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Public-images-osm logo.svg traffic_signals
Led traffic lights.jpg
Gives details about the type or function of traffic signals. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: highways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 2
Status: in use

traffic_signals=* may be used in combination with highway=traffic_signals to give details about the type or function of traffic signals.

Special traffic signals can be used as landmarks for navigation. For example, it may be easier to find a junction if you know there's a blinker there.


Tag Meaning Usage count Charts
traffic_signals=signal A standard traffic signal, typically with three steady aspects. This is the default value in iD for a traffic signal node.[1] Since this kind of signal is assumed for highway=traffic_signals, please choose a more specific value for a more specialized signal. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=traffic_lights A typical traffic signal. This value was the second most common value as of 2021-09-15 despite being undocumented until that point. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=pedestrian_crossing A traffic light that only turns red to let pedestrians cross – and also in use for highway=crossing + crossing=traffic_signals to indicate the traffic signals for pedestrians. That means it has two different meanings depending on the context. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=blinker A 'mini' traffic signal, mounted in the normal place above the intersection, that flashes yellow if you have right-of-way and red if you must stop. Also known as an intersection control beacon.[2] Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=continuous_green Used for intersections where some lanes, separated from the controlled portion of the intersection, never have to stop and thus get a continuous green signal. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=blink_mode A normal traffic signal that can be activated but is normally set to blink. It may be changed to normal operation in the future when an intersecting road is completed or may be used only for special events. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=emergency A normal-looking traffic signal, often in front of a fire station, which turns red only to give emergency vehicles right-of-way. Color details may be different (e.g. flashing yellow instead of solid green in the bottom lens) and it may also be turned off and only activated when needed. Often a sign mounted next to the signals states 'emergency signal' or 'emergency vehicles exit'. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=bus_priority Normally off or blinking yellow and changes to red to give priority to a bus. If it is turned off in normal state, it may first blink yellow before changing to red. At some places it has only two lamps (yellow and red) instead of three. In other regions, all states are white with different shapes conveying priority. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=tram_priority Normally off or blinking yellow and changes to red to give priority to a tram. If it is turned off in normal state, it may first blink yellow before changing to red. At some places it has only two lamps (yellow and red) instead of three. In other regions, all states are white with different shapes conveying priority. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=ramp_meter A signal on an onramp to a motorway that limits traffic to promote free-flowing traffic. May be activated only during rush hours. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=controller Not widely used. May overlap with man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=traffic_control, or with widely used man_made=monitoring_station + monitoring:traffic=yes Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=stop A flashing intersection control beacon at an all-way stop, similar to traffic_signals=blinker but emphasizes the all-way stop. Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=on_demand An on demand traffic light Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=level_crossing A road traffic light in connection with a railroad crossing Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈
traffic_signals=cyclist_crossing A traffic light that only turns red to let cyclists (and possibly also pedestrians) cross Osm element all.svg Taginfo-icon-1.svg 📈


Possible rendering: remove one of the three lenses from the normal traffic signal symbol.

See also


  1. Prior to iD adopting this tag as a default, it was primarily used in Helsinki. overpass-turbo