Czech cuisine
danish デンマーク料理。  デンマーク料理
dutch Food originating from the Netherlands  Dutch cuisine
egyptian Food originating from Egypt  Egyptian cuisine
ethiopian Food originating from Ethiopia  Ethiopian cuisine
european Food originating from Europe. Use a more specific value if possible.  European cuisine
filipino Food originating from the Philippines  Filipino cuisine
french Food originating from France  French cuisine
georgian Food originating from Georgia  Georgian cuisine
german Food originating from Germany  German cuisine
greek Food originating from Greece  Greek cuisine
Greek Salad from Thessaloniki.jpg
hawaiian Food originating from the Hawaiian Islands in the United States  Hawaiian cuisine (disambiguation)
hungarian Food originating from Hungary  Hungarian cuisine
indian Food originating from India  Indian cuisine
indonesian Food originating from Indonesia  Indonesian cuisine
irish Food originating from Ireland  Irish cuisine
italian Food originating from Italy  Italian cuisine
jamaican Food originating from Jamaica  Jamaican cuisine
japanese 日本料理。  日本料理
Tempura, sashimi, pickles, ris og misosuppe (6289116752).jpg
jewish Food originating from the Jewish people  Jewish cuisine
korean Food originating from the Korean peninsula  Korean cuisine
KOCIS Korean meal table (4553953910).jpg
lao Food originating from Laos  Lao cuisine
latin_american Food originating from Latin America. Use a more specific value if possible.  Latin American cuisine
lebanese Food originating from Lebanon  Lebanese cuisine
malagasy Food originating from the Malagasy people in Madagascar  Malagasy cuisine
malaysian Food originating from Malaysia  Malaysian cuisine
mediterranean スペイン、イタリア、ギリシャ、レバノン、モロッコなど地中海地方に由来する料理。できればより詳細なタグを用いてください。  Mediterranean cuisine
mexican Food originating from Mexico. Not to be confused with cuisine=tex-mex.  Mexican cuisine
middle_eastern Food originating from the Middle East. Use a more specific tag if possible.  Middle Eastern cuisine
padang Food originating from Padang region of Indonesia.  Padang cuisine
mongolian Food originating from Mongolia. Use cuisine=mongolian_grill instead for the style known as Mongolian grill or Mongolian barbecue which is not actually a Mongolian cuisine.  Mongolian cuisine
moroccan Food originating from Morocco  Moroccan cuisine
nepalese Food originating from Nepal  Nepalese cuisine
oriental Food originating from East Asia. Use a more specific tag if possible.
pakistani Food originating from Pakistan  Pakistani cuisine
persian Food originating from the Persian people in Iran.  Iranian cuisine
peruvian Food originating from Peru  Peruvian cuisine
polish Food originating from Poland  Polish cuisine
portuguese Food originating from Portugal  Portuguese cuisine
romanian Food originating from Romania  Romanian cuisine
russian ロシア料理。  ロシア料理
salvadoran Food originating from El Salvador  Salvadoran cuisine
senegalese Food originating from Senegal  Senegalese cuisine
serbian Food originating from Serbia  Serbian cuisine
singaporean Food originating from Singapore  Singaporean cuisine
south_indian Food originating from South India  South Indian cuisine
southern Food originating from the Southern United States  Cuisine of the Southern United States
spanish Food originating from Spain  Spanish cuisine
sri_lankan Food originating from Sri Lanka  Sri Lankan cuisine
swedish Food originating from Sweden  Swedish cuisine
swiss Food originating from Switzerland  Swiss cuisine
syrian Food originating from Syria  Syrian cuisine
taiwanese Food originating from Taiwan  Taiwanese cuisine
tex-mex Food originating from the state of Texas in the United States with Mexican influences. Often called just "Mexican" cuisine in the United States.  Tex-Mex
thai Food originating from Thailand  Thai cuisine
tibetan Food originating from Tibet  Tibetan cuisine
tunisian Food originating from Tunisia  Tunisian cuisine
turkish Food originating from Turkey  Turkish cuisine
ukrainian Food originating from Ukraine  Ukrainian cuisine
uzbek Food originating from Uzbekistan  Uzbek cuisine
venezuelan Food originating from Venezuela  Venezuelan cuisine
vietnamese Food originating from Vietnam  Vietnamese cuisine
western Food originating from the Western World, including most of Europe and North America. Use a more specific value if possible.  Western cuisine

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 日本語訳の編集はこちら



説明 Wikipedia 写真
açaí A dish made from frozen açaí berries, originating in Brazil  Açaí na tigela
arepa Bread made of ground maize dough stuffed with a filling, eaten in the northern region of South America  Arepa
Arepitas Food Macro.jpg
bagel リング形に成形された生地で作られたパン。  ベーグル
beef Any dish made from meat from cattle  Beef
beef_bowl A bowl of beef served on rice, originating in Japan  Gyūdon
Beef Bowl, Gyūdon.jpg
beef_noodle A beef noodle soup, originating in Southeast Asia  Beef noodle soup
bubble_tea A tea drink with tapioca pearls, originating in Taiwan. Also known as boba.  Bubble tea
Bubble Tea.png
burger 肉のパティをバンズに挟んだ食べ物。  ハンバーガー
Aussie Burger 7of7 (8736284104).jpg
cachapa pancakes made from maize flour and traditionally filled with fresh cheese original from Venezuela  Cachapa
cake 焼いてデコレーションされたデザート。  ケーキ
Laika strawberry cake (cropped).jpg
chicken 鶏肉から作られる料理。  鶏肉料理
chili A dish made from chili peppers, meat, tomatoes, and beans, originating from Mexico or Texas  Chili con carne
chocolate A dessert made from cocoa beans  Chocolate
churro A fried dough pulled into a long shape  Churro
Churros Madrid.jpg
coffee_shop コーヒー豆から作られる飲み物。cuisine=coffeeも使われています。  コーヒー
couscous アフリカ北西部に起源がある小麦料理。  クスクス
crepe 薄いパンケーキで、甘い場合も塩味の場合もある。  クレープ
Fruit Filled crêpe.jpg
curry 南アジアに起源があるスパイスで味付けされた煮込み料理。  カレー
donut リング形に成形された生地を油で揚げたデザート。  ドーナツ
dumpling 生地で具を包んだ食べ物。  餃子
Jiaozi GS CN.jpg
empanada ラテンアメリカに起源がある、焼いたり揚げたりした具入りのペイストリー。  エンパナーダ
Empanadas de pino.JPG
falafel A deep-fried ball made from chickpeas, originating in the Middle East  Falafel
fish 魚肉から作られる料理。  Fish as food
Maquereaux etal.jpg
fish_and_chips 魚をカリカリの衣で揚げ、チップスを添えた料理。  フィッシュ・アンド・チップス
fondue A melted cheese dish served in a heated pot  Fondue
fried_chicken A dish made from chicken pieces that have been coated with batter and fried  Fried chicken
fries A food made from deep-fried strips of potato. Also known as chips.  French fries
frozen_yogurt A frozen dessert made from yogurt  Frozen yogurt
French fry frozen yoghurt.jpg
gyoza A Japanese version of a Chinese dumpling called Jiaozi. Also called a Potsticker.  Jiaozi#Gyōza
gyros 肉を野菜やソースとともにピタパンでくるんだ料理。  ギロピタ
Pita gyro.JPG
hot_dog A sausage served in a sliced bun  Hot dog
hotpot A meal of slices of meat or vegetables cooked in a heated pot on the table  Hot pot
ice_cream 牛乳やクリームから作られる凍ったデザート。  アイスクリーム
juice A drink made from pressed fruit or vegetables  Juice
kebab 串に刺して調理した肉料理。シシカバブとドネルケバブのどちらも該当する。  ケバブ
Beef kebabs.jpg
meat Any meat dish. Use a more specific value if possible.  Meat
noodle 生地をひも状・糸状にしたもの。できれば、cuisine=pasta, cuisine=ramen, cuisine=soba, cuisine=udonのようにより特定した値を使ってください。cuisine=noodlesは使わないでください。  
Cup of cooked Roasted Beef Noodle.JPG
pancake 生地から作る平たいケーキで、朝食やデザートとして食べられる。  Pancake
Banana on pancake.jpg
pasta イタリアに起源がある、小麦生地を茹でて作る麺(あるいは他の形状の)料理。  パスタ
Bolognese 2630-1.jpg
pastry A baked dessert made with dough and butter  Pastry
Lille Meert2.JPG
piadina A flatbread originating from Italy  Piadina
pie 生地をフルーツ、ナッツ、クリームなどとともに焼いて作るデザート。  パイ
pita A flatbread originating from the Mediterranean or Middle East  Pita
pizza 平らな生地にトマトソース、チーズなどのトッピングを載せた、イタリア起源の料理。cuisine=italian_pizzaも使われています。  ピザ
Fruktpizza Rebeca från Mariannes Pizzeria i Sala 0450.jpg
poke A dish of raw fish and seaweed usually served on rice, originating from Hawaii  Poke (Hawaiian dish)
potato A starchy root vegetable native to the Americas. Use a more specific value if possible.  Potato
pretzel A baked piece of dough shaped into a knot  Pretzel
ramen A dish of noodles served in broth, originating in Japan  Ramen
Wongwt 六厘舍沾麵 (17283725001).jpg
salad A dish of mixed chopped ingredients, usually vegetables  Salad
sandwich 野菜や肉を2枚のパンに挟んだ料理。サブマリンサンドイッチにもこのタグを使い、cuisine=subは使わないでください。  サンドイッチ
Salmon Cream Cheese Sandwiches.jpg
sausage ひき肉を筒状のケーシングに詰めたもの。  ソーセージ
Sausages on a Barbecue.jpg
savory_pancakes 様々な種類の塩味のパンケーキが世界中にある。(訳注: お好み焼き、もんじゃ焼きなどが該当)  List of pancakes
seafood 魚、海老、イカなどの魚介の料理。  Seafood
Cancer pagurus.jpg
shawarma A meat dish cooked on a vertical rotisserie, originating in the Middle East  Shawarma
smoothie A drink made from blended fruit, vegetables, or other ingredients  Smoothie
smørrebrød An open-faced sandwich, originating in Scandinavia  Smørrebrød
soba A buckwheat noodle dish, originating in Japan  Soba
soup 液状で出汁の中で調理された料理。  スープ
Vegetable beef barley soup.jpg
souvlaki A meal of meet served on a skewer, originating in Greece  Souvlaki
steak A thick cut of beef, usually grilled. See also: cuisine=steak_house.  Steak
Grilling Steaks (with border).jpg
sushi 白飯と海苔、野菜、生魚などを合わせた日本起源の料理。  寿司
Salmon Sushi.jpg
tacos A meal of folded tortillas with a meat or vegetable filling, originating in Mexico  Taco
takoyaki A wheat ball with a filling, originating in Japan  Takoyaki
tea A drink made by steeping tea leaves in hot water  Tea
Tea at the Rittenhouse Hotel.jpg
udon 小麦粉で作られる日本発祥の麺料理。  うどん
waffle A batter cooked between two shaped plates, often eaten as breakfast or dessert  Waffle
Waffles with Strawberries.jpg
wings 鶏の手羽先を揚げてソースをかけたアメリカ合衆国起源の料理。  バッファローウィング
Buffalo - Wings at Airport Anchor Bar.jpg
yakitori A meal of meet served on a skewer, originating in Japan  Yakitori

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 日本語訳の編集はこちら



説明 Wikipedia 写真
bakery A place that sells bread, pastries, or cakes, and often sandwiches. Consider using shop=bakery instead.  Bakery
Bread in shop window at Borough Market.jpg
bar&grill A place serving both alcoholic drinks and food, typically burgers and grilled items
barbecue 肉を炙ったり燻したり網焼きにしたりする調理様式。省略形のcuisine=bbqは使わないでください。モンゴリアンバーベキューと呼ばれるものは実際にはバーベキューではないので、代わりにcuisine=mongolian_grillを使ってください。  バーベキュー
Bratwürste Steaks Bauch und mehr.JPG
basque_ciderhouse Informal restaurants that serve natural Basque cider directly from large barrels in the cider house and typically offer a standard menu consisting of cod omelette, fried cod and chop steak. Named "Sidrería" in spanish or "Sagardotegi" in basque  Sagardotegi
Sagardotegian txotxetik edaten.jpg
bistro A type of small restaurant, originating in France  Bistro
brasserie A restaurant serving beer and food. Brasserie is French for "brewery".  Brasserie
breakfast A style of food typically served at the beginning of the day  Breakfast
brunch A style of food including elements of both breakfast and lunch  Brunch
buffet A restaurant serving food from a shared table that is dished out to each diner  Buffet
buschenschank A place serving food and wine, common in Austria. Similar to cuisine=heuriger.
cafe A place serving coffee and sometimes food, usually with a seating area. Consider using amenity=cafe instead.  Coffeehouse
Prückel IV.JPG
deli A place that sells meats, cheeses, and prepared foods  Delicatessen
dessert 通常は食後に食べるような甘い食べ物。  デザート
diner A casual restaurant usually serving American cuisine  Diner
fast_food A style of food that is pre-prepared or quickly cooked and usually packaged for take-out. Consider using amenity=fast_food instead.  Fast food
Burger king kamen.jpg
fine_dining An upscale restaurant usually serving meals in multiple courses  Fine dining
fried_food 油で揚げられた食べ物。  Frying
friture ベルギーやオランダによくある、フライなどを提供するファストフード店。  Friterie
Friterie meats.jpg
fusion A style of food that incorporates elements from multiple different cuisines  Fusion cuisine
grill A restaurant serving grilled food. Sometimes called a "Bar & Grill" in the United States.
heuriger A place serving food and wine, common in Austria  Heuriger
international Food originating from many places around the world. Use a more specific value if possible.
local Food originating from the area the restaurant is located in. Use a more specific value if possible.
lunch A style of food typically served in the middle of the day  Lunch
mongolian_grill A style of cooking food on a large circular grill. Also known as Mongolian barbecue. Do not use the tags cuisine=mongolian or cuisine=barbecue for this style. It originated in Taiwan is neither Mongolian nor barbecue.  Mongolian barbecue
pub A restaurant serving beer and food. Consider using amenity=pub instead.  Pub
regional その地域の郷土料理。可能ならより特定された値を使ってください。  郷土料理
snack A small amount of food eaten between meals.  Snack
steak_house ステーキを専門とする様式のレストラン。cuisine=steakも参照してください。  ステーキハウス
Grilling Steaks (with border).jpg
tapas スペインに由来する、おつまみや前菜を小分けで提供する様式。  タパス
yakiniku A style of cooking meat on a grill, common in Japan  Yakiniku

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 日本語訳の編集はこちら

