State Of The Map 2008

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Stateofthemap2008.svg SOTM08 group photo.jpg

A big thanks to our Irish hosts, and to everyone involved in organising. The venue was The Kilmurry Lodge Hotel, Castletroy, Limerick (map) which is in the mid-west of Ireland.

The Conference website is archived at


Videos were recorded by Gareth Easton and have been edited by Andy Allan and are all available on Vimeo.

Speaker Title Video Slides Other resources
Robert Barr The MegaGalactic Super Visible StreetSign Company vimeo
Steve Chilton So I have all this data... vimeo slideshare
Christian van den Bosch & Gareth Easton The State of Ireland vimeo
John McKerrell Using Crowd Source Data in a Commercial Mapping API vimeo slideshare
Simone Cortesi The State of Italy vimeo slideshare
Ed Freyfogle The Commerical Viability of OpenStreetMap vimeo slideshare
Dair Grant OpenStreetMap vs The World vimeo slideshare
Peter Miller All Present and Correct vimeo slideshare
Tom Black An OpenStreetMap Documentary
Hiroshi Miura State of Japan vimeo slideshare
Claudia Uberhuaga Mapping Bolivia vimeo
Shaun McDonald London Mapping Marathon vimeo slideshare
Tim Waters Map Warper vimeo slideshare
Henk Hoff State of North Korea vimeo
Richard Weait State of Canada vimeo
OJW pyroutelib2 vimeo
AND The History and Future of Map Making vimeo
Jani Patokallio Open Content printed travel guidebooks using OpenStreetMap (Wikitravel Press) vimeo
Sebastian Schmitz OpenRouteService vimeo slideshare
Renaud Martinet State of France vimeo slideshare
Mike Collinson OpenStreetMap Foundation vimeo
John Carpenter Nasty Ugley Muck (Ordnance Survey) vimeo
Henk Hoff The State of the Netherlands vimeo
Frederik Ramm Threat Analysis: Things That Could Spoil Our Party vimeo
Various Limericks vimeo
Steve Coast SOTM 2008 vimeo
Ed Parsons What Map Maker is / is not vimeo
Sean Gorman Federating Open GeoData - can we connect the dots? vimeo
Andy Allan OSM Cycle Map vimeo slideshare
Jochen Topf Krautsourcing GeoData - or what are the Germans doing? vimeo
Ben Clayton Pervasive media and mediascapes vimeo
Hiroshi Miura OpenStreetMap for National Park vimeo slideshare slideshare
Gary Gale Yahoo! Geoplanet vimeo
Mark Iliffe Turn Based Restictions in OSM - Their application in routing vimeo
Martijn van Exel Hack weekend vimeo
Gervase Markham OpenStreetMap and Fieldwork vimeo
Grant Slater Server Infrastructure vimeo
Iván Sánchez Ortega The State of Spain Take 2 vimeo slideshare
Mike Collinson The Phillipines - OSM at work in Asia vimeo
Torsten Rahn Marble - A virtual globe for people vimeo
Graham Asher Cartotype & OpenStreetMap vimeo
Nick Whitelegg Never Get Lost !!!! vimeo
Mario Ferraro Osmarender front end vimeo
Mikel Maron Mapping India 2008 vimeo slideshare slideshare

Also check out the following:

Please use this "SOTM08" tag if you have any such material to add. Please also tag the photos/presentations with "openstreetmap" so that they show up in places like (Flickr badges on lower right)

Conference Reports

Link to your reports/blog posts about the conference here:

Other links:

Other organisational pages:

The State of the Map conference 2008
The international State of the Map conferences edit
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